Severely retarded people

I bring a message from planet Thaarg...
After due consideration we have decided that the human race are severly retarded.
Some relevant facts...
You kill each other (often)
You watch soap operas
You wear labels to feel good
You can't crack the lightspeed barrier.
There are other reasons but they are beyond your understanding.
Due to your retarded status the galactic council has decided to euthanase your entire race. We could just wait until you destroy yourselves and your planet but that would just be cruel.
The programme starts today. Please remain calm. Your extinction is in the best interests of society as a whole.
You don't even have to thank us.

I bring a message from planet Thaarg...
After due consideration we have decided that the human race are severly retarded.
Some relevant facts...
You kill each other (often)
You watch soap operas
You wear labels to feel good
You can't crack the lightspeed barrier.
There are other reasons but they are beyond your understanding.
Due to your retarded status the galactic council has decided to euthanase your entire race. We could just wait until you destroy yourselves and your planet but that would just be cruel.
The programme starts today. Please remain calm. Your extinction is in the best interests of society as a whole.
You don't even have to thank us.

Thank you, 'O great one. Now me and my fellow humans can be put out of our misery, and enjoy life the way it was meant to be!

All, hail Xxppryzzzzz!
is it bad form to make retard jokes? do you find yourself chuckling in spite of yerself? do you find these funny or sick? this is for edu purposes only!

What do the special olympics and an internet flame war have in common?
- Even if you win, you're still retarded!

What's better than winning a Gold medal at the special olympics?
- Not being a retard!


If it can be diagnosed early enough in pregnancy, then abort it.

Otherwise, you try and and give the person a decent life without ruining your own...
"Everybody and everything has a right to live, it doesnt matter if they are simply different."

Simply, noone has the right to anything. We are governed only by the laws of phisics. Our only barrier is ourselves - our mentality and morals. If we as a people colectively no problem with killing those that would bring down society then we would do it, no qualms. Saying that everything has a right to live is irrelevant if you give no support.

Would we kill those with chronic pain or suffering? Most mentally incapable people do not lead happy lives. Their existance turns into a pitifully sad experiment of which the subject cannot comprehend.

Not only may it be in the best interest of the retarded, but also to society. The philosophy of life's purpose is a must to think of in conjunction to this issue. Is the point of life to suffer through it until you reach death and heaven? Or is the point of life to better the lives of the future world until a terminal death? Yet another choice is that life is just to be happy and help others also be happy.

Keep in mind that, unless you believe in god, there is no purpose to life; it is what you make of it. You must also put things in perspective. Just because you would not want to be killed at birth does not mean it is the case for everyone. You would not want to be bought and sold as a slave, yet we do that with animals without saying much at all.

The most rational thinking would be as follows: retards should be killed at birth if their mental disability is beyond the point of being able to contribute to society AND if their parents would allow it BECAUSE most retards live angry and frustrating lives filled with anguish, AND that their mere existance puts a strain on society to help them perpetuate their anguishful and miserable lives.

Granted that this practice would not happen any time soon, because of the many millions that have vauge moral dilemas and idiotic church institutions that put irrational value and taboos on anything thinkable.

At very least answer this: Would you kill those creatures that have chronic suffereing and anguish?
Good points, French

What you're saying is very logical, and I agree with that. That is mostly the reason why I think they should be killed, but it would be too brutal an act for most people to do it to them as adults. The reason we don't may be because of old Christian morals.

As far as killing people who aren't good for society(did you say that?), it certainly would make society more efficient. It probably wouldn't make life more enjoyable, though. That might be because it clashes with our ingrained morals, and some of us might be the ones dead.
"Does anyone else think that severely retarded people should be killed"

What the hell are you thinking? Kill people with disabilities? Thats some pretty cruel stuff right there Balder1.
Perhaps some of you are not as often exposed to the disabled as I am. My mother is the Director of Students with disabilties at a college, which shall go nameless, and I often times go over there to help her with paperwork and such. I've met a lot of people there, some even to become my friends.

"Drooling" Is uncontrolable drooling a valid cause for the death of a human being? Is not being in complete control of you body one? Is not having a fully developed brain one? Perhaps they don't have as good a chance as some do to be succesful or lead "normal" lives, but you owe it to them to let them try. With all of the institutions now created it surely has gotten easier for them. So many things have been done to facilitate the retarded.

What if science failed? And children were aborted, which alone am I against, without true cause? They are soon to be people, and killing them before they even get to see their mother, well, that is just wrong. Only one of a cold heart would kill off people because of their mental capacity. Now I ask you, is this what you really think should be done? Kill those whose mind and body aren't at par with modern day standards? Think it through more carefuly guys. Please.
"As far as killing people who aren't good for society(did you say that?), it certainly would make society more efficient" - Balder1

Your not talking about trying to help them or trying to find ways of stoping the retardation of the youth, your talking about genocide.
"Just because you would not want to be killed at birth does not mean it is the case for everyone. You would not want to be bought and sold as a slave, yet we do that with animals without saying much at all."

Are you comparing the mentally retarded to animals?
Re: Good points, French

Originally posted by Balder1
The reason we don't may be because of old Christian morals.

You seem to be assuming that Christians are the only ones against killing the disabled.

Many people have come before Christianity who were against killing others, regardless of their backround.

