Shadow Creatures!


Registered Senior Member
Anyone have anything on shadow creatures? I know this is a thing from childhood, but it's happening again.


They like to hide in one's perifery vision, just enough to annoy you. But yet, not clear enough for you to see. I've been seeing little clues of it for awhile. But tonight I saw a good outline of one like it wanted me to get a good look at it. That thing didn't look human! Anyone got some good insights of it?
I might know what you are talking about. Years ago, I saw one in my room. However, I believe it to be a demon. Other people who have seen this have called upon Jesus and it has to go because they believe in Him (Jesus). I could have used that information when I was little. But beware, if you are not a believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and you have rejected Him, then don't think of His name as some magical device. Two Jewish Priests tried this and were beaten bleeding and naked. You believe in Jesus then and there and you will be saved.

Romans 10:13

For all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Ref. Joel 2:32.

Also, I don't know about the poriforal vision. Mine looked human and tallish. I've only seen it once.

Thanks. I hope I helped you. :)
Thats literally obserd! You don't have to beleve in any religion. It's up to you to think what you want. Free will. That's what I'm about. Personally, if you think that's gonna save your butt by saying a few words, then its brainwash completely. If it is a demon, the only way to get rid of it is to confront it. But I've been seeing it for awhile now, it only showed it's ugly face to me the night before.
hey bigc
you might have offended it by calling it ugly !
dont judge just observe
read up on sub space things!
dimensional movement!
the perifery vision is more sensitive to these things.
ask a question in your head the next time you notice it and see if you feel an answer?
bloody christians create demons by all their negative thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
remember to state your independence and allow an introduction
not an abduction!

groove on
text me on the news...please
BigC and Riple, I was only telling you what I and others have experienced. If you choose not to take this information seriously, then all I can really say is sorry. Christianity is not just a religion, it is 'the way' as it was called by the early church.

You seemed worried, I know the one who can help. He has helped me. That demon would not leave until I was baptized by fire in the Holy Spirit. It has tried to return but is not allowed. There is no higher authority you can go to.

What you are describing is what I saw when I was not at an age of understanding about such spiritual things. Do not harden your hearts to such information. If you want to be saved you can.

Also, as I stated above asking Jesus to save you is not just a few words. I told you about the Jewish priests about 1950 years ago who thought they were and you can see what happened to them. Brainwashing, I ask you please, how have I brainwashed you. This is not something to be taken lightly, for the stakes are so high. This is your life. If anyone shall lose it (give it to Jesus) they shall find life in abundance.

Its your choice. I hope you choose Jesus.

Please,you came here to find answers. I am giving you one. Again as you stated, it is your freewill whether you turn to God or not. Take great consideration in what you choose, for if you choose God, angels in heaven will rejoice and as promised you will be saved. Be genuine in your heart.

Thanks. :)
hey all
hey deadwood i did not intend to sound like i was making fun of you!
my point about christians and demons is that in my opinion
i believe it is possible for the person to create or allow the demon
to exist! i think it is more likely that you were seing spirits or other life forms!
but that is just my opinion!
sorry to sound like i was making fun! i wasnt!
the power of the mind is oh so untapped!

groove on all :)
hey all
sorry big c................ :(
i got confused whos thread it was (starter)
how god explains all things yet proves nothing!
the prob is with the varied potential bio interfearance
like floating dead cells/static, electro magnetic fluctuations
real shadows
if you go down the track that i follow
it would be pertinent to look at the dimensional thing!
earths polarity-human mental evolution-dna,
so many factors to consider that may have varying degrees of influence on the visual sight ability of humans at this point in time.
we are not alone!
but maybe some can see what others cant or dont want to accept is real :D

try placing a mirror in a spot that gives you focal view of your perriferal view :)
just a thought-remember higher number of rods in sides of eye.

groove on :)
Has there ever been an experiment with such things? I realize its a worthy effort to try and see, would say like a stand up mirror work? Like a mirror on a dresser? Its a rather tall mirror and thats the only thing I have available.

Another thing came up while researching this idea, even though it might seem that 'lazy eye' might be the cause of it, but I'm still in doubt, I noticed at work that sometimes there might come a little white flash in the middle of where I'm currently looking, or just above my perifery, there would be a sudden blurriness. I never experience that anywhere except work. Now I don't know if its within the lighting, with everything around me in just my little cubacal, but it's just an idea that a dimension might be opening up where I'm lookin at that to cause such an event.

what type of electromegnetic feild do you think might be operating in the area?
what do you 'think-about' the most in that area?
subconseuse thought saturation retension and emision may be a factor?

note to casual readers-
as we remove our rose colour glasses the colour of blood seems
far too real!


groove on
Well, I don't think anything is really operated in that area except for 'Big Brother' seeing since it is part of a government program that I'm working in unfortunately.:D

But I did feel something today which I explained in the Time Shift message post.

