Shifting the attention once again...

Once again shifting attention to Christianity's favorite obsession, the Judeo-Christian/Islamic taboo that says that love is evil when the body parts are similar.

It sounds silly when I put it that way, doesn't it? But that is what the taboo says, expressed in very plain language.

And I'd like to ask Christians that, whenever I hear them wailing about the sin of homosexuality or how gay marriage is a big threat to societal values and so forth, why does love become evil when the body parts are similar?

Because the Word of God says so.

Now, I realize that there are some liberal Christian's out there who will try to say "Well, that's not really what the bible says.".

No! I'm sorry. There really is no question about this.

That’s right, I know it and you know it. It is plain as day in the scriptures. But they cannot accept the scriptures while still wanting the eternal benefits of claiming to follow the will of God. So they think they can conform the scriptures to the desires of the world. Their thinking is wrong.

Leviticus 19:22 says "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is an abomination",

Clear as day isn't it.

Leviticus 20:13 goes on to say that "If a man also lie with mankind as with woman, both of them have commited a violation. They shall surely be put to death, their blood is upon them". It says to go out and kill the gays.

Yep the penalty for sin is death.

And in Romans 1:26 Paul extends the taboo to lesbians. He says "For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections, for even thier woman did change the natural use into that which is against nature.".

Yes well studied I could not have done better in gathering and interpreting the scriptures up to this point, that you have. Well done.

So, I'm sorry. I hate to admit it, but at this particular point, Fred Phelps is right and the bible God, Yahweh, really does hate gays.

No. God loves gays, He declares homosexual sex to be an abomination. You and Fred are both wrong.

But back to the topic of why love becomes evil when the body parts are similar.

At this point some conservative Christian's will say "Well, you're over simplifying things. Its really much more complicated than that.".

No! I don't see any reason to think whatsoever that love becomes any different if its for the same gender or the opppsite gender. Anyone with a mature concept of love understands that what makes marriage sacred are such things as devotion, fidelity, commitment, and sharing the journey of life with another human being. These are things that have nothing to do with gender. Anyone with a mature concept of love knows that its not about the physical mechanics of sex.

But these scriptures are clearly about the mechanics of sexual intercourse.

And yet you hear conservative Christians going on and on as if that were the number one concideration, that that's basically what makes marriage sacred to them. And the idea that any couple should be allowed to get married if they don't meet the "body part requirement" is just totally unthinkable to them. That shows just how immature thier concept of love and marriage really is.

And other's will go on to say "Well, it's just not natural.".

Actually there's been plenty of research that shows to the contrary. Ever since the days of Aristotle, biologists working independently of eachother have noticed that homosexuality, infact, does exist in the animal kingdom. It does exist in nature. It is not, as Paul said, "unnatural".

So you disagree with the scriptures. That’s your privilege, but the scriptures are right and i believe the Word of God will stand it does not matter a jot if 99.99999% of the worlds population disagree with it.

With all of that swept away, we see that its really all about bigotry. You want to feel superior to that person over there because that person over there is different from you. That's what this is really all about.

For some it may be bigotry. But for true followers of God it is about believing in His Word and trusting in His judgements on the matter. I don't spend my days worrying about gay marriage and the laws of this world powers. They can make whatever laws and peruse any policies regarding this issue they please to, But in the end all the politics and power plays are all vanity. Like people building a tower on the top of a volcano and steadfastly refusing to believe it will become active, as if the strength of their will power will keep the mountain in check. All their efforts are doomed in the long run to be obliterated.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It is plain as day in the scriptures. But they cannot accept the scriptures while still wanting the eternal benefits of claiming to follow the will of God. So they think they can conform the scriptures to the desires of the world. Their thinking is wrong.

The very same scripture says you can't eat shellfish. The same scripture says you can't wear clothes of two different materials.

You are as guilty as those you are currently whining about. The word of god will stand even if you and 99.999999% of the worlds population disagree with it.


Such a hypocrite.
I bring out this article from time to time because, well, the discussion about God and hatred and homosexuality tends to keep coming 'round this mark:

McKinley, Brian E. "When Christ was Gay". See

It's a fairly simple argument:

The term "mockery" doesn't begin to describe the trashing these so-called Christians are doing to God's name. The Religious Right should get down on their knees and beg the forgiveness of every homosexual man or woman they have publicly condemned on their way to the bank. They should beg God's forgiveness for being just like the wicked servant in Christ's story, forgiven of their own sinful lifestyles but unwilling to forgive the lifestyles of their fellow human beings. And then they should stop their self-righteous rhetoric and remember that for a moment in their savior's life, as he hung on a cross for everyone's sin, that Christ was gay.

