Shadow like people

Yea, I started seeing them when I began to work with meditation and astral projection. Basically, they look like a 3-dimensional shadow. And its not always just out of the corner of my eye, but they always move fast. I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you, since it seems pretty common (one of my friends has the same experience).
I seating on a living room couch in front of my television, my reflection appeared on the television screen that was turned off at that time, the reflection of the television screen was that of a fathom like person seated beside me and leaning towards me. It was dark as a room without any lights, it had no face, it only resembled a fathom.
Messor said:
I was wondering if any one out there has every seen these shadow like people out of the corner of there eye.

please tell me about it.
Have you ever been in a room where you smelled a fart but you're
the only one there? Could this be the handiwork of shadow-person / animal?
Back to the point shall we messor !?

I have seen many shadow people. I believe they are messengers of the light, trying to open the minds of people who have further opened their minds away from "physical proof" of life through science and studies.

The fact that we quite simply put events and phenominal happenings down to the fact is not enough for some people in this universe.
A sperm and an egg meet, and we are quite happy to live with the fact that, that is all there is to it.
Back to the point. If we allow ourselves to explore the possiblities within our conciousness, which by my terms is magic, then we allow ourselves to see all sorts of energies and entities in this vast infinite-ness.
ghost, orbs, ET's and shadow people are highly sophisticated beings that have already passed their physical evolutionary stages that we are currently at. my beliefs ! .... Whats yours ? (and oh yes, I am expecting ridicule from this)
When i remember a dream, the people are filled in with "shadows", kind of like a profile image of someone projected on a wall? Anyways, if i experience deja vu, those shadows are filled in. not exactly what you're talking about i guess, but my two cents.
Gambit Star said:
I have seen many shadow people. I believe they are messengers of the light, trying to open the minds of people who have further opened their minds away from "physical proof" of life through science and studies.

The fact that we quite simply put events and phenominal happenings down to the fact is not enough for some people in this universe.
A sperm and an egg meet, and we are quite happy to live with the fact that, that is all there is to it.
Back to the point. If we allow ourselves to explore the possiblities within our conciousness, which by my terms is magic, then we allow ourselves to see all sorts of energies and entities in this vast infinite-ness.
ghost, orbs, ET's and shadow people are highly sophisticated beings that have already passed their physical evolutionary stages that we are currently at.


I have seen many shadow people. I accept without proof that they are
messangers of photons with a sole purpose of trying to encourage emotional

I am incoherent. A sperm and an egg meet and *poof* you have a baby.
Our conciousness is infinite magic and if we explore statistics within that
magic then our optic nerve will begin picking up energies and entities.

After all, the living dead, energy balls, vulcans, and shadow people used
to be physical until physical environmental pressures promoted the survival of
offspring variations that were not physical.

:m: :rolleyes: :m:
yes anything can be ... ive seen weird shit but i was ussually hallucinating ... this one time i took some shrooms and saw shadow like figures ... but they made me feel like they were protecting me and not trying to hurt me ... these shadow ppl u are talking about do they make u feel safe?
i think there was old stuff in the bible it was the book of enoch ... and it was very real ... once demonic and spiritual forces had offspring with living souls on the earth and formed 2 great kings ... forgot there names but they were about 20ft ... maybe its just lord of the rings but im pretty sure its fact ... but i have never physically felt this stuff like i said i was just tripping off a high ... lol
for those doubters who pride themselves on knowing science, and not believing any of this pseudo science crap, answer this question, and I will be very impressed:

You are consious (I think therefore I am, right?). you are made up of a mixture of matter and energy, in 3-D space. What is special about that combination that allows for life?
All living things have slightly different ratios of energy/matter in them, and that level changes over each individual lifetime, indeed on a daily basis.

So we can have consious matter/energy at your ratio, why not consious matter/energy more heavily balanced toward the "Engery" end of the spectrum? Why do we assume that Energy-based life is impossible, when we don't even understand yet why it is that we exist?

