Shifting the attention once again...

Has it ever occured to you that the beam in thine own eye could be blinding you to the truth about God?

I trust God and if the beam in my own eye is blinding me to the truth about God then I trust that He will overcome my blindness and allow me to see what i need to see. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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And if you are right about God, he will send me to hell for what I'm doing.

If you have come to the knowledge of the Love of the Truth and you are using this logic in an attempt to justify non acceptance of that truth? Then yes God will condemn you to eternity in the Lake of Fire.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
I trust God and if the bean in my own eye is blinding me to the truth about God then I trust that He will overcome my blindness and allow me to see what i need to see.

And in the meantime, you are free to be cruel to everyone and accuse them of lying and dishonesty, right?
And in the meantime, you are free to be cruel to everyone and accuse them of lying and dishonesty, right?


Telling people what you honestly believe is not cruel when you do so in the hope for their eternal benefit.

So i have a direct manner and i don't beat around the bush. What i have to say does offend some But still it is up to them to either accept or reject what i say.

If people want fluffy and ear tickling lies and they get angry when someone tells them the hard truth then so be it. They can go and listen to people who will tell them what they want to hear and they can spend the rest of their lives in wilful ignorance, it is their call.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
But still it is up to them to either accept or reject what i say.

No, it is not. And this is the part you are unable to understand.

I've been telling you this for weeks, but you just don't understand it.
No, it is not. And this is the part you are unable to understand.

I've been telling you this for weeks, but you just don't understand it.

What exactly do you mean by this? As far as I'm aware, I'm free to reject Adstar's claims as much as he's free to claim them. Unless you're talking about within a hypothetical where Adstar's God exists...?
What exactly do you mean by this? As far as I'm aware, I'm free to reject Adstar's claims as much as he's free to claim them.

You might be free to reject them - but this might cost you to go to eternal hell.
No, it is not. And this is the part you are unable to understand.

I've been telling you this for weeks, but you just don't understand it.

Yes i have read what you have been saying and how many different ways you have been saying the same thing. Yes i understand what you are saying but i do not agree with you at all.

Your logic would be nice and neat if God was a distant God who did not interact with His creation. You probably could plead ignorance and the lack of ability to find God and to know Him enough to believe in him without doubt. But God is not a distant God But has a will for man to make a choice between evil and good between rebellion and acceptance. God calls men out with their conscience but as i said before men can resist and build up any philosophical wall to try to defend themselves against the glaring reality of God.

Men are quite capable of brainwashing themselves with their reasoning but when it comes to the eventual meeting with God that all men will come to no such smart talking will cut ice with the One who sees deep inside into what lurks within a mans conscience.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes i have read what you have been saying and how many different ways you have been saying the same thing. Yes i understand what you are saying but i do not agree with you at all.

Your logic would be nice and neat if God was a distant God who did not interact with His creation. You probably could plead ignorance and the lack of ability to find God and to know Him enough to believe in him without doubt. But God is not a distant God But has a will for man to make a choice between evil and good between rebellion and acceptance. God calls men out with their conscience but as i said before men can resist and build up any philosophical wall to try to defend themselves against the glaring reality of God.

Men are quite capable of brainwashing themselves with their reasoning but when it comes to the eventual meeting with God that all men will come to no such smart talking will cut ice with the One who sees deep inside into what lurks within a mans conscience.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Perhaps I could just blow a bullet into my head. It would make absolutely no difference in comparison to believing what you say above.
i downloaded two books one is good and the other is like hellish shit wars and death
2008_ gods final witnes 1
and the other one is prophesied end of time ronald weinland 1
really easy to read books and pretty well precise i reckon but im not a professionl book person on truth and fact and the down load is free i leave it on me laptop and read page for page and i will have my own opinion about the books