Sexual exploitation

There are a surprisingly large number of men who prefer the au naturel look. It's far from surprising too since there is an evolutionary context to it all. Chicks have been hot since long before the invention of the razor.
There are a surprisingly large number of men who prefer the au naturel look. It's far from surprising too since there is an evolutionary context to it all. Chicks have been hot since long before the invention of the razor.

I concur, with the exemption that shaved armpits retain less B.O. in my opinion.

To each their own, but I do wonder about this fascination with the prepubescent look. The wearing of thongs and itsy-bitsy teeny weenie undergarments have perhaps contributed to this excess of depilation.

The more common 'hairstyles' for the female pubic region are as follows:

Anthropologist Desmond Morris has identified other waxing styles:

The Bikini Line: This is the least extreme form. All pubic hair covered by the bikini is left in place. Only straggling hairs on either side are removed, so that none is visible when a bikini with high-cut sides is being worn.

The Full Bikini: Only a small amount of hair is left, on the Mound of Venus (the mons pubis)

The European: All pubic hair is removed "except for a small patch on the mound".

The Triangle: All pubic hair is removed except for a sharply trimmed triangle with the central, lower point aimed at the top of the genitals. It has been described as "an arrowhead pointing the way to pleasure".

The Moustache: Everything is removed except for a wide, rectangular patch just above the hood at the top of the genital slit. This is sometimes called "The Hitler's Moustache", sometimes "Chaplin's Moustache".

The Heart: The main pubic tuft is shaped into a heart symbol and may be dyed pink. This is a popular style for St. Valentine's Day, presented as an erotic surprise to a sexual partner.

The Landing Strip: A cultivated pubic hair pattern in which the hair is trimmed to a narrow vertical strip or rectangle, and all other pubic hair is removed. The landing strip starts from anywhere between the natural pubic hairline to within two inches from the top of the vulva, and ends just above the clitoris.

The Playboy Strip: Everything is removed except for a long, narrow rectangle of hair, 4 cm (1½ inches) wide.
I concur, with the exemption that shaved armpits retain less B.O. in my opinion.
Whilst true, we all have a natural odor and not everyone has unpleasant B.O.
Aesthetically I don't think it makes much difference it's just a social fashion that is becoming ingrained.
To each their own, but I do wonder about this fascination with the prepubescent look. The wearing of thongs and itsy-bitsy teeny weenie undergarments have perhaps contributed to this excess of depilation.

The more common 'hairstyles' for the female pubic region are as follows:
You forgot the "Jackson"

Oh HELL no!

My crazy ex used to shave, but she grew back really fast...and man, it was like putting my face in coarse-grit sandpaper more often than not.
I wasn't having that nice fun sensation of having my head pleasantly squeezed, I was getting ad hoc dermabrasion...
I had this awful prickly rash practically from ear to ear...
Five-o-clock shadow in the nether regions, oh no...

Besides, putting my hand in there was entirely too much like stuffing a much fun as she was having, I kept thinking..."Where's the breadcrumbs?"

I prefer, at most, lightly-trimmed hedges, thanks.:D

I just like to see that beautiful smile no mustache if you know what I mean. Hairy vaginas just look angry to me.
Whilst true, we all have a natural odor and not everyone has unpleasant B.O.
Aesthetically I don't think it makes much difference it's just a social fashion that is becoming ingrained.

Could be. Speaking only for myself, I do a lot of physical work and sometimes this entails breaking a sweat. My underarm deodorant remains effective far longer when I keep my armpits shaved, and so it is my personal preference not to be wafting hot and sweaty female odors in the presence of others.

Possibly I am not at all offensive to my co-workers, as they are predominantly male, but neither would I wish to be a distraction either, lol....:D

From time spent in the wilderness, perhaps I am overly aware of sound, scent, and which direction the wind is blowing. I cover the traces of my presence....;)
..Melinda Tankard Reist (Anti porn activist) made a comment about boys and men expecting women to be shaven as being evil and exploitative. Concidering the comments previously made HERE by people like Orleander (as far as i can remeber) about expecting her partner to have his forskin surgically removed inorder to be concidered "normal" i found that comment to be shocking. ...

but what does any of this thread have to do with circumcision?? :shrug:
Could be. Speaking only for myself, I do a lot of physical work and sometimes this entails breaking a sweat. My underarm deodorant remains effective far longer when I keep my armpits shaved, and so it is my personal preference not to be wafting hot and sweaty female odors in the presence of others.

