Share your ghost stories...


Valued Senior Member
Alot of people have claimed to have had contact with the dead in some form or fashion.

If you have had a "paranormal experience", please share it.

As for myself, I've had a couple.

Some background information:

My grandmother passed away in September of 1998 from cancer when I was 13 years old. Prior to her death, my mother and I had moved in with my grandmother in order to take care of her during her last months. After which my grandmother had passed away, we chose to stay in the house atleast until I could finish high school. I never really got to say goodbye to her since the family agreed that they did not want me present at her passing. That night that she had passed, I had been spending the night at a friends house. She passed away in her bedroom.

The situation:
1) When she passed away, I knew it. I was laying in my friends bed and looked at the clock which read 11:31PM and all of the sudden I got a really heavy feeling, like I was completely alone, and the air was very thick. I knew right that minute that my grandmother had passed away. The next day I returned home. I walked in the kitchen to find my mother standing behind the counter. She says to me "Nanny passed away last night". ("Nanny" is what I called my grandmother). Without even thinking, I replied "I know". It wasn't until later that after noon when I asked at about what time my grandmother passed on. My mother told me she had died at 11:30, one minute before I had that intense feeling the night before. I was suprised, but at the same time I wasn't.

2) When I was 15, just over two years after my grandmothers death, some thing's started happening around the house. First, I was sitting at the dinner table alone eating some soup when I noticed the lamp which hung above the table started to sway. Officially creeped out, I reached up and held the lamp still. A few minutes later, it started to sway again, this time MUCH stronger. I called my mom into the dining room and showed her the lamp. She was held the lamp still and then let go and watched it sway again. I put my bowl in the sink and we decided to try and ignore it.

3) A few months after that, something else happened. Those two day's are some I will never forget. It was a Friday night at around 1:00AM and I was sitting at the computer in the study talking in an AOL chatroom. All of the sudden, I see a reflection in the monitor which caught me totally off-guard. It was like a shadow of a person walking quickly behind me. I turned around, no one there. It happened again. And yet again I looked behind me finding on the the wall. A few minutes went by. I had resumed my online conversations and forgot about the incidents. Then I saw another reflection in the monitor and then a heavy hand on my right shoulder. It was VERY noticable. I automattically assumed it was my mother. I asked her what she had been doing up so late. Needless to say, I didn't get a response. I turned around and saw no one there, then I realized that the apparent hand on my shoulder had gone. I WAS FREAKED OUT. I went around the house and turned all the lights on and then went into my mom's bedroom to wake her up. I told her what happened. Then she told me that she was just having a dream about my grandmother (her mom). That was the first time since I was a child that we slept in the same bed lol.

Something unique happened the next night, but I prefer to keep that private. It was quite an experience and I wish to keep that somewhat a secret. Only my mom and I know about it. Most people wouldn't believe me anyway. Lets just say that it involved an aparition in great detal.

3) On Thankgiving of 2000, it was the first time the whole family had been together since my grandmothers death. We were celebrating at our/my grandmothers house with a nice Thanksgiving lunch. Everybody took thier seats at the table. We left one seat open for my grandmother in honor of her. We all began eating and having a decent time. I looked over at my mom and told her that wished "Nanny" was there. Not even a second after I said that, the power in the house went out for about 3 seconds. We took it as a sign that that was her way of saying that she was there. Later that day my mom asked our close neighbors if the power had blinked at thier home earlier. Our neighbors said that the power did NOT blink. And our whole street was on the same power grid, so if infact the power did go out in our house, the whole street would have lost power as well.

One last one:
I almost forgot... my whole life, my grandmother had always told me that if I didn't smoke, drink or do drugs, then she would buy me a new car on my 18th Birthday. When I was 14, I smoked my first cigarette on the way home from school one day. The following weekend, my mom drove me about an hour away to Galveston to visit my dad for the weekend. I few hours later we recieved a phone call. My mom had been in a serious car wreck which totalled the car but left her with only a few bruises. An 18-wheeler had ran a red light and hit her from the side. The EMS medics and the police said that if the truck would have been going only a few MPH faster, then my mom would not be here today. Keep in mind, my grandmother passed away from cancer, from smoking.
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Well, when i was staying in a very old hotel (quite large too) in the center of a town nto so far away from Dunoon in Rothsey, i remember one particular night that i will never forget.

It was about 11:30pm, and it had got very dark. I wanted to go for a shower before i went to bed. The bathroom was located outside the room, right in front of my door. What made this particular experience interesting, was that i was the only resident in the Hotel at the time.

I went outside, locked my door, and looked down the corridor for some reason... ofcourse the corridor was dark, but i nearly shat a brick, because there was what i can only describe as being ''a small child...'' most probably a girl looking down the hall, and approx. 30 foot away from me. I turned towards the bathroom, quite literally ran in, and turned the light on...

