Should a Man be Forced to Pay Child Support for a Child He Wanted to Abort?

Should a Man be Forced to Pay Child Support for a Child He Wanted to Abort?

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Not so much that

Nasor said:

Flip a coin to see whether or not she gets an abortion?

I believe the proposition is that if he wants an abortion and she doesn't, he should be excused from any responsibility toward the child.
actually tiassa your wrong, the position i hold is that it should be a JOINT decision. I dont have any problem with child surport laws, its the way ABORTIONS are handled that i disagree with. I only jump to the other side of the debate in order to to push THAT argument.

no idea but the way things currently stand in relation to vesectomies is the defult is no unless both people agree. Would this be a good thing in abortion? i honestly dont know

Cutsie: i think you missread what i said. I never said doctors could give pt infomation to ANYONE (they cant, hell first aiders cant give infomation on treatment to anyone either at the risk of a law suit under the privacy act and they arnt even proffessionals) and i never said you needed partners permission for treatment, you dont even when the doctors ENCORAGE you to bring along a partner, family member or friend (for instance like they did for mum when they had to tell her she had breast cancer). What they CAN (and do) do is give you a letter saying "person x is seeking a vescetomy, do you agree with this, please sign here". The DOCTOR is not handing out privlaged infomation, he\she is giving it to YOU and wether you give it to your partner is your choice. The problem is if you DONT then he\she wont do the procidure
actually tiassa your wrong, the position i hold is that it should be a JOINT decision. I dont have any problem with child surport laws, its the way ABORTIONS are handled that i disagree with. I only jump to the other side of the debate in order to to push THAT argument.

no idea but the way things currently stand in relation to vesectomies is the defult is no unless both people agree. Would this be a good thing in abortion? i honestly dont know

Cutsie: i think you missread what i said. I never said doctors could give pt infomation to ANYONE (they cant, hell first aiders cant give infomation on treatment to anyone either at the risk of a law suit under the privacy act and they arnt even proffessionals) and i never said you needed partners permission for treatment, you dont even when the doctors ENCORAGE you to bring along a partner, family member or friend (for instance like they did for mum when they had to tell her she had breast cancer). What they CAN (and do) do is give you a letter saying "person x is seeking a vescetomy, do you agree with this, please sign here". The DOCTOR is not handing out privlaged infomation, he\she is giving it to YOU and wether you give it to your partner is your choice. The problem is if you DONT then he\she wont do the procidure

I don't know, what world you live in, but an abortion can't be a joint decision. You can talk it out, sure, but all a man can do is offer up advice. In the end the choice is the woman's to make. If you both agree then great, but there is no compromise and no middle ground, if you disagree and do nothing... well that kind of defeats the purpose. And yes handing out permission slips like you're in 5th grade would be considered giving out people's information here in America, which is why it has only been suggested for procedures done on children. No matter how you spin it, that is still an absurd practice and should be heavily frowned upon.
who says cutsie?

couples make lots of joint decisions, IVF for instance HAS to be a joint decision so who says abortion CANT be a joint decision?

Its not insane and its not wrong (objectivly), actually the US (and to an extend the rest of the wests) "indervidual" focus especially for health care is quite rare. For instance alot of asian people a health care proffessional treats they are expected not to even talk to the pt about whats wrong with them, they dont want to know. Its the family or the head of the family or the husband (depending on the country of origion) who is expected to make the health care decisions. So to say that "only a women can make a decision about abortion" is a compleate and utter LOAD OF CRAP. Feminists might WANT it that way but that simply doesnt make it the case
This It seems that at one time, American spouses were required to give consent in some jurisdictions before a man could have a vasectomy or a woman a tubal ligation,

As near as I can tell from researching it, that is an urban legend unless you live in a third world or "religious" country like France.
couples make lots of joint decisions, IVF for instance HAS to be a joint decision so who says abortion CANT be a joint decision?
Abortion can be a joint decision just as IVF can be a joint decision. And both can be decided by the woman without her partner's input at all. For example, my husband can say he does not want to have another child and I want to have another one. So I can use donor sperm and be done with it. And if my husband wanted me to abort said child and I refused, it would be my decision entirely.

In other words, it can be a joint decision as it can be an individual decision.

Its not insane and its not wrong (objectivly), actually the US (and to an extend the rest of the wests) "indervidual" focus especially for health care is quite rare.
I disagree. When I had my children, my care was my own. As in it was individual. My husband did not even factor into it unless I invited him.

