Senior-most-cleric says Islamic Sharia law allows preteen marriage


Valued Senior Member
Riyadh - Saudi Arabia's senior-most cleric said girls as young as 10 years old can be married, local media reported on Wednesday.

The powerful Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said in a speech late on Monday that Islamic Sharia law allows the practice of pre-teen girls getting married, and that critics of the practice were doing the girls "an injustice", reports said.

"We hear often in the media about the marriage of minors. We must know that Sharia law is not unjust for women," the cleric is quoted as saying.

"If it is said that a woman below 15 cannot be married, that is wrong. If a girl exceeds 10 or 12 then she is eligible for marriage, and whoever thinks she is too young, then he or she is wrong and has done her an injustice.

So.. S.A.M.. whats your opinion on this?

Do you think this cleric is basing his reasoning on, "Whats good for the prophet is good for us"?
Another fine example of what happens when people blindly follow stupidity. Also, why if MoMo was forward thinking he would have adopted the girl not added her to his collection. But, then again, momo wasn't all that original.

Sayings of Ayatollah Khomeini

- A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However he
should not penetrate, sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and
damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her
life. This girl, however does not count as one of his four permanent wives.
The man will not be eligible to marry the girls sister

- It is better for a girl to marry in such a time when she would begin
menstruation at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any
father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in

- A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on.
However he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not
sell the meat to the people in his own village, however selling the meat to
the next door village should be fine.

- "If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine
and their excrement become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed.
The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned."

Sounds like the Ayatollah would be popular in the west. What with NAMBLA, rampant pedophilia (americans make up 25% of child sex tourists) and not to mention bestial porn, one may even consider the Ayatollah a man ahead of his time
That's very perceptive John the rest of us live in backward societies where child marriage and teen pregnancies are the norm. Although I've noticed that those most "shocked" at such practices have a preference for hairless teens with shaved pubes themselves. No accounting for tastes
i have to say that i am a little confused by that. dont forget Americans are so stupid that they must get caught more. plus is is very populated and is a nation of immigrants.
What are you confused by? Guys arbitrarily deciding when girls should have sex or guys arbitrarily deciding when they shouldn't?
The most virulent homophobes are latent homosexuals. So I'd guess that Michael probably likes young skinny girls with hairless pubes, since he just loves to quote passages on sex with underage girls
Pedophiles, American or otherwise, should be jailed and some castrated.
Done and Done.

This all goes back to setting the example. Had Mohammad NOT set an example of a polygamist who took a child for one of his MANY wives. If he were INSTEAD a forward thinking person, he'd have realized that his actions could one day lead to women being sold off to dirty old polygamists as child brides. If he instead had bucked the treand, as it were, and practiced monogamy and adopted children instead of marrying them, then perhaps, in time (maybe even LONG after his death) THAT would be the example Clerks referred to.

But, the fact is, he didn't care enough to give it some deep thought. It just didn't matter to him. And this is because his sights were set on something else - him being the Last Prophet of the JudeoChristian faith. Instead of actually going out there and trying to making things better, he wasted his time playing out this fantasy part of being "Last" Prophet.

Altering a few stories in a pile of mythical mumble jumble.
What a complete asinine waste of time and energy.
The most virulent homophobes are latent homosexuals. So I'd guess that Michael probably likes young skinny girls with hairless pubes, since he just loves to quote passages on sex with underage girls
If I were black, and I rallied against what people in the KKK stand for, what does that mean? Does it mean I secretly want to be white? No, it means I think people who teach this bs should be stood down.

Just look at the shit-drippings oozing from one of your clerks mouths SAM, it smells like shit, expect people to say as much.
Just to repeat:

We in the know, know there's no Gods nor Deamons, No Pixies, no Thor, no magical rocks that when kissed greet us on a day of reckoning.

IMO so did Mohammad.

Instead of him wasting his time playing out his own little fantasy-part of being "Last" Prophet and altering a few stories in a pile of mythical mumble jumble he should have sat down and gave a little thought to how his actions would affect people in the future.

Try to remember that next time you read about one of these dipshit Imam's teaching it's OK to marry a few children because Mohammad did it.
Why? Because he has an opinion you disagree with? This kind of opinion is the norm in the world except in some western countries. Curiously the most modern western societies have political groups that espouse similar opinions. Ultimately, I think what the girl wants should be a matter of her opinion. As an Asian I consider sex to be pragmatic you seem to have moralistic notions about it. I doubt the notion of young girls and old men is novel in any society
No it is NOT the norm in the modern world SAM. Where the hell did you pull that from. It's not even the norm in polygamist Muslim societies!

What next SAM, it's ok to own slaves because Mohammad did? Geesh... It's OK because it's the norm?

You see, THIS is EXACTLY what happens when you have monotheistic Prophet-driven religions.

Cult of personality in perpetuation. Just great.
So just out of curiosity Michael do you have a preference for young skinny and hairless girls?
Sayings of Ayatollah Khomeini

- A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby.

This is just sick. SICK SAM, Sick.

If a girl exceeds 10 or 12 then she is eligible for marriage, and whoever thinks she is too young, then he or she is wrong and has done her an injustice.
10 or 12?!?!?

THAT is disgusting. They a CHILDREN. Little kids. It's disgusting to think that a person could see these children as anything other than children. The last thing a child of 12 should be thinking about is marriage.
You seem very very shocked at what is normal practice in many societies. So I'm going to assume your response is yes. Early sexual intercourse is not recommended for health reasons. But in most societies where sex is normal, children are not considered asexual. Just immature.