Shoud Women Register For The Draft???


Registered Senior Member
Should women register for the draft at 18?

Yes: They serve in the military already.

No: Men can fight better, plus there hasn't been a draft since 1972.

Give me your thoughts- I have an oppinon, but I'll wait until I get some responses.

Are you crazy??? Of course they shouldn´t, that would make them as stupid as you men! And if the men were just a tiny little bit smarter they would refuse to join the army too! From violence comes ONLY more violence! And that is the TRUTH! So stop the insanity, please!
I say things like this too much...

(ah, ah) prejudice! (said while sneezing)

Just kidding.
If the draft is in effect for men so should it be for women. Most women in the US strive for the equality with men idea. If it is equality that is wanted then both sides of the equation apply. You can not have one without the other or it makes mockery of the concept.
very well written

Originally posted by wet1
If the draft is in effect for men so should it be for women. Most women in the US strive for the equality with men idea. If it is equality that is wanted then both sides of the equation apply. You can not have one without the other or it makes mockery of the concept.

My compliments to the author, Wet1, it is true that women seek equality therefore why not have them register as well.


Are you crazy??? Of course they shouldn´t, that would make them as stupid as you men! And if the men were just a tiny little bit smarter they would refuse to join the army too! From violence comes ONLY more violence! And that is the TRUTH! So stop the insanity, please!

hmmm, well you say from violence comes "only" more violence! this is correct however without a defence, we would be destroyed, invaded, terrorised, nuked, killed. See with out the military were would we be?.

However it's necesary to understand the full scope of the problem, the US has't been completely honest either, the real war over Afganistan is not Bin Laden, but the resources of Afganistan mainly petroleum, and who is going to control it, will it be a friendly goverment, or a foe of the US's interests.

There's even thoughts that our own goverment perpetraded the events of 9/11 this remains to be known as yet, however there's more than meets the eye on this one!.

Check it out!!.
No, no, no....

You are sooo wrong!
Yes, women do want equality, and will get it too, but not at the price of descending to male stupidity by warfaring! Grow up boys, your toys are destroying the Earth and humanity!
Weapons and violence is NOT the peaceful solution, how can that not be obvious? Call it defense if you want to play chicken, but that´s not the right word, the right word is violence and fear. And once you have managed to get rid of your own fear, then the nations fear and then the humanitys fear will also dissapear. And then no weapons will be needed anymore. So you will just have to find new toys, that are not so destructive boys, because the game is over now. And it has been over for a long time, you have just not realized it yet. And this war is the final futile battle to make those of you that still wants to play the fear-game a last chance to get it. And if you don´t , you will die, by your own hand, mirrored in your enemy.
Sad but true!!

However did you even take a glance at the cite? I ponder to wonder that you've not!.

There's always been wars, it's part of why civilization has advanced, it is unfortunate that a country must have a defence, however if we wouldn't we would be invaded, your country btw, is an exception, "the worlds money is kept there"

So yes you've got nothing to fear, and it's not fear, that we've responded to the assults to our nation. either!!

If someone was to punch you! in the nose, would you try and talk to this individual that she has done wrong?, if you do, and she punches you again, and again, and again will you defend yourself? or just cry out that there's to much violence in the world and let her keep on punching you?
Yes, I glanced at it...

About the punching in the nose then..
I would of course try to stop him, not by punching back thought, and call for help. Policemen are not the only people in the world that are willing to help others. And so far, I haven´t actually ever seen them HELP anyone eihter, rather the opposite.
I single individual can of course have psychological and emotional problems that would lead to violent behaviour, but then that person needs help, not get beaten back. That would only increase this already disturbed persons view of violence as a way of communicating. Because that is what it´s all about, violence is ultimately, when you scrutinize it, a cry for help, a last chance of getting through to the outer world outside of themselves, when nothing else helps, when nobody listens.
Would beating or killing that person help?

Can a whole nation concist of emotionally and psychologically disturbed individuals? I don´t think so, but unfortunately those who run them are often like that. And then they send out distress signals to the population that in turn also get worried and afraid. And the sad part is that there is nothing to be afraid of but fear itself. If you send out fear, fear is what you will get.
So what the individual can do is to stop the wheel of karma, by not retaliating. By protesting against violence, by asking for help, and give help instead. To trust people to help. And if everybody did that, then it would work. I know it all seems impossible now, but we must start somewhere, with ourselves, with our family and friends, with our community and so on, and finally the WORLD will catch up.