And Balder1, you don't seem familiar with the theory of "Survival of the Fittest (sp?)". Nature has a way of exterminating the creatures that aren't able to survive on their own. Meaning, as time goes on, disabled people become less and less, unless man finds a way to cure the disability, in which those disabled will survive. Otherwise, they'll die off.

Under your logic, I should be dead. I was diagnosed with a sleeping/breathing disorder known as CCHS (source: This disease is currently uncruable. It ranges from very mild (only having to SLEEP on a ventilator when one chooses to sleep) to those who are infected with various other dieseas such as ashma and are on a ventilator full time.

I was a lucky one who is, so far, growing normally. But there is no way to tell that at birth. If I was born to a poor family or 50 years earlier, then I'd surely be dead, but I can survive among the fittest now.

Everyone has the choice to live. No one should make that for them. Weather their guardians or themselves keep them alive, well, thats their buisness.
And Balder1, you don't seem familiar with the theory of "Survival of the Fittest (sp?)".

If survival of the fittest was still happening, then you wouldn't be alive. Because of our unnatural inventions, nature cannot weed out the weak. I'm unsure what your point is? Btw, is your disease hereditary?

Under your logic, I should be dead.

I didn't actually say that we should kill disabled people, or people who are bad for society. I just said it would make it more efficient. We wouldn't have to support the severely mentally ill, the severely retardd, the sociopaths, and the criminals in prison for life sentences. I think that if we began to execute the mentally ill, our mental illness epidemic would go away pretty quickly. Our race would also be stronger. Right now the weak and disabled are allowed to survive, when in the past they would have died.

I also said that it probably wouldn't make life more enjoyable for many of us, probably because of our morals. I don't think we should kill the undesirables of society. Hitler wanted to do that, and I don't really agree with him. I am willing to admit that, logically, there are benefits for doing that though.

Everyone has the choice to live. No one should make that for them. Weather their guardians or themselves keep them alive, well, thats their buisness.

You mean, everyone has the right to life. Anyway, I mostly brought this up because there was that socially-imposed morals thread, and I wanted to see what kind of response I'd get. I'm surprised that it took so long for someone to disagree, and a bit dissapointed that no nihilists posted with a resounding YES!, kill the fuckin useless, ugly 'tards.
My opinion on action is that since retardation will most probably be corrected by genetic engineering in my lifetime, it is useless to use our energies to create laws and change our ethics to deal with the problem.

"With all of the institutions now created it surely has gotten easier for them."

Easier for them to contribute? Or easier for them to live off of others work? Thats something to think about.

"They are soon to be people, and killing them before they even get to see their mother, well, that is just wrong. "

Nothing is just wrong. For the sake of argument, let's be rational here. We need reasons. Wrong is an opinion, but even an opinion can be proven.

"Kill those whose mind and body aren't at par with modern day standards?"

I think those who do not have the mental capacity to contribute or be happy in society should be killed. It would be a crime to the individual and to society to force them to live (given that they can probably not voice their "legally sane" oppinion).

Would you let a normal person live off of society's hard earned wealth? If not then you yourself are subject to prejudices you probably disagree with. You give us the argument that a retarded person should be allowed the same freedom to live as a normal person, but then you turn around and tell us that you can allow these people to live with "institutions" and help-facilitation but not normal people? Amazing that such anti prejudice people can be so unknowingly hypocryticle.
Nature is the world we live in, not just the place we live. Survival of the fittest still exists. Otherwise, murders, suicides, etc... wouldn't be happening.

And why not keep disabled and others alive. We currently don't have a population problem (if we used our sources righteously...but thats for the population thread).
"I think those who do not have the mental capacity to contribute or be happy in society should be killed."

This is not a qustion of laws or facts, it is a question of ethics and morality. To kill those who can not sustain themselves are well as we can? Sure, it would cut down taxes, but do you really have the right to say that they would prefer not to live? The answer is, you do not. Your own opinion on the disabled is your own, they should be the ones who make up the decision. And if they are so far out of this world that no sense can be made of them, then let the parental unit or gaurdian decide. These are the people who matter here. Family is one of the most important things on this earth, and to cut off a member of the family because of mental incapabilities is terrible. Ask one who has had to live with a patient suffering mental retardation, ask them. For the most part, I don't think they would agree that all those who can not contribute or be "happy" as you put it, in a soceity, should be killed.
"I think those who do not have the mental capacity to contribute or be happy in society should be killed."

So society trumps the individual, and you are it's bitch?
Lets put in a little hypothetical scenario...
"Hello, Mr. Mrs. (Your name here), but we have decided that you are not fit to live. You are not up to our standards, and therefore a lesser being than the rest of us. No need to thank us, im just doing my part to keep humanity as perfect as it can be."
How would everybody here feel if that happened to YOU?
Originally posted by man_of_jade
Lets put in a little hypothetical scenario...
"Hello, Mr. Mrs. (Your name here), but we have decided that you are not fit to live. You are not up to our standards, and therefore a lesser being than the rest of us. No need to thank us, im just doing my part to keep humanity as perfect as it can be."
How would everybody here feel if that happened to YOU?

My personal fear is if it started at the mentality and physical features of a baby, then it would eventually expand into predicting possible events and outcomes, like in "Minority Report", or that we'd be killing bums off the street just because their out on the street.
Thats a far fetched scenario YoungWriter but still a possible one. If people are judged before they even come into this world, what is next?