Possibly I am not at all offensive to my co-workers, as they are predominantly male, but neither would I wish to be a distraction either, lol....:D

From time spent in the wilderness, perhaps I am overly aware of sound, scent, and which direction the wind is blowing. I cover the traces of my presence....;)
I think it can be personal preference, although it's frowned upon so I've yet to see anyone go against the grain.
I've never found a woman to be repellant when it does grow though, but I do wonder if that's something to do with pheromones and such. Or I just like hot and sweaty women. Yes, that's probably it.
because if you didnt put out your husband might just take you to court for failure to put out under the penal code

(Hehe...heheh... He said...penal...
ShutUP Beavis!)

I've already bloviated about how I think cutting a child's genitals for any reason other than sheer medical necessity is wrong. Let them at least get old enough to make some sort of informed decision, for crying out loud!

I know if someone told me he loved me but he really would be happier if I had my labia reduced...I'd tell him his life was going to contain some disappointment.
(For some reason these men don't see themselves as having to be the same porn stars with skills and stamina. lol)

Yes they do - men expend quite a bit of time, energy, money and worry trying to live up to the "stud" ideal. Hence Viagra, penis-pumps, anti-sensation products, etc.

And you might be surprised how many women express pornological expectations towards males.

In a way, the women get the better end of this - it's a much simpler matter to remove some hair, than it is to get a bigger dick or develop workhorse stamina.
Yes they do - men expend quite a bit of time, energy, money and worry trying to live up to the "stud" ideal. Hence Viagra, penis-pumps, anti-sensation products, etc.

And you might be surprised how many women express pornological expectations towards males.

In a way, the women get the better end of this - it's a much simpler matter to remove some hair, than it is to get a bigger dick or develop workhorse stamina.

Hmm...I think guys should just engage in tons of foreplay myself. If there's already been a few orgasms, the female will not mind so much if the ride is short...
An anti-porn activist...You should worry when the religious right and feminism join about your uneasy bedfellows...

When I watch...stuff, I like to see real people, who are at least in their upper 20's, and not perfect looking or in full-body looks like that?

I want to see normal humans. Acne, scars, cellulite and all...

Not necessarily doing normal things, mind.:bravo:

Most people don't move onto the sort of stuff I like watching until they are a little older...(Masochists, if you can't join them,beat them...)

But I don't like to see perfectly pneumatic, barely-legal teens posing for the camera while bad music plays and then having really fake sex with each other. No No NO.:mad:

My ex-BF liked fake stuff, I thought I didn't like porn. Thank you internet.
An anti-porn activist...You should worry when the religious right and feminism join about your uneasy bedfellows...

When I watch...stuff, I like to see real people, who are at least in their upper 20's, and not perfect looking or in full-body looks like that?

I want to see normal humans. Acne, scars, cellulite and all...

Not necessarily doing normal things, mind.:bravo:

Most people don't move onto the sort of stuff I like watching until they are a little older...(Masochists, if you can't join them,beat them...)

But I don't like to see perfectly pneumatic, barely-legal teens posing for the camera while bad music plays and then having really fake sex with each other. No No NO.:mad:

My ex-BF liked fake stuff, I thought I didn't like porn. Thank you internet.

to be fair porn is not ment to be real any more than any movie is. I wish i had the powers of mace windu but its fiction and so is porn

oh and as far as it being exploitive for men to think women should be shaved "because of porn", umm whos pushing THIS:

(BTW the first time i ever herd about anyone doing that was when i happened to get forced to watch an episode of sex and the city with PB and the old blond one was forcing her BF of the moment to do it)

Strange she made no mention of this either, whos being expolited and whos doing the exployiting, well its the companies which produce shavers of corse
to be fair porn is not ment to be real any more than any movie is.
This is true...some just gets me to suspend my disbelief, I guess...

My one experience with shaving is that I itched beyond anything in the one place I could not scratch. For a while I pulled out the outliers for swimsuits, now I buy men's swim trunks.