Shadow like people

Oh my goodness Mr G...

*So, can one see shadow people outside at nighttime or are they a dayime-indoor sort of thing? Has anyone ever seen shadow animals?*

Are you tying to tell me you are asking serious questions here?

Well, you can get a serious answer at the questions which appear a little serious to me.:rolleyes:

Shadows can be seen as well in daytime as in nighttime. Example, the Native passage ways from Natives, spread all over the America's. They just 'walk' through the house and the surroundings, like there is nothing in their way. They go right through walls and doors and so on.

Now I get real serious, so spare me your everlasting sarcastic kind of view. You asked for it. I see them yes. In the house where I live, there are Natives . I can see three of them very clearly, one older man and two younger women. The rest are Shadows of which I can't get a clearer look. These Shadows are very old. It can be that they are here for several centuries. Can't get it totally clear at this point. The Shadows are very peaceful and best is to leave them in peace.

Shadow Animals do exist too yes. I've seen horses and cats at several places I lived in the Netherlands. They are more disturbed than Shadow People seem to be. However, some Shadow People are hostile and play tricks on you. Remember the word Poltergeist? Well, the word is human, the Shadows are not. They do 'attack' in nasty ways if you are acting afraid. These 'Poltergeists' have a violent history, made during their lifetime. You can cast them away by just telling them so in a strong way. They will leave, eventually. It takes some time and stability here.

It is a special experience though and not something to make fun about.

*Presumably, some of the shadow people are farmers who grow shadow food. Have shadow people ever been observed to be sitting around a shadow table eating a good meal?*

I don't go into this, for it is just BS.

*Name just one shadow person, or just one shadow person viewer, who's also a Mensa member.*

Ridiculous remark. I don't go into this either. If you really want serious reply, than don't place this kind of stupid remarks...:cool:
One example of Poltergeist activity...

Mysterious showers of stones materialised out of thin air in front of hundreds of amazed witnesses during the three-year reign of the Mayanup Poltergeist in the 1950s. But more than 45 years after the strange phenomena terrorised an Aboriginal family at Boyup Brook, in Western Australia, the mystery remains unsolved.

The case attracted worldwide attention for the Aboriginal Smith family and their white employers, the Hacks, in the conservative shire of Mayanup, at Australia's most southwestern tip. At the time many believed it was a mischievous spirit the Aboriginals called "the Jannick", others proclaimed it an elaborate hoax - but no one could (or can) prove what was behind the physics-defying displays.

Now one of the families central to the drama has attempted to record the mystery before its details are lost to forteans and historiansalike.

The drama began on the night of May 17, 1955, when stones rained down on the Smiths' humble shack. A low, mournful whistle pierced the night air, and the Hacks' dogs - driven half mad by the commotion - broke their chains and ran off into the night. But what happened next defied all the laws of science. Stones materialised out of nowhere to plonk on the rooftop, clatter on the dining room table and appear on the inside of hurricane lamps. A terrified Gilbert Smith ran to alert his employer, who was at first reluctant to believe the wild stories. It was only when Bill Hack saw stones appear from nowhere himself that word got out: something was afoot at Keninup. Thousands were drawn to the farm - researchers, police, onlookers both curious and sceptical.
Bystanders who saw the stones, which materialised everywhere from inside the bed linen to the dining room table, said they were strangely warm to the touch. And they weren't the only objects to be temporarily requisitioned by the strange force: old bottles, potatoes, soap, knives, bones and even a child's doll were seen to be tossed around the home. Luminous hands and strange bobbing lights - sometimes orange, sometimes blue - were often seen in conjunction with the phenomena. These ranged from bicycle lamp to full moon-sized and, on occasion appeared to follow witnesses around. Interestingly, Hack has uncovered mention of strange lights in the area connected to the murder of a young English boy in 1900. Sightings of similar mystery lights were also reported from the area in the late 1970s, though by now they were attributed to UFOs.

The bizarre phenomena was also temporarily transferred to the home of the Smith's Aboriginal friends, the Krakouers, who lived at Doug Hack's (Bill's brother) neighbouring property, Lynford Hill. Stones began to rain down on their camp after they visited the Smiths one evening, causing them to move on. One of the most intriguing parts of this story is that the phenomena followed the Smiths around, continuing to manifest itself until the death of Mr, and then later, Mrs Smith.

No, it is not a scene from the movie 'Poltergeist'.:) Just in case somebody comes up with a 'smart' remark again. Guess the movie-makers have done some research, though that particular movie is typical american. Totally overdue...;)
Hey banshee...!

