Shoud Women Register For The Draft???

I am with you 100% Godless. I too hope it never comes to this.

However, with our country´s refusal to have conscription for males, we are even less prepared now than WW2!

After all this tension is over, I think all US citizens will wish they could have turned the clock back and kept conscription for 18 to 21 males. like most of Europe does to good effect.
The sake of a draft, compulsory military service or whatever you call it is a bad idea just for the hell of it.

The only concievable way the draft comes back if we're stuck in two wars, or NK gets blown away and we have to occupy and rebuild it.
Originally posted by Benji
The Isreali's experimented with using females in the armed forces but they found that the male soilders would treat them differently, for example they would leave men who were fallen behind but would always go back for women, no matter what the cost.
Also they would rather give up information then watch the females tortured and killed.

This is exactly why women should not be allowed in ground combat.
Re: Well yes, but lets not jump into conclussions...

Originally posted by Godless
Remember WWII?, the country was under tight security back then too. Certain freedoms were lost, however when it was all over and done with it became normal again.

YEAH RIGHT! "It all became normal again . . ." WHAT? Have you ever studied the McCarthy Era? The fifties, the "nightmare decade?"
Re: Everybody is equal!

Originally posted by Bebelina
From the beginning to the end. Same goes for freedom, we are all born free. These are foundational human rights, if fact not just human, these are birthrights for all life all over the world.

We don´t have to earn it, we should not have to fight for it and that should be so deeply implanted in our minds that it shouldn´t even be an issue.

Benji made a good point, you don´t hit children, and we are all children.
If we raise our children not to hit, they will not.
And we should view all our human fellows as our own children. To love and respect them, and treat them as equals. Let´s see the division of the world into countires as a division of a large house into rooms instead, where our family members live.

If your children are fighting over a toy, will you kill or hit the child that strikes the first blow? And would that make the other child feel more secure?
Two wrongs does not make a right. :)

Not one whit of the above was true. Bebelina, do you realize that not everyone on Earth is born with a pure and virtuous heart?

Take me for example: Given the opportunity, I would negate your freedom, enslave you and your family, and exploit you in multiple ways for the remainder of your natural life. Then I would laugh at you. :)
And you are?

It's been a while since this topic took my e-mail space, I thought it was dead.

As for McCartheism yes I did studie that.

Back to normal as, the Japanese citizens returned back into society. Was it fair that they were inthere in the first place? no

If you had the opportunity you would do nothing of the sort thing you mentioned to Beb, your kind would have been destroyed by then. LOL
females should be allowed to serve but not on the front line or in any combat area, not now or ever. i am not a sexest i just beleve that a female should not be put at that sort of risk.i would not have had one in my squad.
Re: And you are?

Originally posted by Godless

If you had the opportunity you would do nothing of the sort thing you mentioned to Beb, your kind would have been destroyed by then. LOL

What is that supposed to mean? "My kind" exist in every society on Earth. You can't expurgate the evil of mankind. To postulate that one might accomplish such a feat is incomparable naivete. Evil is inescapable, omnipresent, a pervasive element of humanity.

My Point:
If people like Bebelina believe they can freely subsist in some sort of euphoric, whimsical commune devoid of aggression or sedition, people like me will gladly take their freedom away from them.
I'd prefer that we emulate the Swiss.

"Under Article 18 of the Swiss Constitution, every male is responsible for military service. The period of service as a "citizen soldier" begins at age 20 and ends at age 42 (52 for officers). After initial training, a citizen soldier is required to serve a certain number of days before his service ends. For younger men, this can translate into up to 3 weeks in a year. The Swiss Army uses a system of staggered refresher training to ensure the readiness of the army. When a citizen soldier completes his training, he takes home his individual equipment, which includes a personal weapon with a basic load of ammunition. This draft system allows the Swiss Army to maintain a potential force of 400,000 with only 2,000 full-time commissioned and noncommissioned officers....

The Swiss Army has been composed mostly of reserves for a very long time. While many European nations were neutral at one time or another, only the Swiss Confederation has remained neutral for almost 200 years. Still, potential invaders throughout history have recognized that the Swiss Army is always ready and capable of defending its territory."

Captain Peter Chen

No foreign military bases.
No aircraft carrier battle groups.
No submarines with nuclear tipped missiles.
No "pre-emptive strike" policy.
No "gunboat" diplomacy.