And after all, isn´t that a more positive view of the future than what many others are representing? Isn´t peace better than war? It finally comes down to that simple question. :)

Re: Yes, I glanced at it...

Originally posted by Bebelina
About the punching in the nose then..
I would of course try to stop him, not by punching back thought, and call for help. Policemen are not the only people in the world that are willing to help others. And so far, I haven´t actually ever seen them HELP anyone eihter, rather the opposite.
I single individual can of course have psychological and emotional problems that would lead to violent behaviour, but then that person needs help, not get beaten back. That would only increase this already disturbed persons view of violence as a way of communicating. Because that is what it´s all about, violence is ultimately, when you scrutinize it, a cry for help, a last chance of getting through to the outer world outside of themselves, when nothing else helps, when nobody listens.
Would beating or killing that person help?

Can a whole nation concist of emotionally and psychologically disturbed individuals? I don´t think so, but unfortunately those who run them are often like that. And then they send out distress signals to the population that in turn also get worried and afraid. And the sad part is that there is nothing to be afraid of but fear itself. If you send out fear, fear is what you will get.
So what the individual can do is to stop the wheel of karma, by not retaliating. By protesting against violence, by asking for help, and give help instead. To trust people to help. And if everybody did that, then it would work. I know it all seems impossible now, but we must start somewhere, with ourselves, with our family and friends, with our community and so on, and finally the WORLD will catch up.

And after all, isn´t that a more positive view of the future than what many others are representing? Isn´t peace better than war? It finally comes down to that simple question. :)

Thanks, so you know of my worry, I'm concerned that this goverment, The US, has ominiously constructed a war machine for the benefit of some larger picture of which we are not all aware of.

And of course I full heartedly agree with you, however reality seems at the moment it's not headed towards this utopia of the world we all dream of. "A world of peace and profit for all nations at an equal play ground". But when you have comprehention of the bigger picture, such as the people never start wars, only our goverments do, run by scinical individuals from both sides of the pond, we are all doomed by such scinicism of our so called elected leaders.

Keep reading articles in that cite, I find it very interesting in what our respective nations are doing, to hoax, fool, and lye to our respective citizens of the world.

It's all very tragic, really!.
Let me make myself clear here. I said yes, the draft is an equal opportunity process.

The US Government has long held the idea that women should not be exposed to combat. For the same time it was permissible for women to serve but not in the combat arms section. It was from the women themselves that the chance for combat and insertion into the combat ranks came from. Not from the men, who at the time thought that the chance of women falling into enemy hands and facing the chance of rape, was an unacceptable idea. It was the women in the service that brought this to court and forced this change. They are now able to be fighter pilots and enter into some forms of combat related service.

But if women would have equal rights and pay then equal risk is part of it. Many jobs and not just in military service receive extra pay for job hazards. To receive the pay one must be willing to expose themselves to the risk. This has nothing to do with war; it has to do with what compensation one would receive for doing a particular job. Just because you serve in the military does not guarantee that you will be exposed to combat.

Bebelina is quite clear in that she wants the chance for equality, she does not want to accept the fact that equality comes at a price as it always has. This too has nothing to do with the military other than to have equality you must pay the price. It is earned not given. The same as the right to freedom. Many people died to see that you did not lose that right. But that is the cost for there are those who are not happy with you being able to do as you please. They would take that right and enrich themselves at your cost. If you wish freedom and equality it must be bought. Not with money but with the willingness to fight for what you believe in. When reason will not work then there is no other option. You can not argue with someone holding a gun and having the willingness to use it. You must either knuckle under or ante up.
It boils down to how far you want equality to go, im male (i wont say it its a good or bad thing) and all through my life iv been taught, never hit women, always be polite and curtious towards them which i have.
The problem comes when some 15 stone lump of lard woman trys to start a fight with you, do i smack her in the mouth to make her leave me alone?
Do i give her the biggest kickin she ever taken in her life?
Why becuse its like beatin up on a child, women deserve eqality in regard to public life (being able to vote get a job be free etc) but in the armed forces they are a distraction and cause problems.
I have taken punches in the face from women in the past and if truth be told even after the impact of the blow i never wanted to fight back, i dont hit women same as i wouldent hit a child.
Besides the best response is to laugh, if someone gives you there best shot and you laugh they get scared quickly and leave :).
Everybody is equal!