Poeple in my country also belive there are some 'creatures' wich similar with your description. (But nowday during 'modern' age, many of them lost their believe. Inyway, at small villeges they are still believe)

We call any life form wich 'unusual' (in mystical term) as 'ghost' or 'genie'. But they also belief there many kind of 'ghosts'. They're believe those things since centuries ago.

The 'famous' ones are:
- Tuyul (male/female, kid). this 'ghost' looks like a small kid, bighead, serve his master as thief. Stealing cash from neighborhood. This ghost not so dangerous and can easily defeated.

- Kuntilanak / Sundel Bolong (female, adult). a beautiful, but scarry 'ghost'. (May be looks like Bebelina :D :D). There a rotten holow on her back. They're belived alive to revenge. They seducting her victim before scary them 'till shockly run and piss in the pant.

- Pocongan (vary). this 'ghost' believed as living spirit who has died killed. It just going anywhere to search his killer. It's still wear clothes just like when it burried.

- Glundung pringis (male). rare type. only a head rollings to anywhere.

- Gendruwo (ussually male, old). Similar with your description. Big (about 3 meters / 5 feet) black, and scary. (they believe it was hairy), sometime semi-transparent. They're very powerful. At normal condition they're not mean. But can be very dangerous in certain condition.

There are also many other types i don't remember now. Or without specific name, there are good ones, and evil ones. Sometimes, there 'genie', including 'Gendruwo' (your 'shadowman') work for people with psychic ability to guard his property (such as farm).
Personally i've never seen one of them before. (I've tried to search one, driven by my curiosity, even i was scared to hell. But i can't find it). But those stories are very common here. It is impossible many people who not know to each other lie with the same story.

These things may sounds silly for anyone who dosn't belive. I don't care about it.

Banshee, there is no certain question i want to ask you. But i really... really... like to hear your comment. ;)
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But what happened next defied all the laws of science.

Precisely why it should be ignored wholesale by the critical thinking public.


Now you should feel free to jump all over Banshee's last post as cut'n'paste plagiarism.

*- Pocongan (vary). this 'ghost' believed as living spirit who has died killed. It just going anywhere to search his killer. It's still wear clothes just like when it burried.*

Yeah, this is a familiar one. I've heard a lot about these Shadows. Not in a particular name, as you mention it. Luckily I've no experiences with them.

I hear voices from Shadows too. Don't have a name for them. It are arguing, crying and whispering voices. All through one another. The language is not known to me. I can't understand what they are saying. Wish I could.

*- Gendruwo (ussually male, old). Similar with your description. Big (about 3 meters / 5 feet) black, and scary. (they believe it was hairy), sometime semi-transparent. They're very powerful. At normal condition they're not mean. But can be very dangerous in certain condition*

There have been sightings in the America's of these creatures. Several people mentioned them even to the police. They tell the story of creatures, looking exactly as you describe them, with wings. The first one seen was at a powerplant where a lot of pigeons used to live. After the appearance of the creature, no pigeon was ever seen back at the powerplant. Can't remember where the powerplant was located right now. I'll look if I can find something about it.

Shadows are bound to a certain place too sometimes, like the Natives I see. They have their passage way right through the house where I live at the moment. They are real peaceful and not disturbing in any way. It is rather special to see them 'walk' by though. Very peculiar.

I know your country has a great knowledge in the Mystical World, so to say. Guess they pay better attention to the unseen than the 'civilised' 'western' world does.

Good information, thank you for that... :cool:
Guess they pay better attention to the unseen than the 'civilised' 'western' world does.

Even the "western" world has its over-abundance of dentritic driftwood.
Review by Ruby Lang of:

The Mystery of the Mayanup Poltergeist
Helen Hack
Hesperian Press, 2000. (PO Box 317, Victoria Park, 6979, Western
Australia, Australia).
Pb, AU$16.50, 92pp,illus
ISBN 0 85905 268 0

Ruby Lang retains the sole copyright © 2001 for this article.


Now you should feel free to jump all over Banshee's last post as cut'n'paste plagiarism.

