Sexual abuse allegations- how best to protect when the truth is unknown

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I'm not sure why you're defending a convicted pedophile. Please explain.

Interesting comment, James. Are you saying/implying that pedophiles should not be afforded the protections of due process and the rule of law?

Baron Max
Interesting comment, James. Are you saying/implying that pedophiles should not be afforded the protections of due process and the rule of law?

Baron Max

Had you read the thread in its entirety, you would know what James meant.

Since it is obvious that you did not, I will give you a rundown of the uproar.

Ancient recounted a story of a friend of his who had sex with an 11 year old girl he was babysitting because she apparently blackmailed him into doing it by telling him that she would tell people he did it if he refused. As ancient later pointed out, he really did it because he wanted to do it and then tried to say that it was just oral sex, and because she apparently wanted her adult male baby sitter to have sex with her, no harm was caused and consent was not an issue (ignoring the legal fact that there was no consent due to the fact that she was an 11 year old child) and he should not have gone to jail, nor be listed as a paedophile. He then attempted to assert that paedophilia is a pseudo-science and even went so far in a current debate on the issue that touching, licking, "etc" of a baby's vagina causes no harm and should not be deemed to be illegal as it currently is.

His assertion that children touch themselves, are sexual and can and do become aroused means that it is natural and normal to have sex with them.

He has a few supporters, but the greater majority view it as being quite abhorrent. His friend was found out, the girl said they did it (in his mind she lied but he seems to ignore the fact that they did have sex), the friend was jailed for 7 years and then listed as a sexual offender. He thinks his friend is innocent. He states the friend was blackmailed into having sex, but admits that the friend wanted to do it anyway..

Now do you understand where James is coming from?
scott3x said:
James R said:
In this case, yes. I agree with swarm. The story is totally implausible.

Do you have any evidence to back up that claim?

I don't need evidence to express my opinion that the story is totally implausible.

Ofcourse. However, without evidence it lacks credibility.

James R said:
It's a conclusion I reach from all the available information, from my own experience and knowledge, from common sense about how people behave, from knowledge of human rationalisations and self-justifications etc. etc.

Explaining my entire process of reasoning would take far too long.

True, but not explaining it makes it so that I don't understand why you've reached the conclusion you've reached.

James R said:
I'm not sure why you're defending a convicted pedophile. Please explain.

I'm not too fond of labels that are so loaded as 'convicted pedophile'. I would prefer to give him a more human face, and call him a friend of ancientregime's. According to ancientregime, his friend claims he was blackmailed by an 11 year old girl into having sex with her and is now spending 7 years in the slammer because of it. I've never spent a day in prison myself but I've heard a fair amount of it and I definitely think that anyone who lives there is deserving of sympathy.
"Your honour. This 11 year old girl is a wiley minx! I wanted to have sex with her, but I really wasn't going to, Your Honour. Not until she .... BLACKMAILED me! Poor me. Although I wanted to have sex with her, because she's such a sexy 11 year old child, I wouldn't have if she hadn't made me do it.

Once she said she'd tell somebody I was a pedophile, I just thought - well, what the hell? In for a penny, in for a pound, Your Honour. Might as well just screw the little bitch for all she was worth!

She's the one who deserves the blame here. I know I can't control my penis around children, but it's their fault, not mine! They all WANT to have sex with me, of course, deep down. All children are just asking for it, after all.

This could have happened to anyone, Your Honour. I'm just an ordinary guy who likes looking at kiddy porn and fantasising about underage kids. I didn't choose to be a babysitter for sexual reasons... well, I did, but I couldn't help it.

Next time I have sex with a little kid, I'd try to make sure one of my pedophile mates will give me an alibi, so I don't end up in the big house again.

Your Honour, do they allow us to access child pornography in jail, 'cos you know I'm not sure I can do without it."
So blackmail like that is just implausible, James? In the Dallas area just last summer, a young male teacher refused to give a passing grade to one of his students.

I cannot find any references to this case based on what you give here.
"Your honour. This 11 year old girl is a wiley minx! I wanted to have sex with her, but I really wasn't going to, Your Honour. Not until she .... BLACKMAILED me! Poor me. Although I wanted to have sex with her, because she's such a sexy 11 year old child, I wouldn't have if she hadn't made me do it.

ancientregime never stated that she made him do it; I doubt she had the physical strength to accomplish that. Blackmailing someone is more coercing someone to do something through psychological means. I certainly believe that ancientregime's friend is telling the truth and have seen no evidence which would suggest otherwise.

James R said:
Once she said she'd tell somebody I was a pedophile, I just thought - well, what the hell? In for a penny, in for a pound, Your Honour. Might as well just screw the little bitch for all she was worth!

I believe that ancientregime said that his friend said she was threatening to say that she'd had sex with him even if he hadn't, not that he was a pedophile.

James R said:
She's the one who deserves the blame here. I know I can't control my penis around children, but it's their fault, not mine!

ancientregime never said that his friend couldn't control his penis.

James R said:
They all WANT to have sex with me, of course, deep down. All children are just asking for it, after all.

ancientregime never stated that his friend believed in either of the above statements.

James R said:
This could have happened to anyone, Your Honour.

The blackmail threat, perhaps. The reaction to it, I don't think so.

James R said:
I'm just an ordinary guy who likes looking at kiddy porn and fantasizing about underage kids.

ancientregime has never stated that his friend looked at kiddy porn.

James R said:
I didn't choose to be a babysitter for sexual reasons... well, I did, but I couldn't help it.

ancientregime has stated that his friend was asked to babysit. He never stated why his friend decided to do it.

James R said:
Next time I have sex with a little kid, I'd try to make sure one of my pedophile mates will give me an alibi, so I don't end up in the big house again. Your Honour, do they allow us to access child pornography in jail, 'cos you know I'm not sure I can do without it."

ancientregime has never stated that his friend said any such things.
have seen no evidence which would suggest otherwise.

Well there is the obvious trying to excuse his behavior and get off with a lighter sentence due to mitigating circumstances!

not that he was a pedophile.

Nope, he is definately described as a pedophile, just a previously "inhibited" one.

ancientregime has stated that his friend was asked to babysit. He never stated why his friend decided to do it.

I'd say that his reasons proved pretty obvious.
I note that ancientregime has now been banned. Certain moderators are worried that he might actually be a pedophile.

Time to close this thread, too.
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