Should a Man be Forced to Pay Child Support for a Child He Wanted to Abort?

Should a Man be Forced to Pay Child Support for a Child He Wanted to Abort?

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Pfff, well... agree to disagree.

Where do you live, exactly?

How long have you been isolated from the rest of society?

Because where I live, females function as people with many aspects and qualities. They go to school as kids and teens, and to university as adults, and subsequently enter the careers they wanted. They have interests, and hobbies, and social lives, and associations they belong to. Wanting, and having, children is ONE part of their life, not the be all and end all.
Because where I live, females function as people with many aspects and qualities. They go to school as kids and teens, and to university as adults, and subsequently enter the careers they wanted. They have interests, and hobbies, and social lives, and associations they belong to. Wanting, and having, children is ONE part of their life, not the be all and end all.

Wow, VI, you've really bought into the ol' feminist propaganda, huh? ...LOL!

C'mon, VI, women are just sex objects for men's pleasure, then nine months after that, they're baby machines and caretakers! Geez, surely you've not been brainwashed by the feminazis, have you?

Baron Max
Wow, VI, you've really bought into the ol' feminist propaganda, huh? ...LOL!

C'mon, VI, women are just sex objects for men's pleasure, then nine months after that, they're baby machines and caretakers! Geez, surely you've not been brainwashed by the feminazis, have you?

Baron Max

What, I'm supposed to want to have children and be a caretaker?

But I'm happy looking forward to my life alone as a scientist/death metal musician, with an Alsatian dog instead of a child!
What, I'm supposed to want to have children and be a caretaker?

Yes first, until there's almost no way out of it, at least!! :D

But I'm happy looking forward to my life alone as a scientist/death metal musician, with an Alsatian dog instead of a child!

Very, very fat and ugly women could do that, VI. Surely you're not going to tell me that you're fat and ugly, are you?

Baron Max
It's just for the child. Not for the irresponsible parents who made bad choices on both sides.

Unfortunately, you cannot change biology. Women can't give the right away to bear a child. You can't give a man your uterus to carry and care for. So scientific law here, trumps any law that man could write for it when it comes to the woman's body, and no two women may feel the same way about how that will or will not effect their body. But it is their body.

That's why I say that everyone, man and woman, should know what their potential partner would do in that situation if it should arise. Then you can choose not to go further. It's simple logic, and yet it's ignored by the general populous repeatedly.

In short, I think both parties should be liable.

Apparently, my views haven't changed on this in 5+ years. The only thing I would add now is an encoding system for the registry so religious nuts can't go around killing people who may have had an abortion, or target people in any way.

It's the fairest way possible for a populous that can't think before they procreate.

however we still do have 2 different sets of standeds when it comes to the "rights" to reproduction. For instance for those who say if a man doesnt want kids he should just "snip it" he cant anymore. Its HIS body yet the doctors will NOT perform a vesectomy without the partners permission, yet if we were to suggest this is how non emergency (ie non life threatning) abortions should be delt with what do you think the feminst responce would be?

Does reproduction belong to the person or the couple? because at the moment it seems to belong to the women exclusivly. Another good example, say he DID have a vesectomy and the women wanted to get pregnant anyway and either cheated or went to a sperm bank. He finds out in say 6 months and divorces her, who wears the bill?
This issue is too difficult. On the one hand, I don't think anyone should be "forced" to pay for anything....but in this case the child might need it, and there is definitely a level of responsibility required on the part of the father. I abstain.
Somebody has to pay child support and I don't want it to be me the tax payer. I don't want the child, (the innocent victim of procreation) to be unsupported.

Why should the women bear all the responsibility for the children just because she carried them in her womb. If you are going to put your penis inside a woman's vagina than accept the the responsibility for any child or STD that you may acquire. You made your choice man, now face the consequences.

You have an option, get snipped now.

no actually you dont, you need your partners permission to get snipped i hate to tell you

nirakar said:
If you are going to put your penis inside a woman's vagina than accept the the responsibility for any child or STD that you may acquire. You made your choice man, now face the consequences.

this is just as good an argument AGAINST abortion you know.

so basically are reproductive rights human rights, couples rights or womens rights? because at the moment in SOME area's its womens rights made up to look like couples rights because there IS no reciprical requirement for permission from the father for IVF, abortion or a hysterectomy. I think there SHOULD be, if the women is in a long term relationship (ie is someone who would be seeking child surport) and there is no danger to her life from the pregancy i think it should be the couple not the women who makes a decision about abortion and if that means she gets caught cheating because hes actually had a vesectamy then so be it. Reproduction SHOULD be a couple issue because it effects the couple, as the old saying goes "it takes 2 to tango"
this is just as good an argument AGAINST abortion you know.