''Impossible'' i kept saying to myself...

After my shower, i went to bed thinking about what i had, and how improbable ghosts were. The next morning, i went downstairs, and i usually went out for my breakfast, but i stayed in this morning. I asked the lady serving me a question. I asked, ''Is there any way anyone can get into the Hotel at night.''

She replied...

''No... If you want to leave at night, you must lock the door behind you with your key.''

I was shocked. What was it I had seen?
I died, saw myself dead lying there all alone, was very frieghtened and came back to life!
I don't believe, but my husband does. He thinks is a parallel universe touching ours from time to time in places.
''I don't believe, but my husband does. He thinks is a parallel universe touching ours from time to time in places.''

Funny... I've postulated this as well.
''I don't believe, but my husband does. He thinks is a parallel universe touching ours from time to time in places.''

Funny... I've postulated this as well.

??postulated?? :bugeye: lol. You big word talker you.
i went with my brother and a group of friends to someplace that was supposed to be haunted. we ran into another group of people wandered around for bit and left we came back to my house and i'm like why did we leave one person back when we left on of the 2 girls with the other group and my brother was like there was only one girl with my one friend is like no there were 2. so the 4 of us who were at my house came to the conclusion me and my friend saw a ghost. we refer to her as the dead girl
i was at school trip.... and as we were leaving the celler wich was converted to our sleeping place with bunks etc... and i was slaped round the face but no one was there!
this aint a ghost storie but this freaked me out... my mom belives in the spirits and goes to those sorts of people i went with her one day and the man sittning behind us tells my mom about all my illneses, then he goes look after him his special. :|
I told this here before but i am sure you did not see it-

My girlfrien and i were asleep at my parent house in the woods. That was scary.

ha ha. thats not all. It was an odd night, nothing particularly out of the ordinary but i had this feeling that things were a little off. There were times, in my youth, where i knew that when i fell asleep things were going to happen. Strange things weather it was going to be night tremors, mostly those but often times of not being alone. Even while awake i could smell the presence of someone else, i coui.d often times feel a presence and also have seen smoke\haze, misty type shapes etc.

That night we went to bed late. I tossed alot and felt uneasy because i had similar feelings as i had when i was certain i would be assaulted. Sounds harsh but what else do you call being held down, struggling to get free and terrified? This night they were walkers, they pass you back and forht and dont seem to touch you. Well, i felt them, i felt their breeze as they walked by mostly but more than that i felt THEM. After a few short hours of sleep we woke up and the first thing my girlfriend asked me was "did you feel someone walking past us?" i am not sure if she said someone, something or people because i kind of blocked the word out or at least that is the only part that is not completely fresh in my memory, i did not want to really hear it. My response was "um, uhhh, er:confused:" Then she asked me "did you put this blanket on us?" I just did not know if i should tell her the truth (NO) or just lie and i dont even remember what i did say. I was kind of down because this was the home i grew up in and i wanted everything to be right but can haiving a night\nights like that ever be right?


wow. never will you believe what just happened. about trwo hours after this post i got a sign, i got a sign.
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yeah i did was very young

i lived next door to an old peoples hospital on victoria parade in melbourne and on the other side was a little shop

i snuck out one night with me puppy dog
and walked right upto a lady that was strange she was asleep then awake then asleep then awake

i just watched her .....she got up then and looked at me she mumbled they told her she knew i was coming
i kept looking round to see who she talking to she u little girl i was lie ok then what ever that
she went on that they told her i was the only that could help her that i was an angel
she asked me things bout the other side i know that this sounds strange but i thought she was talking bout the other side of the hospital so i said yes i do know the other side
she told me they want her to go but she didnt wanna she wanted her son with her
she asked me to help her find him i just agreed cause i was gonna get my step mum to find her son
i went to see her the next day she was gone we talked for quite awhile before she left
and asked one of the nurses where was my new friend gone then the whole ward started screaming get her out get her away we dont want to go help us that but really loud for a little while well few minutes

they locked me out of that hospital i tried to reson with them but they called the police on me and the news papers came and questioned my step mum he made me hide but i snuck and watched cause i didnt knowwhat was going on this charde went on for a few weeks with the strange behaviour of the police they said they had interviewed each person on that ward patients and all said i was an angel and that i took this lady to the other side without being there

the churches grabbed me mum and made her take me to have a blessing thing or chrisoned

we ended up moving round town to town changed names
but since that day i have been beaten abused and mocked people would say to me why u not us what have u got we dont have
like that
i know pain alright only thruogh this curse

well its sorta a ghost story bout a lady told by the dead i was coming
am not accused of being a nice angel

while i was in usa a psychic that now works for the cops but before he did i et him in a library
he told me things that so far came true and he said the same thing as that woman did to me when i was as young as 7 or 8 couldda even been 6 dont member

is my eery story