Should Christians judge God?

No I mean it like they can exist outside of human minds because they are happiness, pure happiness, anything is possible. Satisfaction is the same. I believe they existed before the cosmos, created the cosmos for us humans who are their host for this world. One day our worlds will be one and knowledge will be everything moral.

Please ignore me.
I have enough fools to deal with already.

Unless of course you have even a smidge of evidence or verifiable knowledge. Then I am all ears.
Try English though. What you use is crap.

Please ignore me.
I have enough fools to deal with already.

Unless of course you have even a smidge of evidence or verifiable knowledge. Then I am all ears.
Try English though. What you use is crap.


You have to know my words. I believe, and I wish to be. And passive without the opposition.
So tell us these words. Just make sense in English please.


It's good, and good things are to I believe as wisdom and certainty are to knowledge. Happiness, and perfectionism is common among faithful. I believe is instinctual in this world, but where we all came from its what we know. And how we are doing. I wish to be is synonymous with a deep want to be or judgement on the world to be good
It's good, and good things are to I believe as wisdom and certainty are to knowledge. Happiness, and perfectionism is common among faithful. I believe is instinctual in this world, but where we all came from its what we know. And how we are doing. I wish to be is synonymous with a deep want to be or judgement on the world to be good

Sorry. I cannot comment much on what is so poorly written.

I will say this. If you actually believe that "perfectionism is common among faithful", then we are nowhere near being on the same page or planet.

Sorry. I cannot comment much on what is so poorly written.

I will say this. If you actually believe that "perfectionism is common among faithful", then we are nowhere near being on the same page or planet.


Well if you know what I mean by faithful.
Should anyone judge anyone? Of course, humans cannot help but have opinions of each other, some going much further than others. Judgments must be made for safety & other reasons. But no 1 can make a good true judgment of another without being that person. It is common to say "If I were you" & usually those saying it do not think about what they're saying. IF Tom were Susan, she would not be Tom & being Susan, she would do what Susan would do. We cannot know what it is to be another person without being that person. No 1 can help being what they are as no 1 is self made. No 1 just decides 1 day to be good or evil. No 1 can decide to be good without that good in them to cause it. No 1 can decide to be evil without being evil. Yesterday, I came across someone who needed help. Without thinking, I asked if they need help. They said yes & I helped with no more thinking than when a doctor hammers my knee. Because of what I am, I had no choice but to help them. I never decided to be what I am. IF I could, I would teleport everyone on death row & everyone serving a life sentence to an uninhabited yet habitable planet. That would prevent them again hurting any innocents here while minimizing vengeance. Vengeance & punishment just for the sake of punishment is destructive. IF there are gods, they should heed "Judge not lest ye be judged". Unless gods are stupid, they realize all I've pointed out here. No god has lived my life in my body with my brain.
Should anyone judge anyone? Of course, humans cannot help but have opinions of each other, some going much further than others. Judgments must be made for safety & other reasons. But no 1 can make a good true judgment of another without being that person. It is common to say "If I were you" & usually those saying it do not think about what they're saying. IF Tom were Susan, she would not be Tom & being Susan, she would do what Susan would do. We cannot know what it is to be another person without being that person. No 1 can help being what they are as no 1 is self made. No 1 just decides 1 day to be good or evil. No 1 can decide to be good without that good in them to cause it. No 1 can decide to be evil without being evil. Yesterday, I came across someone who needed help. Without thinking, I asked if they need help. They said yes & I helped with no more thinking than when a doctor hammers my knee. Because of what I am, I had no choice but to help them. I never decided to be what I am. IF I could, I would teleport everyone on death row & everyone serving a life sentence to an uninhabited yet habitable planet. That would prevent them again hurting any innocents here while minimizing vengeance. Vengeance & punishment just for the sake of punishment is destructive. IF there are gods, they should heed "Judge not lest ye be judged". Unless gods are stupid, they realize all I've pointed out here. No god has lived my life in my body with my brain.

Thanks for the food for thought.

"No 1 can help being what they are as no 1 is self made.".

I agree that no one is self made, we are all products or the environment we live in, but I see ourselves as also contributing to what we are.

Have you never worked on your own character? Have you not self-examined yourself for small flaws you might adjust?

I have done so and if I recall, Socrates said that self-improvement of our characters was man's most important task. To improve his own character by self examination and adjustment.

Please ignore me.
I have enough fools to deal with already.

Unless of course you have even a smidge of evidence or verifiable knowledge. Then I am all ears.
Try English though. What you use is crap.


