Shoud Women Register For The Draft???

I cant believe this!

Can I just say that in most of the world, men must do two year MINIMUM conscription in the military. Here men complain about having to spend five minutes filling in a form on line! Having travelled throughout Europe, I have seen first hand the benefits of male conscription and I hope in my lifetime it is reapplied in the USA.
Bebelina sees war as a "stupid male thing" wich females should not subject themselves to. While Bebelina has some valid point I always wondered why mothers (who in many cultures like it or not spend most time with the children, HENCE influencing their development in a big way) would not teach them more peacefull ways (you know, like the tibetan buddhists do).

Also there is a saying about girls liking dangerous men and many wars have been about some women, so how stupid "male" thing is war anyway???

Actually our wars have become stupid and large scale grotesque because of hig-tec and money. If we look at nature we see that territorial disputes for food or females are small scale and while there is a fight the loser usually not get killed but walks away with tail between the legs. It is our constant technological innovation that makes wars too large and not serving the species (by selecting some fit alpha male) but actually threatening the species as a whole with nuclear destruction.
I dont think its a good idea. It will make too many opposing opinions.

I think conscription here would be a good idea though.
Re: No, no, no....

Originally posted by Bebelina
You are sooo wrong!
Yes, women do want equality, and will get it too, but not at the price of descending to male stupidity by warfaring! Grow up boys, your toys are destroying the Earth and humanity!
Weapons and violence is NOT the peaceful solution, how can that not be obvious? Call it defense if you want to play chicken, but that´s not the right word, the right word is violence and fear. And once you have managed to get rid of your own fear, then the nations fear and then the humanitys fear will also dissapear. And then no weapons will be needed anymore. So you will just have to find new toys, that are not so destructive boys, because the game is over now. And it has been over for a long time, you have just not realized it yet. And this war is the final futile battle to make those of you that still wants to play the fear-game a last chance to get it. And if you don´t , you will die, by your own hand, mirrored in your enemy.
Yes, women do want equality, and will get it too, but not at the price of descending to male stupidity by warfaring! Grow up boys, your toys are destroying the Earth and humanity!
I think your missing the point, women are already soldiers and therefore (by your terms) are "destroying the Earth and humanity".
Just incase you dont believe me, a woman in desertstorm
"she maintains her post aboard a port security boat during Operation Desert Shield"

so you will just have to find new toys, that are not so destructive boys,
At present Women can be fighter pilots in front line combat, fighter pilots kill shit loads of innocents as well as military targets.

And this war is the final futile battle to make those of you that still wants to play the fear-game a last chance to get it.
No, its about Oil.

O.k, this convo is getting severely deflected from the original question.

I personally think they should be drafted. Women have pressed for equallity, they should therefore by that definition be entitled to front line combat. They want equality but pick and choose what they want to be equal at, its severley hypocritical if they are not drafted.
Re: What?

Originally posted by Bebelina
Are you crazy??? Of course they shouldn´t, that would make them as stupid as you men! And if the men were just a tiny little bit smarter they would refuse to join the army too! From violence comes ONLY more violence! And that is the TRUTH! So stop the insanity, please!

The US should eliminate its military to make a great example of peace for mankind, right? Good thinking, I'm so regretful I didn't think of the BRILLIANT idea myself...what's that about men being stupid? Then are all women serving in the military stupid? Idealism is just a useless hindrance when it's not backed up by a bit of sanity.

edit abusive and insulting language
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The US should eliminate its military to make a great example of peace for mankind, right? Good thinking, I'm so regretful I didn't think of the BRILLIANT idea myself...what's that about men being stupid? Then are all women serving in the military stupid? Idealism is just a useless hindrance when it's not backed up by a bit of sanity

Very well put mate.

edit quote as stated above
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Yes, the war is about oil, Bebelina. The world is *gasp* not divided into the nice, neat, good versus evil, fucking-Tolkein-clip world that you believe in.

What's more, the Prezzie and the Vice Prezzie currently make astronomical amounts of money each year. They're heavily involved in the oil industry, that's where they get their money. Hmm, I REALLY wonder about the reason behind this war.

edit personal atack
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Originally posted by Captain_Crunch
Very well put mate.

During the writeup of the US Constitution, some politician brought up the issue of the US having only a 5000 military to make a statement of peace. George Washington shot it down: "Then let it also be written that no country attack us with more than a hundred men."

Beb, OPEN your US History book and stop daydreaming. If a screaming mad fanatic came by and torched your house and murdered your folks with suicide bomb, would you not want vengeance? Wouldn't you? If you said no you would be a liar. Ponder the question for a while.
Originally posted by Bebelina
Yes, women do want equality, and will get it too, but not at the price of descending to male stupidity by warfaring! Grow up boys, your toys are destroying the Earth and humanity!
Weapons and violence is NOT the peaceful solution, how can that not be obvious? Call it defense if you want to play chicken, but that´s not the right word, the right word is violence and fear. And once you have managed to get rid of your own fear, then the nations fear and then the humanitys fear will also dissapear. And then no weapons will be needed anymore. So you will just have to find new toys, that are not so destructive boys, because the game is over now. And it has been over for a long time, you have just not realized it yet. And this war is the final futile battle to make those of you that still wants to play the fear-game a last chance to get it. And if you don´t , you will die, by your own hand, mirrored in your enemy.

One of the best posts I’ve seen on sciforums. I’m glad I didn’t miss it.

If a screaming mad fanatic came by and torched your house and murdered your folks with suicide bomb, would you not want vengeance?

No, not vengeance. I’d want to ensure it never happened again to anybody. It takes an evolved person to understand that this can be said without lying.
Shoud Women Register For The Draft???

** I thought draft meant force to go? Anyways who will raise the children?
how many 18 year olds have children?

and i asume that fathers would be exesempt from the draft anyway

at least they should be
That’s sad coming from someone in the military. When the mother wails over her toddler ripped apart by a bomb, ask yourself if they asked for it. When Bush et al walk around with Cheshire Cat grins and pockets bursting with money, ask yourself what role you played in keeping the peace.
Originally posted by Asguard
how many 18 year olds have children?

and i asume that fathers would be exesempt from the draft anyway

at least they should be

I'd rather go to prison, and when all the bombing is over I'll crawl out of the cracks like a cock roach. ;)
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Ok, the Bebelina bashing was good, but not done. Denial is a really sad thing. So, you want equality, but not equal equality? Yes, war is usually made by men because men are in the government. Did you see the governor of Maryland (or whichever state that was)? She drove that office into shit.

Dont ask for equality if you cant handle it in all situations. If you cant admit that some diversity between men and women is there for a reason, go think for an hour.

Anyway, I am against the draft. If people dont consent to signing up by themselves, does the concept of the draft not show that this war is fucking retarded? Yes, tons of people are dying from persecutions. So, assasinate Hussein. Violent people lead only to more violence. Hussein will never become a peaceful person. The least amount of death is ideal.
Oh yeah, this draft will be alot less people, and they are selecting only people who meet strict requirements. So, no 18 year old moms will go to war. They learned their lesson from Vietnam. Even people with flat arches are being thrown out.

So, dont worry.
Well actually...

I don't care for the draft for any citizen, it only makes slaves of our population.

But if there's going to be a draft it wouldn't be a little one, it be a massive draft, government are already pyling up names of high school students that would be eligible for the draft within the next year, and every college student's name is on the same list of available personel.

With the picture changing and N.Korea becoming a threat, even more so than Saddam cause N.Korea does have weapons of mass destruction, and willing to use them. The US is up for some challenges, and millitary personel would be drafted by the thousands.

Hope it never comes to this.