Severely retarded people


Registered Senior Member
Does anyone else think that severely retarded people should be killed, or at least aborted at birth? I know it goes against most people's morals, but they really do nothing good for our society and live pretty sad lives as it is. I'm mostly talking about the ones who can't really talk, but feel free to add your own thoughts about this.

yes indeed, you got em big time:eek: its funny but I have had similar thoughts as well. I ws at one time a behavioural specialist for the severely retarted and autistic. I still am a psychiatric nurse. but now for the insane, thats a differant subject. but getting back to what I was saying, when I used to try to teach the severely retarted there were times when I thought how much a waste of time these creations were, and I slowly realized that without the proof of the dichotomy of creation, that we would never be able to judge how truely lucky we were to be able to call ourselves normal.(I know I know whats normal) but one argument at a time. All other specie have a mechanism for the destruction of the inferior or weak. but we also assume that all other species do not have the capacity to question thier existance. therfore, no, the weak or disabled deserve what life the universe has allowed them, and we take this opportunity to love them and learn a great deal more of ourselves.
Originally posted by Balder1
Does anyone else think that severely retarded people should be killed, or at least aborted at birth? I know it goes against most people's morals, but they really do nothing good for our society and live pretty sad lives as it is. I'm mostly talking about the ones who can't really talk, but feel free to add your own thoughts about this.

All i can say is......WOW!


Jan Ardena.
Aborted, if a disorder is detected in a pre-birth stage and if not, try and help them as much as you can.
A few years ago at school we had a visit by a person with Down Syndrome that was raised by devoted parents who invested in his education and he was as funny and intelligent as an ordinary person. Despite his retarded appearance, he was an ordinary intelligent person. He came with his brother and they both told their story and I really couldn't believe that somebody with Down Syndrome could reach such an intellectual level, so there is always future for unnormal people.

I think it is a question of the value we place on such a life.
Like I said, I'm mostly referring to the ones that can't really talk, and drool instead. Down Syndrome can function in society, and even add to it.

Isn't "aborted at birth" a severely retarded statement?

I always thought that you could abort a child earlier than the actual birth. Am I wrong? Aborting at actual birth would be partial-birth abortion, I believe. I'm pretty sure that if I was severely retarded, I wouldn't be posting on here... and you'd have to be pretty thick not to realize it. :rolleyes:

One of the reasons I brought this up is because, in my opinion, this is a socially-imposed moral with Christian roots. All life is precious(except the enemy...), don't destroy embryos, stop stem-cell research, ect. I thought you nihilists hated those sort of things?
I always thought that you could abort a child earlier than the actual birth. Am I wrong? Aborting at actual birth would be partial-birth abortion, I believe.

Partial birth is more or less high-tech infanticide.

I'm pretty sure that if I was severely retarded, I wouldn't be posting on here... and you'd have to be pretty thick not to realize it.

Who knows, maybe you're drooling all over your keyboard.

I thought you nihilists hated those sort of things?

Definitely. However, I got a problem with people letting something live or die based on whether it's a value to society or not.

Letting the bastards starve if they can't support themselves is a bit different than blowing 'tards away.
Partial birth is more or less high-tech infanticide.

True, a different issue. Out of curiosity, is that against your personal morals?

Letting the bastards starve if they can't support themselves is a bit different than blowing 'tards away.

Are you saying that we should just let them slowly and gruesomely starve to death? You're right, that is a little different. Very little. That way, we can blame their death on the environment instead of ourselves. Or something.

However, I got a problem with people letting something live or die based on whether it's a value to society or not.

That makes sense. Some people would argue that nihilists are detrimental to society. ;)

My thoughts on this sure aren't definite, and to tell the truth I have empathy for midly retarded people. It just seems pointless helping these people for the rest of their lives.
I think nobody is born for the sole purpose of dying. We should aspire to provide a good life for the disabled. These people help us to evolve through our empathy and compassion and such, and that is worth a lot.
Killing someone at birth JUST because they are different isnt acceptable. Really, You wouldnt have the right to say "This person is smart, let them live" and "This person is a retard, kill them". Everybody and everything has a right to live, it doesnt matter if they are simply different.
Aborted, if a disorder is detected in a pre-birth stage and if not, try and help them as much as you can (gerbile)

we will soon come to a point where no retard births will take place
in the meantime lets just deal with it. besides tards are good for the occasional laugh

(just kiddin!)
Cure to mental Disorders is Irrelevant

Yes, but by that time we will also have come to the point at which we can nullify natural death.

If I am still "quick" when that particular innovation goes through, I won't be worrying about the "tards." I'll be worrying about the hazards of rapid over-population and famine.

Enough digression and chatter . . . back to "Purging the Herd" . . .

I think that severely retarded people should not be permitted to live. I do not state this on account of my inherently brutal and depraved mentality, I state it because I approach tears every time I speak with one of those unfortunate devils, and I can't convince myself that life holds anything more than misery for afflicted souls like them.
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The retarded are here to teach us about compassion, patience, trust and love. They are putting their lives in your hands.
Originally posted by Bebelina
The retarded are here to teach us about compassion, patience, trust and love. They are putting their lives in your hands.
Well said.
The retarded are here to teach us about compassion, patience, trust and love. They are putting their lives in your hands.

Wow, I should meet more 'tards then. :p
Originally posted by Balder1
Does anyone else think that severely retarded people should be killed, or at least aborted at birth? I know it goes against most people's morals, but they really do nothing good for our society and live pretty sad lives as it is. I'm mostly talking about the ones who can't really talk, but feel free to add your own thoughts about this.

** Aborted at birth....hmm that's a tough one but such a decision is up to the parent. Now I don't know....about retards that can think but not able to communicate those thoughts in words.