It's happiness, the proof is in the pudding, or in this case the word. Happiness is there for us now, and it will certainly be their for us when we know peace, it will be there for anything good. So us being happy already, anything good is possible. My bet is we just have to know how. As to how, my passive-faith is the answer. Get definition.
Of course christians should judge this god

The question is do these christians have the maturity to do so ?


To begin though one needs to investigate the Sumer clay tablets , and what they say , to begin with
Thanks for the food for thought.

"No 1 can help being what they are as no 1 is self made.".

I agree that no one is self made, we are all products or the environment we live in, but I see ourselves as also contributing to what we are.

Have you never worked on your own character? Have you not self-examined yourself for small flaws you might adjust?

I have done so and if I recall, Socrates said that self-improvement of our characters was man's most important task. To improve his own character by self examination and adjustment.


Products of our environment & our initial programming & physical make-up. Machines can only do & not do what they are built & programmed to do. If a person works on their character, it is because it is in their character to do so. Some people do not have that in them or not to the same degree as others.
Products of our environment & our initial programming & physical make-up. Machines can only do & not do what they are built & programmed to do. If a person works on their character, it is because it is in their character to do so. Some people do not have that in them or not to the same degree as others.


But perhaps , all it takes is a stimulation , of a sort , to get them to think and therefore question
judge God?

this is fallicy even by atheists standards,

first to judge him, one must assign attributes to be judged. God being indescribable, when one assigns an attribute to him, they diminish him, they try to bring God to the level of our own humanity, God is not human, we have no clue as to why God does what he does, its like the ant contemplating the reasons why some ants get stepped on and others do not.

then one must separated what believers have done using the excuse 'in the name of God' and those that have done what God has wanted them to.
it irks me when some believer does something outrageous and claims that 'God told me to' then the nonbeliever does not acknowledge that it is the person who is acting out and blames God for the atrocity,
it is like if Strangerinastrangeland were to tell me to go shoot the pope, and I did it, would he get in trouble or would I? no way would Stranger be held accountable for the death of the pope,(maybe IF there was cash involved..but..) why does this concept go out the window if I were to claim 'God told me to'? why should ppl blame God for the actions of a few bad followers?
and this does not address the intentions of those that canonized the bible, how many errors have been introduced because they did not want certain things to be in the bible? (this is obvious with the lack of references to womens contributions to the bible)

I know many believers do not believe as I do, but to me the bible teaches one to take responsibility for oneself, to think for ones self, to do the right thing not because you were told to, but because it is the right thing to do.
to question those that teach Gods message, to not rely on one persons understanding of what the bible is talking about.

and for the record, if you start a topic about God, especially 'should Christians judge God' , it is wrong to condemn a person for quoting scriptures, since that is the source of our knowledge of God. it would be the same as asking a person to describe dark matter but he isn't allowed to quote Stephen hawking or other scientists in the field. bad form.
judge God?

this is fallicy even by atheists standards,

first to judge him, one must assign attributes to be judged. God being indescribable, when one assigns an attribute to him, they diminish him, they try to bring God to the level of our own humanity, God is not human, we have no clue as to why God does what he does, its like the ant contemplating the reasons why some ants get stepped on and others do not.

Well that's not entirely true. We shit and eat or brothers in creation, but just like God must be we love, were happy, we learn, and aquire knowledge. God has reason just like us, or he's not godly. Only 1/3 of the angels fell from the Love to follow hate. We do bad thing because we don't know or don't understand, but that doesn't denounce that we want paradise, and are completly willing to submit for it?
"No 1 can help being what they are as no 1 is self made.".

I agree that no one is self made, we are all products or the environment we live in, but I see ourselves as also contributing to what we are.

Have you never worked on your own character? Have you not self-examined yourself for small flaws you might adjust?

I have done so and if I recall, Socrates said that self-improvement of our characters was man's most important task. To improve his own character by self examination and adjustment.

this is self conflicting..
you say no-one is self made but then say you can change who you are by self examination and adjustment..

yes I agree that we can change who we are, but this requires a desire to change, and with the majority of humans being emotionally driven, this is a difficult concept for most, as self examination often leaves one feeling bad about oneself, and emotionally driven ppl do not like to feel bad about themselves so they would do or say(or not do/say/think) anything to not 'feel' bad about themselves.
you can't force ppl to acknowledge their shortcomings.
Should Christians judge God?

Fortunately, they gradually have been, over time, judging God as God is described in their Bible, even if they don't tend to admit it at any one moment. It's a reason why Western society has made progress and moved away from the subservience of women and other appalling practices.