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i was 10 years old and i was walking throo the van horn manshion on the second floor and this man that was dresed in a world war1 outfit pushed me down the stairs but then he disapeared. the van horn mansion has a nasty history to there is two graves in the back yard theres ben many sightings of ghosts and even some documentaries but so far ive only seen that man once but i saw a girl looking out the window then she jumped out and disapeared so i am convinced that the van horn mansion is haunted.
Most ghost stories can probably be explained away.

Critics of "eyewitness ghost sightings" suggest that limitations of human perception and ordinary physical explanations can account for such sightings; for example, air pressure changes in a home causing doors to slam, or lights from a passing car reflected through a window at night. Pareidolia, an innate tendency to recognize patterns in random perceptions, can cause people to believe they have seen ghosts. Reports of ghosts "seen out of the corner of the eye" may be accounted for by the sensitivity of human peripheral vision. According to skeptical investigator Joe Nickell:

...peripheral vision is very sensitive and can easily mislead, especially late at night, when the brain is tired and more likely to misinterpret sights and sounds.

Nickell also states that a person's belief that a location is haunted may cause them to interpret mundane events as confirmations of a haunting:

Once the idea of a ghost appears in a household . . . no longer is an object merely mislaid. . . . There gets to be a dynamic in a place where the idea that it's haunted takes on a life of its own. One-of-a-kind quirks that could never be repeated all become further evidence of the haunting.

Sound is thought to be another cause of ghost sightings. Frequencies lower than 20 hertz are called infrasound and are normally inaudible, but British scientists Richard Lord and Richard Wiseman have concluded that infrasound can cause humans to feel a "presence" in the room, or unexplained feelings of anxiety, and/or dread. Additionally, the symphonic resonance of the eye is around 18 hertz, which may interfere with the eye's normal functions and cause a person to see things that aren't there.

Carbon monoxide poisoning, which can cause powerful auditory and visual hallucinations, depression, and a generalized sensation of illness and dread, was recognized as a possible explanation for haunted houses as early as 1921.

Another potential explanation of apparitions is that they are hypnagogic hallucinations.

The traditional perception of ghosts wearing clothing is considered illogical, given the supposed spiritual nature of ghosts, suggesting that the basis of what a ghost is said to look like and consist of is quite dependent on preconceptions made by society.[17] Skeptics also say that, to date, there is no credible scientific evidence that any location is inhabited by spirits of the dead.

Some researchers, such as Professor Michael Persinger (Laurentian University, Canada), have speculated that changes in geomagnetic fields (created, e.g., by tectonic stresses in the Earth's crust or solar activity) could stimulate the brain's temporal lobes and produce many of the experiences associated with hauntings. This theory has been tested in various ways. Some scientists have examined the relationship between the time of onset of unusual phenomena in allegedly haunted locations and any sudden increases in global geomagnetic activity. Others have investigated whether the location of alleged hauntings is associated with certain types of magnetic activity. Finally, a third strand of work has involved laboratory studies in which stimulation of the temporal lobe with transcerebral magnetic fields has elicited subjective experiences that strongly parallel phenomena associated with hauntings. All of this work is controversial and thus has attracted a large amount of debate and disagreement.
~ Wikipedia

cat2only's sighting of Bigfoot may be a case of hypnagogic hallucination.
My house is haunted, I've had a couple experiences, and my mom was there for one to prove I wasn't crazy.

The first night we spent in the house the movers were not here yet, all we
had was a TV and two air mattresses. We took two separate cars all the
way from Memphis my dad and I in one, and my mom and two siblings in the
other. We were at the house before the others, they stopped during the
night but we didn’t. We reached the house around 12 pm and nothing
happens, we watched TV. And around 9 pm my dad fell asleep, I didn’t
blame him, he hadn’t slept in two days. I turn away from him, so I was lying
on my side, on my good ear, I’m deaf in one ear. And ten minutes later I
heard footsteps upstairs, I originally thought it was a burglar, but then all
movement stopped and plus I never heard a window open. (It is impossible
to open a window in my house with out causing ruckus.) I put my head back
down dismissing it as the house getting ready for the night, but then I heard
it again, this time there was no mistaken it was footsteps. It continued
through out the night, but it stopped as soon as my mom pulled into the
driveway around 4 am. I never told anyone, and my dad never woke up.

The second time was in my room, a couple years later, I was cleaning my
room, when on the other side of the room my saxophone fell over, and trust
me the stupid thing weighs of ton, so the wind didn’t do it.

The third time was when I was downstairs, in the den. We have a fire place
which is has two glass sliders to open and close it, they were clear, but the
way the light was you could see your reflection. I was watching reading and
I saw something from the corner of my eye, I looked up at the fireplace, it
took a while but it moved again, the doors were bending slightly out, causing
the reflections to shift. I thought it was the wind at first so I went over a
closed it all the way, it snaps in so it takes a lot of force to open, and I
continues reading, but I heard a pop and looked away from my book, the fire place doors were parted now, I called my mom and showed her, and she saw
it also. After that the doors never moved again.

The forth time, this happened a month or two ago. I was leaning against my
bed, my computer desk is parrallel to my bed, and the bed moved towards
me, I would understand it moving away, but it moved towards me, into my
weight. No one else was in the room with me, except my cat, but she was
sitting on the couch on the other side of the room.