Finally, one Christian actually, honestly expressed to me what this issue was really all about. He said to me "I just don't like the idea that two fags can have a relationship equal to the one that I have with my wife.".

THANK YOU! I appreciate that kind of honesty. That pure, unadulterated expression of bigotry without any garbage pretext, that somehow its all about family values or how its about protecting the sacred institution of marriage or any of that garbage.

I dont know what to tell you, most of your stories sound made up anyway. But that person you supposedly spoke to could have been from any background.

With all of that swept away, we see that its really all about bigotry. ... That's what this is really all about.

Dont be so hard on yourself.
I dont know what to tell you, most of your stories sound made up anyway. But that person you supposedly spoke to could have been from any background.

Dont be so hard on yourself.

John, you really shouldn't be so rude. I was actually starting to like you a bit. BTW, I should have said it in the beginning, but this is a quote from John L Armstrong.
John, you really shouldn't be so rude. I was actually starting to like you a bit. BTW, I should have said it in the beginning, but this is a quote from John L Armstrong.

How was that rude? I guess everyone has their cross to bear.

How do you know your right? Things can be\get worse you know.
MZ3Boy84, please shorten the quote, provide a link or better citation (perhaps tell us who John L Armstrong is and why an appeal to his authority is relevant) and provide some commentary to that quote. Large copy/pastes are not permitted in this forum.

I'll give you the rest of the evening to fix, then I'll have to delete it as propaganda per the forum rules.
How was that rude? I guess everyone has their cross to bear.

How do you know your right? Things can be\get worse you know.

Yes I am fully aware that things could be ALOT worse. We could end up like most of the middle east, and hang homosexuals. Do I think that is right? Hell no. But when it comes to the bible, I don't view it as 'maybe im right or maybe im wrong'. I take into concideration the facts that I DO know.

If God created me ONLY to be predestine to burn an eternity in hell, then that is not a God I choose to acknowledge. And I don't believe in a spiteful and jealous god. Seriously... if there is only one god, why is he so worried about us fulfilling his wishes? Makes no sense to me. What competetition does he have? The devil??? haha According to Christianity, God created the devil. Apparently Jesus taught us to love our enemies and don't judge and to accept people for who they are.... but wait, somehow that doesn't apply if thier gay??? Yeah... ok... whatever. Sorry Christians, but whether your right or wrong in the end, your expressions of love and acceptance are WAY off from what you were supposed to be taught as "Christians". And quite frankly, I don't believe in fairly tales, whether they be written a few years ago or 2000+ years ago.
MZ3Boy84, please shorten the quote, provide a link or better citation (perhaps tell us who John L Armstrong is and why an appeal to his authority is relevant) and provide some commentary to that quote. Large copy/pastes are not permitted in this forum.

I'll give you the rest of the evening to fix, then I'll have to delete it as propaganda per the forum rules.

Ok.. sorry Skin. :(

EDIT::: Corrected.... sorry again.
No. God loves gays, He declares homosexual sex to be an abomination. You and Fred are both wrong.

Maybe God shouldn't have given humans the capacity for gay sex then...?
For a supposedly omnipotent being he seems prone to a lot of mistakes.
The very same scripture says you can't eat shellfish. The same scripture says you can't wear clothes of two different materials.

You are as guilty as those you are currently whining about. The word of god will stand even if you and 99.999999% of the worlds population disagree with it.


Such a hypocrite.

Of course i am a guilty sinner. I have never stated differently. There is no hypocrisy in it at all.

I am not judging people from a position of perfection. God is. All i have done is reveal the message of God and warn of His judgement.

You can accept that or not.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Of course i am a guilty sinner. I have never stated differently. There is no hypocrisy in it at all.

I am not judging people from a position of perfection. God is. All i have done is reveal the message of God and warn of His judgement.

You are, per your own admission, a "guilty sinner".

Being a "guilty sinner" disqualifies you from being a reliable messenger of God's message.

A fallible person cannot know that which is perfect.
Of course i am a guilty sinner.

Then you really need to stop whining about what other people are up to. Why try and get the speck of dust from their eye....? Well?

Concentrate on your own worthless little life.
Of course i am a guilty sinner. I have never stated differently. There is no hypocrisy in it at all.

I am not judging people from a position of perfection. God is. All i have done is reveal the message of God and warn of His judgement.

You can accept that or not.
M*W: Adstar, it saddens me that you are a "guilty sinner." I would rather think that you are a good man, a righteous man. Why do you denigrate yourself so? If god is judging you, why do you believe that you are a sinner? I see that as self-doubt. I would be tempted to think you were a good man, but if you believe your god would condemn you, that proves there is no god at all! Can you explain this to me?