From the beginning to the end. Same goes for freedom, we are all born free. These are foundational human rights, if fact not just human, these are birthrights for all life all over the world.

We don´t have to earn it, we should not have to fight for it and that should be so deeply implanted in our minds that it shouldn´t even be an issue.

Benji made a good point, you don´t hit children, and we are all children.
If we raise our children not to hit, they will not.
And we should view all our human fellows as our own children. To love and respect them, and treat them as equals. Let´s see the division of the world into countires as a division of a large house into rooms instead, where our family members live.

If your children are fighting over a toy, will you kill or hit the child that strikes the first blow? And would that make the other child feel more secure?
Two wrongs does not make a right. :)

Wouldn't it be wonderfull if it was so?

Quote; Bebelina: " From the beginning to the end. Same goes for freedom, we are all born free."

This is far from truth, Bebelina, children in Cuba under Fidel Castro are not born free, neither are children under communist China born free, neither children in Afganistan under Taliban rule born free, neither the children that were born in the Formal Soviet Union born free.

Quot; 2: "These are foundational human rights, if fact not just human, these are birthrights for all life all over the world."

This is true, and honest, however the tyrants of society from past till present have not always observed this fundamental human birthright. When a tyrant, dictator, or a religious zealot takes over a country by force these are rights that are waved, and replaced by servitude of the "cause" or what have you of these tyrants.

Quote 3; "We don´t have to earn it, we should not have to fight for it and that should be so deeply implanted in our minds that it shouldn´t even be an issue. "

True, however when a nation lives under a dictatorship or by communists, or religious zealots, and the people rise against their opressors "this makes freedom an *earned* right" look at the historie of the US, with the fight against England, it was the lives of these individuals that paved the way to what we call a free nation.

So in encence when freedom can't be had by logical means i.e. a democracy by a republic, with checs and balances of elected leaders, and one lives under a "Taliban" and those who oppose are put to death, when enough people rize against such tyrany, this makes their "freedom an *earned* right"
Godless ...

Have you noticed in the last few weeks how quickly freedoms can be lost in a democracy?
Well yes, but lets not jump into conclussions...

Originally posted by Chagur
Have you noticed in the last few weeks how quickly freedoms can be lost in a democracy?

Remember WWII?, the country was under tight security back then too. Certain freedoms were lost, however when it was all over and done with it became normal again.

But I share in your concern as well, however isn't this the best nation to be in, just in case?. The US does has a militia, which has nothing to do with the government. However the government holds a monopoly on weapons, but the support of the citizens would be lost, if the government went after it's own citizens. Bebelina is right when she says "we're scared" ya!! scared of the government, and of what it may do. However I really don't feel nor fear that my freedoms at the moment are lost.

We've been loosing our rights in this nation by the day, first with the so called "drug war" now with this!. However I have "faith" in a non mystical manner of course that Americans will not sit idilely by and let the government completely take the Constitution and the Bill of Rights away from us.
Godless ...

Remember WWII?

Yes (was nine when it started). Tight security? Security, yes. Tight, no. But then, maybe it seemed that way because of my youth.

... if the government went after it's own citizens.

You most likely weren't around when Japanese Americans were interned, but you may have been when the Kent State students were fired upon or when members of MOVE were bombed in Philadelphia. In the first case the Federal government acted, in the second a State, and in the third, a city. It has happened, it will happen. Think Waco, think Ruby Ridge.
thecurly1 ...

To get back to your question re. drafting females ...

IMHO All, males and females, should be eligible to be drafted.

For a country that supposedly prides itself on being a 'classless society' it is ridiculous that military service is not required of all, with no exemption except for extreme, and I mean extreme physical disability and advancement only through the ranks for those who decide to make it a career.

Make UMT, Universal Military Training, a citizen's obligation to their country and a prerequisite for higher education and the right to vote.
Correct me if I am wrong, but does not Isreal have a system by which all citizens must serve a minimum mandatory term in service? I also think there are some restrictions for those that do not comply.
The Isreali's experimented with using females in the armed forces but they found that the male soilders would treat them differently, for example they would leave men who were fallen behind but would always go back for women, no matter what the cost.
Also they would rather give up information then watch the females tortured and killed.
They have females in the milatry but they never send them into war zones, they act like the wrens in the navy, operating radio's and genral admin duty's they give them basic combat training but would never send them into a battle zone to fight.