Shadow Creatures!

Because amoebas, that can push out foot shapes, have a higher IQ than her.

No way these creatures are in no way like amoebas, cause amoebas can never take the form of a human like these creatures can.

You sound like you are really insecure, cause if you were secure with yourself you wouldn't need to be putting anyone else down to make yourself look good. Hope you are feeling better whoever you are. Otherwise we can take it outside instead of behind this computer screen.

Yes the shadow creatures are real. I have seen one, and felt the presence of another. A few days later after I had seen a shadow person, my 4 year old described the same thing that i had seen, she wasn't in the room with me when i seen it. Children dont make stuff up and I never told her what i had seen that morning, but yet she described the same shadow creature that i had seen. I get a very erie feeling when they are around. Its like there is an evil presence in the room. Perhaps they are evil, who knows. Maybe they are the demons described in the bible, but I still think they were not from here.
Of course the "Shadows" are real, here's a picture of one...

sence nobody names the stages of the shadow creatures I name them so people can tell what they might see the fear stalkers are the strongest of them even the giant ones are not as strong as them they have hoods because humans wont go near something that looks like a humanoid monster but if you were to remove the hood you would hear sceaming that would put you into a seizure or make you puck blood they dont like showing their face and will skip a meal to keep it hidden I do some feild research every now and then.
Sounds like a mis-interpretation on the part of our pattern recognition facilities. How typically human not to blame our own flawed perceptions, but instead seek a complex, personified, supernatural explanation.
I would like to politely point out that you probably could have found a better picture for the babylon5 shadow because the computer graphics suck. And if you didn't know that was from babylon5 then you probably went to google images and types "Shadow creatures". Not exactly what they had in mind I'm sure.

That was a shadow spaceship not a shadow creature.
I would like to politely point out that you probably could have found a better picture for the babylon5 shadow because the computer graphics suck. And if you didn't know that was from babylon5 then you probably went to google images and types "Shadow creatures". Not exactly what they had in mind I'm sure.

That was a shadow spaceship not a shadow creature.

Well..... EXCUSE ME! :p

A shadow creature....

We live in a work that's lit 24/7. While the sun isn't shining the streetlamps surely are. For the most part all light's output at particular frequencies, it's possible that some frequencies can cause our brains and eyes to respond at a similar frequency range if only for a short duration which would generate a shadow. I guess you can say it's similar to epilepsy. If people suffer it too often, I would suggest talking to a doctor about an MRI or tests for epilepsy.
Im now 32 years old as a child I never experienced any dreams or sightings of Shadow creatures but through my 20's they were a nightly occurrence.
My mother a very religouse woman had a habit of standing over my bed and praying while I slept as a child, the first time a shadow creature appeared to me it was mimicking my mother in prayer .Realising it wasn't I became inraged however i couldn't move , I was experiencing I suppose a paralyzation dream not able to talk and yell that i knew it not to be my mother I grunted angrily till I could move the moment i did it ran out my door with me behind it screaming you better leav her alone for some reason I had an overwhelming feeling that it would try to hurt my older sister when. I got out my door I was
greeted by the confused stares of my family wondering why i was running out of my room hollaring and threatening what was not there.
A sobering feeling came upon me it was just a dream.
But this was only the first of countless times i was visited each time they doubled in numbers.
Mostly ther were humanoid in figure but once appeared in the form of waht I can only describe as a gremlin faced dog with glowing green eyes.
each time I was paralyzed unable to move but sometimes I would be left alone while paralyzed.experiencing a high pitch hum screaching through my ears as a blue light would flash in synchronicity with the hum.
at this point it took a strange turn I began to float uncontrollaby in my room.
I can feel my heart beating uncontrollably in my chest as i flew right at my wall but instead of hitting it i seemingly phased through it.The dreams would alternate between this and the shadow dreams.
Ultimately I seemed to gain control over the floating by remaining calm and controlling my breathing.I found the dreams to be related everytime I was floating i felt the creatures were close by watching in hiding.
they would return often seemingly trying different things to get under my skin.
once bringing a little girl and apparently forcing her to attack me with her mind but my will was to strong and I slammed the door shut on them with a thought. the last time they viseted me before I confronted them they seemed to sew my eyes shut.twelve of them roughly hovering over me trying to tinker with ny head as I can hear family in the next room visiting us.
I forced an eye open but not my physical eyes but my minds everything was in red a sence of unrelenting anger washed over me.they screamed and shrieked in fear I realized they were terrified of me for some reason they always were,and I always was instintively angry and agressive towards them.
this was the last time before I would finally confront them.
Now don't get me wrong I"m not supersticious I'sure this was probably a series of dreams working out some kind of inner conflict or something,but I gotta say it felt real damn real.I gotta go got enough of these dreams to write a book maybe I'll tell you more
When I was seven I had an attic bedroom & i was afraid of the dark so I slept with my lights on. One night in the middle of the night I woke up to see at the other side of the room a person with extremlyyyy white hands, but wearing all back clothing & long black hair covering their face floating about four inches over the ground. It scared me so much & after a few months my family ended up moving because we were all afraid & had different experiences.Now as a 16 year old I'm still afraid of the dark. Then over summer I was in my room at my new house & i was trying to sleep without my tv or lights on because i had gotten in trouble for it. Somewhere between 2 & 4 I was woken up because I saw someone coming into my room. In less then a second they were over my bed putting their arms around me telling me to calm down. Like the person above me I was unable to talk or do anything. I closed my eyes & open them fast & they were gone. I layed in my bed looking at the ceiling when I felt someone watching me. I looked at my door & there the person was again & once again they were over me in less than a second. The hairs on my arms were raising & I was extremly scared. I tried yelling & they kept telling me to calm down. I once again closed my eyes & opened them, but this time it didnt work & the shadown person was still there. I tried getting out of the shadows grip so I was turning & i closed my eyes & opened them & it was gone. Thinking maybe it was a dream I felt my arms & my hair was raised & I turned my tv on for some light then looked at the door. Before I went to sleep that night it was completly closed but when I looked at it, it was opened. I always thought maybe I was crazy & that I was the only person who this has happened to, but now I'm relieved kinda to see that I'm not.
Anyone have anything on shadow creatures? I know this is a thing from childhood, but it's happening again.


