Shadow Creatures!

It's just a weird brain thing thing. I have a neurological disorder and as long as I am on an anti-convulsant medication I do not see them. If I am on some other medications that trigger seizures they get worse. They are like dejavu, a simple mind trick. I actually see black silhouettes of people in "the corner of my eye".

They are NOT floaters.

Sorry if I burst anyones bubbles... it'd be interesting if it was something other than a brain thing ;) .

I said they dont stick around.

and which neuro disorder would cause this?

I know they don't stick around... assuming that statement was directed at me. You see something, you turn, it is gone. Sometimes it looks like a person, other times it looks like a shadow. Actually, this is one of the more normal weird brain things I've experienced, lol. I have several neurological disorders/diseases.

A few things that might be linked to this... epilepsy, migraines and migraine variant syndromes, increased intracranial pressure, brain tumors... there are a lot plausibilities. I would guess it is likely linked to seizure and migraine activity, same as dejavu and alice in wonderland syndrome. That said, it is likely, like most weird brain phenomenon, that most people who experience this are completely healthy.
It's just a weird brain thing thing. I have a neurological disorder and as long as I am on an anti-convulsant medication I do not see them.

Thankyou for your addition, I missed particular neurological disorders that weren't just psychologically based.
Persistence of vision, optical illusions, our senses aren't perfect, so don't expect the appearance of things to be reality.
Shadow Creatures

Could it be that these shadow creatures are actual real life forms which have gone undetected for centuries simply because we can not always see them at will. it's like bacteria, you cant see it unless you have a special microscope, in this case we would need a special lens. I believe that they are possibly shape shifters which would make them intelligent creatures, changing and taking the forms of people, animals, and also images seen on TV or found in other forms of media, which would explain people seeing ghosts wearing gear from history, for example a ghost wearing clothes from the 1700s etc.

The shadow creatures have the same density as air and thrive off of energy, just because their density is similar to air doesn't mean they are not a real life form. They seem to be domesticated, living in homes among humans. From what i have read from people that claim to have seen them, these creatures have been known to move things, have you ever thought you misplaced something, or were sure you put it somewhere else but found it in a different location? They are able to survive because they can not be seen, most of us are not aware of them yet and some of us who have not seen them still feel like we are being watched when we are alone. I believe they are intelligent creatures, it would explain how they can easily shift and live undetected. I believe they have a long life span, as they tend to live in older homes and have been noticed by generations of individuals who lived in these homes and thought them ghosts. The creatures seem to be comfortable with familiar surroundings, this is why they are mostly found in older homes. They tend to be most alert when we sleep, again this is for their own survival, why not walk move around while humans sleep? City animals come out at night such as raccoons late in the evening, this is when they feel safe. These shadow creatures fear us, they have seen what we are capable of. We sense them when we sleep, it's like having a burglar in the home and feeling an intrusion.

I think this world and universe we live in is full of surprises and other life forms yet to be discovered, and the interpretation found in religion impedes our discovery.

Alicia from Canada.
hi all!! im new on forum....and i see "shadow creature" too and that shadow creature was....heh....not was i think warewolf but definitly it wasnt human....i see that creature when i was i thinks 8-9 years old!!
Well I see them when I am extremely tired...I feel it as a psychological issue not an actual animal.
hi all!! im new on forum....and i see "shadow creature" too and that shadow creature was....heh....not was i think warewolf but definitly it wasnt human....i see that creature when i was i thinks 8-9 years old!!
That's spelt 'werewolf'.

And if they are real why don't they do anything? Why would a werewolf hide in your peripheral vision and then disappear when you looked?

Have any of you gone without sleep for say 5 days? Then you start seeing 'shadow people'! Why? Because you're going nuts! You see movement in dark areas and even hear voices. It's not fun I can tell you but it all goes away when you get some sleep. 'Shadow people' are a common delusion among stimulant abusers because of the lack of sleep.

It's all delusions. None of it is real. Seriously, you think a werewolf hides in your peripheral vision? I'm amazed people like you manage to get by in life, you're obviously three colours short of a rainbow!
Have any of you gone without sleep for say 5 days? Then you start seeing 'shadow people'! Why? Because you're going nuts!