For instance alot of asian people a health care proffessional treats they are expected not to even talk to the pt about whats wrong with them, they dont want to know. Its the family or the head of the family or the husband (depending on the country of origion) who is expected to make the health care decisions.
And that is better to you, is it? Do you want to have a say and control over your partner's health care? You don't think she should have a say in it at all? Or are you going to be all lovey dovey and say it will be a "joint decision"?

So to say that "only a women can make a decision about abortion" is a compleate and utter LOAD OF CRAP.
Reality says otherwise. If I choose to have an abortion, it is my decision and my responsibility. And being a woman, yes, that decision is my own. My husband could not demand that I have one, as he could not demand I do not have one. He only gets a say if I invite his say. But the ultimate decision is mine and mine alone. Just as if one day you and your partner find out that she is pregnant and she decides to abort it, without even telling you. You have no ultimate say in the matter. That is the reality. She might give you a say, but the decision is entirely hers. She can completely disregard your wishes on the matter.

Feminists might WANT it that way but that simply doesnt make it the case
So much hate.:rolleyes:

Reality goes against your argument of what you think reality actually is.

And yes, if you want her to have an abortion and she refuses, you are still financially liable for that child and will remain financially liable until that child reaches 18 years of age.

That is why when you become involved with someone, you find out first and foremost what the expectations will be and what she thinks she will want to do. If she says to you it's none of your business, take your doodle elsewhere, is my advice.
.....What they CAN (and do) do is give you a letter saying "person x is seeking a vescetomy, do you agree with this, please sign here". The DOCTOR is not handing out privlaged infomation, he\she is giving it to YOU and wether you give it to your partner is your choice. The problem is if you DONT then he\she wont do the procidure

Asguard, do you have a link to that? Is it law or a private doctors practice to do that?
who says cutsie?

couples make lots of joint decisions, IVF for instance HAS to be a joint decision so who says abortion CANT be a joint decision?

Its not insane and its not wrong (objectivly), actually the US (and to an extend the rest of the wests) "indervidual" focus especially for health care is quite rare. For instance alot of asian people a health care proffessional treats they are expected not to even talk to the pt about whats wrong with them, they dont want to know. Its the family or the head of the family or the husband (depending on the country of origion) who is expected to make the health care decisions. So to say that "only a women can make a decision about abortion" is a compleate and utter LOAD OF CRAP. Feminists might WANT it that way but that simply doesnt make it the case

I do. If a medical choice only physically effects one person, it's their choice. You can disagree you can advice against it, but in the end they are the ones that have to make the final call. I'll need my ovaries removed within the next ten years because of my condition. Personally I don't care if my boyfriend/husband doesn't want me to. They're my ovaries and mine alone, if I don't want them then they go. If he disagrees it'll be noted, but it won't change a thing, my doctor won't care either. In a joint decision both partners have to be willing to compromise, but if there is no compromise or neither wants to compromise, a personal choice must be made. And unless you both agree on an abortion decision there is no compromise. Sorry.
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My ex sister-in-law had 4 kids by the time she was 22. Her military husband was strict Catholic. She waited til he went to Germany and had her tubes tied in a military hospital in the mid 80s. Even the male dominated military didn't ask her husband's permission.

Asguard, how old is your information???
2 months ago? maybe less.

Women at work was telling me the story that recently, i studied it about 2 years ago and it was discussed on ABC radio about 6months ago
prove that a women told me at work that its still current?
how exactly would you like me to prove that?
I think we are missing the point here...Asguard quick go get snppied while you still can!!!
why would i want to do that?
i WANT kids, you seem to be the one who has missed my whole point (which isnt really surprising)
Yes he should pay child support like a gentleman . A child is a life and live is very precious in my opinion .
....EXACTLY currently here a women can basically veto a vasectomie by not signing the "permission slip" because "pregancy is a joint decision" but if she DOESNT sign and she gets pregant then suddenly all the decisions are hers alone and its all about the women. Im sorry but 9 months vs 20 plus YEARS of carring for them is no comparision.

prove that a women told me at work that its still current?
how exactly would you like me to prove that?

Oh, so the first post is just hearsay then right. :shrug:
why would i want to do that?

Look you need an out! They are trying to get you and this is the best protection you have! Have the whole thing removed and it will cut down on your exposure to being accused of rape or paying child support tremendously. ACT NOW before you have to consult with any spouse!!!

i WANT kids, you seem to be the one who has missed my whole point (which isnt really surprising)

No!!!!!! You'll have to pay for them and people will put their responsibility on you!!!

Get snipped before its too late!!!!
why dont YOU go and have your overies ripped out?:)

and again, as in the other thread, there is no point talking to someone who doesnt even know what the term "good faith" actually means