They like to hide in one's perifery vision, just enough to annoy you. But yet, not clear enough for you to see. I've been seeing little clues of it for awhile. But tonight I saw a good outline of one like it wanted me to get a good look at it. That thing didn't look human! Anyone got some good insights of it?

Your visual spectrum is around 400 to 700 nanometres. That's basically shit, but it developed that way to take advantage of the highest output region from out star. We know there are materials being manufactured now which alter the properties of light, even bend it sort of. I see no reason to assume there is not more to the universe than can be seen in the 400 to 700 nanometre spectrum. Maybe there are even forms of life which have some sort of natural camouflage which makes them difficult or impossible to see in that tiny range, or outside of some specific small range.
The optical range is not related to the output of the star. It is related to chemical reactions. Less energy and electrons are not knocked out of orbit. More energy and inner electrons get knocked out of orbit. The interaction of chemicals and optical frequency photons results in changes that are not destructive.
The optical range is not related to the output of the star. It is related to chemical reactions. Less energy and electrons are not knocked out of orbit. More energy and inner electrons get knocked out of orbit. The interaction of chemicals and optical frequency photons results in changes that are not destructive.
We developed eyes which functioned in that spectrum to make use of the star's peak output. If the peak output was 800 to 1200, that's what we'd see.
I'm new to this forum and shadow creatures are way more powerful than you think. Actually there are types of shadow creatures. I have one following me and never shows it's self but I know it's where I live. The shadow creature following me is a type of shadow creature that can shape shift but not just that it has the ability to give thoughts, make any thing happen bad things. The reason why inthalexes the shadow creature hurts, kills, or even make any thing happen bad is because of the negative energy but it doesn't need the negative energy it does these things because it doesn't likes people that believes in the god in the heaven but me I believe in satan but it doesn't means I'm evil. The shadow creature has always followed me and I even have two pictures of intha in my blog. I also have it's history on what it did when it arrived. The shadow creature the type thats following me is very different to satanist or if any one doesn't believes in the god in the heavens. Shadow creatures I've been studying which are the two shadow creatures I've noticed one I call inthalexious saladorce and two I call shador saladorce. Both those two are very different the way they act, how they react, how they shape, how they do things. I'm talking about the two shadow creatures in the community Attawapiskat that I live in but alot of people haven't noticed it. Shador arrived on april 26 2010 and inthalexes arrived in year 2007. Ever since intha arrived bad things started to happen, in 2007 two bears escaped, in 2008 in the same week two people died one was killed by his gun and another hospitalized guy was also kill by intha both those deaths seems accidental but its actually intha. At first I thought it was intha that is responsible for the missing guy in attawapiskat on april 11 2010 but I'm starting to think its shador responsible. Shador was exploring in the rivers while shador saw the hunter shador did something to him but used its power. So the guy fell in the water and was very cold water and died. They were looking for the body and I think they are still looking for the body. Shador doesn't shows its self to me and intha doesn't too but only showed its self in the picture and shadow creatures are hard to take pictures of because they are really fast. The picture of intha in the hooded figure is not transparent but the cat shadow figure is transparent just on the feet of the shadow figure. on may 11 2010 where shador hangs and where I try to communicate with shador in the field a fire started by its self and I realized its shadors powerful ability to make any thing happen. Inthalexes also protects me from ghosts I've pissed off in attawapiskat for revealing what the shadow creatures, shadow ghosts(children) and the shadow adults do. Shadow creatures that are the same types of intha and shador are really powerful.
shador saladorce,

This is the problem that some people don't seem to be able to understand, there is a persons perception or belief system and then there is of course "reality". While a persons individual divergent state might seem "real", it's only real to them.

If you see shadow creatures that "hurt or kill", then thats "your reality", don't attempt to try and make it ours.
Yep your right stryder I shouldn't it's just i've been followed and protected by inthalexes and they are good they just don't like Christians. Why don't you go to my blog take a look at the two pictures of inthalexious saladorce. Just type in inthalexious and look for "blogspot" on the name of the blog. It's not about shadow creatures but only the supernatural but still I have two pictures I've taken. Not sure which type of shadow creatures you people are seeing. But I have two pictures of inthalexes. There is gonna be a larger image just around the home page just go down. I never believed shadow creatures kill. As a little child I saw the shadow being in moosonee Ontario and couple years later I saw a red eyed shadow creature and in 2007 I attracted a shadow creature plus another shadow creature is watching me in the fields. Intha and shador I've never seen but I know they are there. I even have two pictures of intha. Shadow creatures are good to non believers of the Christian god but shadow creatures are more good to satanists.
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Just type in inthalexious and look for "blogspot" on the name of the blog. It's not about shadow creatures but only the supernatural but still I have two pictures I've taken.

And just like all paranormal photos, they are blurry, indistinct, and don't show anything out of the ordinary.

Simply, your perception is not perfect. Let me ask you this simple question, hopefully to make you understand;

"You have two eyes, why don't you see two of everything?"