I think you just did. :)

*Review by Ruby Lang of:

The Mystery of the Mayanup Poltergeist
Helen Hack
Hesperian Press, 2000. (PO Box 317, Victoria Park, 6979, Western
Australia, Australia).
Pb, AU$16.50, 92pp,illus
ISBN 0 85905 268 0

Ruby Lang retains the sole copyright © 2001 for this article.*

Thank you for the information. Now I know where to find the whole story.:)

My goodness, what a research. Perhaps you can do some more research and actually add something to the conversation...:cool:
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materialising stones>>>>>>>>>>>
a word - teleportation comes in mind. There was done one experiment my well known physics proffesor told of.
also in late 50s one man proclaied tht he could teleport objects(he said stones [coinsidence]) to anywhere out of nowhere. surely he was asked to demonstrate it. So he concentrated and concentrated but nthing happened. But the strange thing was tht after he was bashed away, scientists found tht actually a layer of stone dust was all over the place (it was done in nature).

So maybe (in your case) there opened a door to another dimension or more likely it was some kind of weird teleportation. Maybe done by a human mind.
Moonlight Shadow by Mike Oldfield

Moonlight Shadow

The last that ever she saw him,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
He passed on worried and warning,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Lost in a riddle that Saturday night,
Far away on the other side.
He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight
And she couldn't find how to push through.

The trees that whisper in the evening,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Sing a song of sorrow and grieving,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
All she saw was a silhouette of a gun,
Far away on the other side.
He was shot six times by a man on the run
And she couldn't find how to push through.

[ Chorus ]

I stay, I pray
See you in heaven far away.
I stay, I pray
See you in heaven one day.

Four a.m. in the morning,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
I watched your vision forming,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Stars roll slowly in a silvery night,
Far away on the other side.
Will you come to terms with me this night,
But she couldn't find how to push through.

[ Repeat Chorus ]

Far away on the other side.

Caught in the middle of a hundred and five.
The night was heavy and the air was alive,
But she couldn't find how to push through.

Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Far away on the other side.
But she couldn't find how to push through.

music and lyrics by Mike Oldfield
sung by Maggie Reilly

P.S. Mike Oldfield is one of my very favourite
It's a wonderful Song Avatar...

Still like it a lot.

Good you reminded me of it. Coincidence does not exist...:)
Coincidence does not exist.

And here, we all thought that you had the same original thoughts as Ruby Lang. :rolleyes:

So, can you offer a logical proof of the non-existence of coincidence, or is it just pure speculation on your part?
"Why, Mr. G.

In your own best interest, kindly limit yourself to less critical thinking processes that don't irritate us by making us look less authoritative than is healthy for your person. ;) "

Boy. Have I heard that before, or what?
Mr. G,

I wouldn't presume to tell you anything since you already seem to know it all.

You are such a bore.


[size=huge]Stop fucking up the whole thread with your 'replies'.

Go elsewhere with your cooked-up mind or add something useful to the conversation.

If you cannot stay on the subject, I will remove you from the thread.

Last time I ask you...
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Your last 'reply' has been deleted, for exactly the same reason as I gave to G.

You can't stay at the subject.

If the two of you want to continue to chatter, then take it to 'Free Thoughts'...
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Better do as she says guys, there is n-thing worse than a pissed-off moderator. well maybe just a pissed off admin;):)
I haven't strolled into the Parapsychology Forum for a while, I think I was concerned with my views conflicting with others.

Anyway, I thought I would drop in and drag this thread back online :D

My perception of Shadows in this form of Spectra, relates to Parallel studies. My interpretation is based on an assumption that for parallels being created in our world (Which I class as a Multiworld Frame if created here)

I suppose you could say that in one world your suppose to be standing, but another there is a chair to sit. This breaks the two worlds apart from one another.

Now while some people in a little room in a university etc might be playing around with very small changes, out "in the Wild" (A term used for when something is not in your control, especially with virii) something might catalyse into a larger puzzle.

For instance the sitting person has a phone call, while the standing one turns off their mobile. This causes an effect that can span the globe slowly. The individual that spoke, might do alot of things differently because they got to speak. They might go to bed early. Which means the get up for work at the right time , while the other misses work.

Which means the people at work have to deal with a shift in the workload which can then alter their daily patterns.

Before you know it, a person does something to save someone on one world that makes the headlines and on the other they don't save them. The worlds suddenly become complexly different from one another.

It's noted that Shadow men can be a person that is see that exists on a parallel but has been shifted within the Multiworlds frame. You might follow the very same path with no changes, but they might not exist in your world, but exist in another. So you perceive them from your view point at that instance (this is most noticable as most of the time, people don't greet each other in the street. Otherwise the occurance would be limited).

It's also noted that the use of Electromagnetic Radiation can be used to try and defer and individual from suffering from Multiworld shock. (namely individuals that are surrounded by Paranormal events, are actually preportionally used for studies in which they should be paid)