redarmy11 said:
If the world does not like America why do you keep giving all the power to the same people? The world has selected our business leaders. It was Europe that chose to support say, Microsoft Windows.
The European consumers are the ones buying up all the gangster RAP 50cent CDs, it's not like American's buy it up anymore, most of the movies, music, clothes, etc are all sold to Europeans, Japanese, and so on.
So we do not control what you buy, or who you support. We are consumers just like you, and there are different factions in America that Europeans ignore. America is a huge country, the size of several EU countries, if you think America all agrees with itself, that is ridiculous. 60% of this country disagree's with the direction, the 30% that agrees with the direction still are not satisfied with the results. Americans hate Americans, European's hate Americans, and having a hate fest solves what?
Yes there are bad people, but not all Americans are bad, and when you fail to tell the difference between good and bad, how are you any different from the American who thinks the same way?
It does not matter what Jersey you wear, or what sport you represent, people are people, and they come in different personalities and characters, and these personalities and characters express themselves globally, not in one country at a time.
America happens to have all the money and guns so America is the center of attention, but it's not like bad people only exist in America. Also what about the good people who exist in America who get ignored by the world?