A couple of weird things:
(1) The downstairs toilet only works when it wants to, I have replaced everything in it, and my mom called a plumber to look at it, he could find nothing. (My dad was out to sea.)
(2) I’ll find my bookmarks in my books a couple pages from where I placed them. I’ll also find smudges on the pages that are not mine.
(3) I hear odd noises sometimes in my room that I can only describe as mice scurrying on the ceiling.
In 1983 Rubert Huntingtonson decided to take the backroad home from work. He begin to feel an odd sensation and soon his skin was ripped from his bones and flew into the mouth of a large wolf. Screams were heard for 40 miles in every direction. Upon reading this you have Parkinsons disease. Please send this letter on to 50 people within the next 7 minutes or a young girl with glowing red eyes an upsidedown mouth and a dog's nose will appear before you. Goodluck and godspeed!
In 1983 Rubert Huntingtonson decided to take the backroad home from work. He begin to feel an odd sensation and soon his skin was ripped from his bones and flew into the mouth of a large wolf. Screams were heard for 40 miles in every direction. Upon reading this you have Parkinsons disease. Please send this letter on to 50 people within the next 7 minutes or a young girl with glowing red eyes an upsidedown mouth and a dog's nose will appear before you. Goodluck and godspeed!

Your lucky I'm not a dickhead. Please don't post bullshit spam like this. Thanks.
Derrrrrrr! True story, knobheeeeeeaaaaaad.

Happened to a mate of mine. Belieev it. Don't beleve it. Your choice. Doesn't change the truth of it. :shrug:
I was lying in my bed. I had been drinking heavily and was almost about to pass out.

Suddenly the bedroom turned bright. I could feel that I was getting lighter till I started hovering just above my bed.

The ceiling disappeared. poof. I could see straight into the night. And the night lifted and became day. A brilliant sun was shining into my eyes and I had to close them.

When I opened them again the sun was replaced by a the face of a handsome man. Still radiating, but not painfully any more.

I asked him who he was. He replied, 'you know'

Then all went dark again.

I was back in my bed.

I had been touched by Jesus.

and I wept of joy.
Another good mate of mine spent a night in a hotel where sum1 in the bed had died last week. In the middle of the night the sheets were ripped from the bed and flew into the mouth of a panther with glowing red eyes! He screamed and everyone in the city heard it. He wrote it down and any1 who reads it has senile dementia, which means you, which means that you have to cure yourself by posting this on to 200 ppl or a moaning little boy with black sockets for eyeballs will follow you everywhere you go until you die!
I was lying in the gutter. Had been drinking heavily. It was 20 degrees below zero (Celsius).

I had lost my coat somewhere.

I slowly became euphoric.

It suddenly became light. A bright light, but somehow i didn't have to close my eyes. It was a warm bright orange light.

A shape came towards me. It seemed to hover 10 cm above the pavement.

Angels started singing a divine song. I smiled. Lights started flashing with a Godly beat.

I was lifted by two spirits and brought into the waiting room for heaven. It moved back and forth, slowly rocking, accelerating and decelerating. I was lifted again by two spirits who brought me to the Gates of Heaven. Saint Peter was waiting there for me.

And then I woke up in a cold cell at the police station.

It's a miracle.

Anyway, another good mate of mine but a different one was walking by the seaside one day when a scary, grey hand with lonf gingers stretched out of the water and RIPPED my mate in. Anyway he got out and you've now got Crohn's Disease. Post this msg on to 4000 ppl or an old woman with warty hands will strangleate you on ur deathbed!!!

Anyway, another good mate of mine but a different one was walking by the seaside one day when a scary, grey hand with lonf gingers stretched out of the water and RIPPED my mate in. Anyway he got out and you've now got Crohn's Disease. Post this msg on to 4000 ppl or an old woman with warty hands will strangleate you on ur deathbed!!!

You forgot to say how far away his screams could be heard.
Yeah, I didn't wanna scare ppl 2 much. They could be heard over the ocean in Africa. In that particular instance.

So my mate said.
bullshit, your lucky I'm not a dickhead, belieive it, don't beleieve it, it's up to you doesn't change the truth of it. :shrug:
i was working in our local british legion when we had a function upstairs in the top bar, now at the end of the night, it was my job to make sure all the lights were of, and the main doors were locked for the next function, i was doing one more walk around to make sure everything was done, when i saw a tall man, with a black cloak, with a big top hat, but it was funny because i wasnt scared i was more relaxed.

and when i spoke to my boss about it, she said "oh thast just Jim, i see him all the time" and according to some of the old soldiers there, they said that Jim was an actual person who was killed in the bar, while he was working there.

Oh i loved being a supervisor there, there was never a dull evening.
I was lay dozing in bed before work one morning and felt somebody put pressure on my eye brow and run their finger over it 3 times in a row. Didn’t feel weird in my sleep until I woke up and was like what the fuck!

I live in a old converted barn and it is very very creepy but so cool. My bf told me that he went down stairs to get his phone one night, and it was pitch black in the living room. When he was by the sofa he heard a lady in a soft voice say his name three times, as if she was right next to him. He doesnt believe in the paranormal, this is what makes it so more scary for me.