Shadow like people


Registered Member
I was wondering if any one out there has every seen these shadow like people out of the corner of there eye.

please tell me about it.
The presumption of drug use is too obvious to be relevent to this conversation. Therefore, some other anomalous behavior is suspect.

Let's examine the clues. ;)
Spoken like a true expert eh?
What´s with the drug mania G?
Are you a chemist or something?

Shadow creatures, guess one sees them all the time.
I don´t pay much attention to them. Scared me as a kid though :)
Actually, yes. My degree was in Chemistry. That only because the local universities had no degree program in Astronomy. Not to fret. I was Astronomy auto-didactic. That fact saw me through 23 years of teaching Astronomy instead of having to be a chemist employed to make cake frostings or some such.
So, can one see shadow people outside at nighttime or are they a dayime-indoor sort of thing?

Has anyone ever seen shadow animals?

Presumably, some of the shadow people are farmers who grow shadow food. Have shadow people ever been observed to be sitting around a shadow table eating a good meal?

There are fewer Shadow people in the US these days.

I believe strict new immigration laws into the US have forced the Shadow people into hiding. Shadow people are now considerd "undesirable aliens" and must seek refuge underground. If you see any Shadow people, you are to immediately report the sighting to local authorities.

The shooting or maiming of Shadow people is still considered unlawful, but most usually get away with a misdemeamor.
Mr G,
with due regards i thought you were teaching Shakespearean literature,because of pronounced,classic dictional vocabulary of yours.where did you learn such a language?Fluency is the idea.:cool:.great fan of yours in that way.

did you learn that from constant Incessant Bickering?;)

Has anyone ever seen shadow animals?

Not really, but I received a Shadow puppy for Christmas. Does that count?
As a matter of fact...

Shadow Animals DO exist, oh yes. Hell, they are all over the world.

Guess you can make fun of it if you are as narrow-minded as some people here show.

It seems to me that the more your head is stuck in the scientifical 'world', the less you really see. Open up your dusty minds gentlemen, there is a lot more going on.;)

Shadows are bound to Earth and most of the times they are old. The humans who do see them are more enlightened by heart, if I may say so.

Maybe the day will come for you that you meet a Shadow, then come back and tell me how it scared the hell out of you...:D

If you are still around here, after the 'nice' replies of our skeptical fellow members, than take a look at this. Perhaps you'll find something there. I hope you are not scared away from the Forums by now.

Let us know if you are still around and if there was something of your interest in the following article and website...:cool:

Hey there,

I was curious what people thought of the phenomena regarded as Shadow People. A topic that Art Bell addressed on his show earlier this year and an entity I based a great deal of my new book on: The Secret War: The Heavens Speak of the Battle (written way before they were ever mentioned by Art so it was not written in response to that).

I did a search while putting together my Shadow site recently and found a few websites speaking about them. Most of them seemed to regard them as ghosts on their sites, but in reading the individual stories the people didn't seem to lean that way that they were ghosts, but something darker.

It's been to my experience and knowledge that these beings are
something darker than just a ghost, but I was curious if this is
something that anyone on this list has come across. In being
interested in this sort of thing, some of you may have a distinct way of approaching something and determining if something is indeed a ghost or not. So how would you go about deciphering the difference between a ghost and something else from a researchers point of view or personal view?

I have my own approach of course, but I always like to hear what
others view things of this sort as well. If you are not familiar
with Shadow's please check out my site here to see what I'm speaking of, there's a gallery of different drawings of them and also a links page to other sites that have drawings as well. Just go to: ( )

Chalk up one more belief for Banshee. :)

Is there anything you <i>don't</i> believe in?
My scientifical friend...

I don't believe, I know. Something completely different...:cool:

You're welcome Messor, that you may post long and happy. Let me know if you found something of your interest there.;)
Okay. Name just one shadow person, or just one shadow person viewer, who's also a Mensa member.
What does MENSA has to do with the subject here? Can't you ever stay at the subject Mr G?

There are Shadows from Natives walking around here in America. They have their own passage way's from way, way back. You can see them though.

Guess you have to open up your mind and try a different view...
What does MENSA has to do with the subject here?

Must I explain everything? :( How can you see all the ooga-booga stuff and still miss the obvious?

Can't you ever stay at the subject Mr G?

Subjectivity and me are old adversaries. That's why I always object. It's my nature. So, please be more accepting of those whom you don't understand. Be a role model for us mere mortals. :p
*Must I explain everything?*

Yes...please... :)

*So, please be more accepting of those whom you don't understand. Be a role model for us mere mortals.*

Nope...are you a role model...?;)
How can you see all the ooga-booga stuff and still miss the obvious?

An answer sometimes appears within a question. :D
*An answer sometimes appears within a question. *

A reply sometimes appears to speak for itself...:D

Can we now go back on-topic please? Should be nice. Thank you gentlemen...:)

So, can one see shadow people outside at nighttime or are they a dayime-indoor sort of thing? Has anyone ever seen shadow animals? Presumably, some of the shadow people are farmers who grow shadow food. Have shadow people ever been observed to be sitting around a shadow table eating a good meal?

Name just one shadow person, or just one shadow person viewer, who's also a Mensa member.

Were you truly interested in keeping your own thread on topic you already would have provided specific, substantive responses to my several worthy questions. You, having completely avoided directly answering them, play directly to my amply public, amply discounting purpose.

So, for a change, are you up to the direct challenge to your anecdotal authority, or not?

Are you able only to proffer ambiguous, generalized verbosity sufficient to impress the easily confused?

What about the rest of us?