Hmm...just realized that I'm wearing a pair wool Swiss Army surplus trousers with a Victorinox Swiss Army knife in my pocket.

Originally posted by orthogonal

No aircraft carrier battle groups.
No submarines with nuclear tipped missiles.


Those are necessary though, Orthogonal. Without weapons of mass-destruction, like air-craft carriers and nuclear submarines, a country might as well have no army.
Hello Redoubtable,
Without weapons of mass-destruction, like air-craft carriers and nuclear submarines, a country might as well have no army.
Perhaps you should write to the Swiss government and alert them about their error in military planning. Their last war ended in the 17th century.

Best wishes,
Perhaps that's because no one wants to conquer the Swiss. However, I am relatively certain that there are many individuals who detest the USA and would avidly annex it if the opportunity to do so emerged.

What worked for the Swiss will not work for us.
The USA is not a "small" nation and cannot be protected with "small arms" like a citizen army. Devastating technological armarments are our only true defense.
im tired of the bullshit that has flown in here. i am 18 and will be in the U.S. navy as of july 16 this year. im tired of hearing that putting a female on the front lines is a distraction or that anyone should go back for the wounded or give up information because of torture. to be quite frank arent these flawes in our system of equality to begin with? shouldnt we train our solidiers to look at any person next to them as simply soldier? should this nation go to war (and likely start ww III) would you rather have females who want to be there on the front lines or men who dont? the problem is not in a womans capacity to do the job or in the equality of it, it is in the perception this society has so well embraced. boys are taught dont hit a girl, and to be nice and all the rest. bullshit. if im dumb enough to pick a fight with the football team i expect to have my ass kicked. i believe in equality on all levels, hence the perceptions, hte things we teach our children have to change. i realize this is off topic but i feel it needed to be posted. so here it is. (btw i am female if you didnt figure it out)
ok if females want to serve then fine but not in the front line, they risk being raped, among other things, i have seen combat and i have seen women in the force who have said they could not go to the front line for fear of this threat, and this threat alone, in my squad there was not one of us that would not have gone back for a fallen comrade,or even tried to rescue anyone who was captured, my men and i would have died for there country but we would never have aloud a female to fight along side of us. non of us are sexest we just got into some very bad scraps.
and if that threat doesnt bother a woman? personally if i were on the front lines of any war my main conscern would be getting killed, everything else is just gravy. would you not go because of the threat of torture? or any threat for that matter? i understand that is a possibility even if im not on the front lines. i personally believe that every soldier needs to be mentally prepared for any of the atrocities of war. and i dont believe that i am any less prepared to handle whatever is presented to me because im a woman. so why should women be denied the opportunity because they're women? and i think part of this goes back to the way our society is run, women are delicate things to protect, not someone to fight beside when the freedoms of all are concerneed. should i just go and sew fucking parachutes because im a woman and putting me at risk is against some out dated tradition?

Women should. Some women want to fight in combat, but some don't. Even a General Chairperson Guy said 'We do not have enough ground troops to beat Saddam'. Some women could stay behind and guard conquered cities and towns...
Originally posted by orthogonal
I'd prefer that we emulate the Swiss.

"Under Article 18 of the Swiss Constitution, every male is responsible for military service. The period of service as a "citizen soldier" begins at age 20 and ends at age 42 (52 for officers). After initial training, a citizen soldier is required to serve a certain number of days before his service ends. For younger men, this can translate into up to 3 weeks in a year. The Swiss Army uses a system of staggered refresher training to ensure the readiness of the army. When a citizen soldier completes his training, he takes home his individual equipment, which includes a personal weapon with a basic load of ammunition. This draft system allows the Swiss Army to maintain a potential force of 400,000 with only 2,000 full-time commissioned and noncommissioned officers....

The Swiss Army has been composed mostly of reserves for a very long time. While many European nations were neutral at one time or another, only the Swiss Confederation has remained neutral for almost 200 years. Still, potential invaders throughout history have recognized that the Swiss Army is always ready and capable of defending its territory."

Captain Peter Chen

No foreign military bases.
No aircraft carrier battle groups.
No submarines with nuclear tipped missiles.
No "pre-emptive strike" policy.
No "gunboat" diplomacy.

Hmm...just realized that I'm wearing a pair wool Swiss Army surplus trousers with a Victorinox Swiss Army knife in my pocket.


Keep in mind that Switzerland is a small landlocked nation. That and they make damn fine clocks/watches.