so basically are reproductive rights human rights, couples rights or womens rights? because at the moment in SOME area's its womens rights made up to look like couples rights because there IS no reciprical requirement for permission from the father for IVF, abortion or a hysterectomy. I think there SHOULD be, if the women is in a long term relationship (ie is someone who would be seeking child surport) and there is no danger to her life from the pregancy i think it should be the couple not the women who makes a decision about abortion and if that means she gets caught cheating because hes actually had a vesectamy then so be it. Reproduction SHOULD be a couple issue because it effects the couple, as the old saying goes "it takes 2 to tango"

If a couple has as close and cooperative a relationship as the more close and cooperative half of Western marriages then of course the woman will tell her mate when she knows she is pregnant and will consider his opinion when deciding whether or not to abort. Thus abortion becomes a couples decision.

If the couple is not a harmonious team and the woman can not rely on her man, or trust her man to behave well or communicate with the man then shame on her for getting pregnant but she needs to make her decision on her own as to whether or not to abort. If the woman thinks that she and the guy would be miserable failures as parents then I hope she either puts the kid up for adoption or aborts. I am not capable of judging whether abortion is murder so let the woman and the courts decide.

Pregnancy used to have a lot of risk even to healthy strong young women. Today even with modern medicine pregnancy has some risk and it certainly is an inconvenience for the woman. It is not the mans body that the fetus parasitically lives off of live the creatures in the "Aliens movie". It is not the mans body the gets fat. It also is the men who are more likely to abandon the child after it is born. Women usually stay loyal to the children they give birth to. Men's loyalty is much less predictable. So even today I don't see how men can claim equal rights on what to do with a pregnancy.

Even if the woman is not informing the guy as to what is going on, her relationship with the man and what the man has shown her about himself may still be shaping her decision about what to do about the pregnancy and whether to discuss it with the man so it is not as if the man had no say in the decision that he did not know about.

I think men should have the same rights over whether women have abortions or hysterectomies as women have over whether men have vasectomies in other words they can be very persuasive if the relationship is any good.

It takes two to tango but only one gets pregnant.
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*vomits* what a load of egotistical CRAP. Ask tiassa how loyal women are to there children compared to men.

"I think men should have the same rights over whether women have abortions or hysterectomies as women have over whether men have vasectomies in other words they can be very persuasive if the relationship is any good."

EXACTLY currently here a women can basically veto a vasectomie by not signing the "permission slip" because "pregancy is a joint decision" but if she DOESNT sign and she gets pregant then suddenly all the decisions are hers alone and its all about the women. Im sorry but 9 months vs 20 plus YEARS of carring for them is no comparision.
.... On the one hand, I don't think anyone should be "forced" to pay for anything....but in this case the child might need it, and there is definitely a level of responsibility required on the part of the father.

Why? Why is there a level of responsibility on the part of the father? Humans are one of the very few animals where paternal care or responsibility is given or needed.

Society, with all it's rules and laws, determines almost everything for us ...and paternal responsibility is just one of the gazillions of rules we're forced to follow.

Baron Max
however we still do have 2 different sets of standeds when it comes to the "rights" to reproduction. For instance for those who say if a man doesnt want kids he should just "snip it" he cant anymore. Its HIS body yet the doctors will NOT perform a vesectomy without the partners permission, yet if we were to suggest this is how non emergency (ie non life threatning) abortions should be delt with what do you think the feminst responce would be?

Does reproduction belong to the person or the couple? because at the moment it seems to belong to the women exclusivly. Another good example, say he DID have a vesectomy and the women wanted to get pregnant anyway and either cheated or went to a sperm bank. He finds out in say 6 months and divorces her, who wears the bill?

Let me get this straight...a man doesn't get to do what he wants with his own body without permission from a partner??

Is that even *legal*??
Let me get this straight...a man doesn't get to do what he wants with his own body without permission from a partner??

Is that even *legal*??

Asguard seems to be talking about marriage partners! And in the la-la land of Oz, where there are laws against everything, there just might be such a law as he mentions.

Otherwise, VI, there ain't no other nation on Earth that I know of that has such a law.

Baron Max

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no actually you dont, you need your partners permission to get snipped i hate to tell you

No you don't. In the states you can get snipped any time you care to. If you aussies have some strange law otherwise kick her out and then get one.

Grow a pair and then get them snipped.