Share your ghost stories...

i see dead people. really, i have a lot of dead friends and enemies, to think they watch me shower or pick my nose. creepy and hilarious....
Ok first off I don't believe in ghosts and this story has not changed my mind but it is very strange.

Years ago both my sisters worked part-time in a Petrol (Gas Station). My younger sister worked day shift and then the older sister joined to work the evening shift.

On the older sisters first evening shift she was being shown around. This involved the car showroom next door. On being shown this section her boss walked back in to the shop section leaving my sister. In that moment my sister saw a body (dead) slumped over the wheel of one of the new cars. It had long hair and a white T-Shirt.

Then the door that the boss has opened to go in to the other section slammed shut and everything was back to normal.

My sister did not mention this to the boss or anyone else that night. When she came home she was 'very' upset and shaken. She told both me and my sister (who worked the day shift) all that had happened. We both found it very funny and didn't believe a word of it.

The next day my other sister who did the day shift told everyone at work what had happened. And they said that what she saw did happen as someone had gassed themselves to death in a car years before. And this person did have long hair and was wearing a white T-shirt.

The only explanation I can give for this is that at some stage my sister may have read this story in a local paper. This is especially true as the brother of the suicide victim later went on to be in a famous UK band.
Brrr, Alex. I reckon all these ghosts and that are NONSENSE!!! but chills down the spine there, my friend.
This is especially true as the brother of the suicide victim later went on to be in a famous UK band.
Which band? I'm curious. PM me the answer if you don't want to make it public.
It was a Band called East 17 on researching it I found this.

"For example, the Ivor Novello award winning song - "Stay Another Day" - was thought to be a simple love song, but was in fact a response from Mortimer to his elder brother, who had committed suicide."

I'm not sure if your from the USA so you might not know this band but "Stay Another Day" is a truly great song.
Me and my g/f have been spending hours researching the death but can't find much. It would be good to be able to check the facts on this. I'm thinking of contacting Mortimer from his myspace account to see what he says. Will let you know what happens.
question is it legal to marry a ghost because i met this dead girl and she was kinda cute?
I'm not afraid of spelling it out:
1)at any time you feel calm or yo want to feel calm.
2)say outloud in your own voice "i'm still"...only once.
3)close your eyes or stare out the cieling fan spinning, zone out or force yourself to concentrate on one specific are without flinches.
4)allow the dizziness to occur, (your body will try to snap out of it naturally because it think your sleeping but, you're smarter than your body-don't forget that!) allow yourself to obey your inner most thoughts(i'm still).
5)you should feel strange, you might sleep, you may need it, never give up, always trust the timiest most inside part of you that never wavers that you trust to guide you to your better thoughts...the secret knowledge, the unknown secret of the universe.
It's quite simple, read it one ord at a time, don't ever think it's stupid, then further progression is not possible. Understand that when you succeed, you yourself and only yourself can guide you through what you may not remember when you wake up. re MEM bering...Memory. The key to knowledge grows inside the tiny "mustard seed" that's in us all in you guiding all of our thoughts...or misguiding. I don't know. Maybe, if oyu don't get it somehow, it's because you won't ever understand because you dont' need to know?
I don't care what replies you send, I want feed back about your worst nightmares and craziest dreams