On Topic: I have seen a "shadow person" once in my life, and I see shadow animals all the time. However, I don't know how to classify these sorts of things.

Because the occurance of sightings tend to increase dramatically, I tend to chalk them up as "most likely a tired mind finding patterns that aren't really there". I think this is supported by the fact that you can really only see them out of the corner of your eye, or for a breif second. IMO, these things are more likely than not just in our minds.
However, my good friend/next-door neighbor who is very well versed in Souix lore has corroberated my one "Shadow person" event; telling me without prompting that she saw a "thunder spirirt" in her bedroom (the very same night I saw a tall, winged thing standing over me as I was coming out of meditation). Apon hearing her description of a 5-6' tall dark shadow humanoid with hawk-shaped wings, I decided that I'm going to have to keep my mind open.
river-wind said:
for those doubters who pride themselves on knowing science, and not believing any of this pseudo science crap, answer this question, and I will be very impressed:

Not sure I fit the bill, but I'll give it a whirl.

river-wind said:
You are consious (I think therefore I am, right?).


river-wind said:
you are made up of a mixture of matter and energy, in 3-D space.

Mostly correct. Matter and energy are really different states of the same
thing. Energy is uncompressed matter and matter is compressed energy:

M = E/C^2

respectively. One important difference between energy and matter is that
matter can be arranged in incoprhensibly complex ways while energy has
not been observed to share this behavior.

Our universe seems to have far more dimensions than 3 (m-theory shows 11).

river-wind said:
What is special about that combination that allows for life?

Good question. I am not sure enough knowledge exists to answer it fully;
however, I would say that at a high level it generates change, complexity,
and adaptation.

river-wind said:
All living things have slightly different ratios of energy/matter in them, and that level changes over each individual lifetime, indeed on a daily basis.

Correct. Energy has to be used for mass to produce work.

river-wind said:
So we can have consious matter/energy at your ratio, why not consious matter/energy more heavily balanced toward the "Engery" end of the spectrum?

I woud assert that energy lacks the complexity to result in conciousness.
Ex. photons and heat simply don't result in structure. Perhaps undiscovered
forms of energy could result in such compexity, but this is wishful thinking

river-wind said:
Why do we assume that Energy-based life is impossible, when we don't even understand yet why it is that we exist?

Same reason as above.

river-wind said:
On Topic: I have seen a "shadow person" once in my life, and I see shadow animals all the time. However, I don't know how to classify these sorts of things.

Hypnogigic hallucination perhaps?

river-wind said:
Because the occurance of sightings tend to increase dramatically, I tend to chalk them up as "most likely a tired mind finding patterns that aren't really there".

I am in full agreement with the second part of that statement.

river-wind said:
I think this is supported by the fact that you can really only see them out of the corner of your eye, or for a breif second. IMO, these things are more likely than not just in our minds.

Hypnogigic hallucinations can last many seconds in some cases. When
my brain was exceptionally tired one day, I saw and heard a dog (it
was not a shadow... but looked like a real Yorkie type of dog). Then it
just vanished *poof* no smooth transition. Fortunately I have had enough
hypnogigic hallucinations (usually after first waking up) to be able differentiate
between them and what's really there.

river-wind said:
However, my good friend/next-door neighbor who is very well versed in Souix lore has corroberated my one "Shadow person" event; telling me without prompting that she saw a "thunder spirirt" in her bedroom (the very same night I saw a tall, winged thing standing over me as I was coming out of meditation). Apon hearing her description of a 5-6' tall dark shadow humanoid with hawk-shaped wings, I decided that I'm going to have to keep my mind open.

I've seen dragons, demons, spiders (LOTS OF SPIDERS), worms, multi-colored
clouds, light streaks, etc. But they are all generated by my mind, they are
not what's really there. A video camera could be used to validate this if there
is any doubt (ever wonder why this kind of stuff NEVER ends up on camera)?