I stayed awake for four days once, .. and things got freaky. I had to go buy a mother's day present, I walked into this shopping mall, and the staircases had mirrors on their undersides. The people reflected in them looked like they were walking on the ceiling of the place. I caught myself thinking 'wow, how do they do that' before coming to my senses.

You see movement in dark areas and even hear voices.

I don't get voices, but words pop into my head. Usually this is because my attention wanders, and words in my peripheral vision get picked up subconsciously. This most often happens in the kitchen, where there are packets of food.

But yes, it does make you question perception, and realise that what we see is processed by our brains to such a degree we ourselves affect the process, and we aren't seeing the world, we are experiencing a view of it, and the two can be radically different.
The shadow creatures seem to be attracted to negative energy, they also seem to herald some trouble brewing. It's almost as if these shadow creatures feed of the negative energy or take some sort of delight in misery and sorrow.

These things range in size from about 3 feet tall to around 6 to 8 feet tall. The shape is hominid like and sometimes they have reddish glowing eyes. Most people only see these things out of the corner of their eye, but a few of us can see them straight on. My husband and I do, and a couple of friends of ours see them straight on as well. And, apparently, if they realize you can see them they let it be known that they can see you too. They will generally sort of swell up like a cat puffing up to try and scare you if they notice that you can see them, but otherwise they can not seem to really do any harm.

Now that I understand that they really don't exist except inside your own imagination, I would think that you should seek professional help to eliminate these"visions" as soon as possible.
hi Im new and Im alittle disapointed that some of you have some interesting theroy's but not quite right for one thing if you see shadow creatures theres nothing wrong with you so forget about thinking its crazy another the only reason they vanish when you look at them is because they dont want you to see them so they hide inside a shadow Ive seen lots of shadow creatures and theirs nothing wrong with me so if your staying awake for days get some sleep or you could pass out and hurt youself you wont see them any better that way if you want to see them wait for night time and look in the dark areas for yellow and red eyes you might see one or two for some reason I see 7 or 8 and their easy to spot in the dark and you might want to run when you see to many they eat at night and you life energy is what they feast on
The only thing that I have ever seen that resembled a 'shadow' creature was when I woke up in the middle of the night (my bedroom door was open a crack and the hall light was on. Usually I like total darkness when I sleep, but my friend had been murdered a few days before and I was having severe trouble sleeping in the dark) and I saw a tall, dark, hooded figure standing over my bed. It scared the living hell out of me. I'm pretty sure it was some sort of hallucination caused by stress, grief, and sleeping meds, but it felt very real, looked real enough to touch, FELT like someone was in the room with me, and I couldn't even move. I was paralyzed with fear. Then it just disappeared. I've never seen anything like it since and I hope I never do. Once was enough for me, thanks.

I think our eyes can play tricks on us and if we are sleep deprived we will most certainly start to hallucinate, but I'm not discounting other people's experiences. I can only go off my own.
shadow creatures come in many forms the weekest form is clawers and the strongest are called fear stalkers they are human shaped but have the power to meniplate fear and can keep their prey from moving using fear the more their is scared the better the life energy tastes and each one likes a sertant amount of fear but if their prey cant get to the right amount they move to another victem they have hoods so they dont have to hide in shadows
shadow creatures come in many forms the weekest form is clawers and the strongest are called fear stalkers they are human shaped but have the power to meniplate fear and can keep their prey from moving using fear the more their is scared the better the life energy tastes and each one likes a sertant amount of fear but if their prey cant get to the right amount they move to another victem they have hoods so they dont have to hide in shadows

Two things: Firstly, how do you know what they are called? As far as I am aware of, any sort of said 'shadow creature' is not, as yet, recognized by science, so where do you get the names "clawers" and "fear-stalkers"? Secondly, if they are shadow creatures, why do they need hoods to hide? They are completely dark and featurless anyway. I'm just wondering how you came to these conclusions. Was it something you read or something you gained through your own experiences?

All I know, is that what I saw was definitely large, man-sized (not small like other people seem to report) and it was very menacing...not at all friendly. My first impression of it was that it was a man in a hooded sweat-shirt standing next to my bed and it was so real that I actually thought I was about to be attacked by a real person; an intruder or rapist of some sort.

I still believe, even though I felt physically awake, that it was some sort of hallucination brought on by my terror over my friend's very violent murder. Still, have you ever heard of Mara visitations?