It's just been a really unusual experience.
Hi All


Please don't take this the wrong way, All the things mentioned above are definetly worth looking into however, have you had a CT scan latley (this must sound so bad). The reason I say this is because there maybe a medical reason for the visions you experience. Have you ever seen the movie phenomenon?? Like ripple said the mind is a powerfull thing and if something in there isn't working as it should you might have a distorted view of what is going on. Basically it would pay to check the obvious first.

Again I feel I should make it clear that I am not having a go at you and telling you to get your head examined...just trying to eliminate the obvious.
I kinda got the idea that usually there's always someone who says something like that. They just usually reply, 'GET YOUR HEAD EXAMINED'. So is that all we're going to think is that everyone who might experience something is all crazy? What about people who experience things like the first time when they first grow up and they think everything is brand new to them? ARE "THEY" crazy? No, because it's a learning experience.

That might sound a little defensive, but I always get defensive when personal pride is involved. If there's reasonable doubt that this is an illusion of some sort, I'm willing to take it and disregard it. But if it keeps happening again and again, which at times it does and different times it doesn't, then there's a valid reason to question.

Besides, I can't afford a Cat Scanl :D
Well so much for the "disclaimers"


I didn't tell you that you are crazy and get your head checked....
Many medical conditions could cause haulcinations etc...I hope that that is not the case I would love for this "phenomenon" to be some exotic creature but you have to eliminate the obvious first.

Anyway take it as you will, makes bugger all difference to me.
hey all
hey rambler!
what are the most common of the many haulcinatory medical conditions that spring to your mind?
i dont know any of that medical stuff... please enlighten.

groove on all :)
I have been trying to figure out what "they" are exactly (and yes I actually have had CT scan and all that stuff before). I've been seeing them since I can remember. But the sightings have gotten out of control....I know I may sound crazy but I know for a fact I'm not(well kidding), but anyways I am not the only one that has seen these thing a few of my friends have encountered them with me as well. It has gotten so bad that I can barely sleep at night. I've always said that you shouldn't be afraid of the dark, just what is in it. I personally do not abide by any religion...nor do I knock anybodies beliefs. "To each is his own". I have seen things people should not see. I have seen these things not just in "my room" I have experinced these creatures in many places(mainly our woods that we have). And I know it was no other animal, for I have grown up around wooded areas and know my animals. I have see them actually feeding. I have a question though when you seen the creature did you smell the stench in which of the likes of rotting flesh. That is how I know when they are around because it is a very pungent smell. Let me know. And take care.
Are there any indications at all that these things are anything else than visual/olfactory hallucinations? Objects knocked over etc?
I have been trying to figure out what "they" are exactly (and yes I actually have had CT scan and all that stuff before). I've been seeing them since I can remember. But the sightings have gotten out of control....I know I may sound crazy but I know for a fact I'm not(well kidding), but anyways I am not the only one that has seen these thing a few of my friends have encountered them with me as well. It has gotten so bad that I can barely sleep at night. I've always said that you shouldn't be afraid of the dark, just what is in it. I personally do not abide by any religion...nor do I knock anybodies beliefs. "To each is his own". I have seen things people should not see. I have seen these things not just in "my room" I have experinced these creatures in many places(mainly our woods that we have). And I know it was no other animal, for I have grown up around wooded areas and know my animals. I have see them actually feeding. I have a question though when you seen the creature did you smell the stench in which of the likes of rotting flesh. That is how I know when they are around because it is a very pungent smell. Let me know. And take care.

Sounds to me like a really active imagination either believing a fantasy or just making stuff up from the entertainment value of stringing along the gullible.

There are various answers for "Shadowy figures" ranging from "Floaters" like Dark mentioned where people have small defects within the lining of the eye. (For better definition look it up)

Some might try to suggest ghosts or the dead, however that just is no possible and the only people that really try to pull that are either deeply religious, deeply malicious or down right dumb.

you could then go onto the list of every other fantasy... Aliens, Demons, Creatures from a parallel plane of existance.

However the definitive suggestion is that it's completely bogus.
They're real however the actual name is FLOATER

No they are NOT floaters. Nothing like floaters (for which i may have found a cure) which are obviously contained inside the eye itself.

I was plagued with shadow figures for awhile but have mostly gone away. You do see them in peripheral vision, they can be shadows, smoke or flashes. The are external and part of the environment, you see them atound the same time OBE's\night tremors are experienced. As an aside there is a way to stop particularly nast night tremors...but i wont tell anyone that either:D