Self centred Christianity


Registered Senior Member
I've been thinking lately that Christianity is very self centred and self involved. Thinking that God actually cares about you. It's God! It really isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination to think that God doesn't actually care what we do or go through. He doesn't need us, half the time in the Bible He is killing humans. To think that He is constantly there to hear every little thing you have to say to Him in prayer is really self indulgent. And then to say that God cares about you so much that He would kill His only son for you. And to think that God wants nothing more than to spend eternity hanging out with you. It's like Christianity has made God out to be some little pet dog. Just say the word and God will do a trick. God is waiting on your beck and call, any spare time you have to spend some time with God would be appreciated in prayer or on Sunday...if you have nothing better to do. And then they portray God as some dog that will wag His tale and get unbelievably happy just to see you one day in Heaven.

Other peoples thoughts?
I've been thinking lately that Christianity is very self centred and self involved. Thinking that God actually cares about you.

Yes God cares about His creation. God does not do things for nothing.

It's God! It really isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination to think that God doesn't actually care what we do or go through. He doesn't need us,

Yes but Needing us and Wanting us are two different things.

half the time in the Bible He is killing humans.

Yes He executed a lot of unrepentant sinners in the bible; i guess if He did not care about His creation He would not have bothered. But the penalty of sin is death.

To think that He is constantly there to hear every little thing you have to say to Him in prayer is really self indulgent.

No, it actually shows belief in Gods increasable total awareness that He is able to hear the thoughts of all people and respond to people when He wills to.

And then to say that God cares about you so much that He would kill His only son for you. And to think that God wants nothing more than to spend eternity hanging out with you. It's like Christianity has made God out to be some little pet dog.

The Bible does not show God as a little pet dog. But as a Loving Father who will not stand sin. Both forgiving and uncompromising at the same time. Firm but forgiving is the God of Abraham.

Just say the word and God will do a trick. God is waiting on your beck and call, any spare time you have to spend some time with God would be appreciated in prayer or on Sunday...if you have nothing better to do.

I can and do talk to Him any time of the day any day of the week, i know He can hear me. And if He wills then He can do things for me. :)

And then they portray God as some dog that will wag His tale and get unbelievably happy just to see you one day in Heaven.

I believe He will be happy for His will to be done. Irrespective of How happy He will be, i will certainly be happy to be in a real home with loving brothers and sisters and a truly Loving Father.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I've been thinking lately that Christianity is very self centred and self involved. ......

Can you name any cohesive group of people that are not self-centered and self-involved? It is, in fact, almost the definition of cohesive groups.

Baron Max
I've been thinking lately that Christianity is very self centred and self involved. Thinking that God actually cares about you. It's God! It really isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination to think that God doesn't actually care what we do or go through.
I guess the only way you can think like that is to assume right here, right now, is the best of all worlds and there is no improvement on perfection

He doesn't need us,
There may be a need, but it does not take the conventional expression ... kind of like a mother doesn't really need a 3 week old baby, but that doesn't mean it doesn't occupy her thoughts

half the time in the Bible He is killing humans.
Judging god by moral imperatives relevant to living entities kind of presupposes that the potency of god is relegated to human limits. I mean, one of the reasons that we tend to frown on issues of killing is that we are not ultimately responsible for a living entity appearing in this world, not for directing the destination of a living entity after they leave. God however is not like that. Why talk of half the time he is killing humans. Every human who has ever stood on this planet dies.
To think that He is constantly there to hear every little thing you have to say to Him in prayer is really self indulgent.
I would say the suggestion that every little thing we might implore god to hear is equally valuable is absurd, much like saying every little piece of political criticism is equally valuable is absurd ..... that doesn't mean that god doesn't pay special attention to some things, much like the president doesn't ignore all forms of political criticism.
And then to say that God cares about you so much that He would kill His only son for you. And to think that God wants nothing more than to spend eternity hanging out with you. It's like Christianity has made God out to be some little pet dog. Just say the word and God will do a trick. God is waiting on your beck and call, any spare time you have to spend some time with God would be appreciated in prayer or on Sunday...if you have nothing better to do. And then they portray God as some dog that will wag His tale and get unbelievably happy just to see you one day in Heaven.
I have to agree that some expressions of god appear to have the roles switched. I think the fundamental principle is that the living entity is the servant of god. Dressing up god as a laborer in one's personal garden may serve an initial purpose to install a sense of religiousity (" Oh god! Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme!) but it is hardly perfectional
And then they portray God as some dog that will wag His tail and get unbelievably happy just to see you one day in Heaven.

That's pretty good Answers. However, Christians (not exclusively) are the tail that wags the dog. God is nothing without them.
Why is it that the majority of replies defending the Christian idea of God, aren't based on what the Bible says, and aren't based on anything in reality. It's like there is something the Bible teaches...then a gap...then reality where a great deal of things the Bible teaches don't occur. And then in that gap is where the defences are made between what the Bible teaches and what happens. Yet those defences aren't based on reality, or the Bible, it's just shit people make up to smooth out the transition.

“”””” He doesn't need us,
There may be a need, but it does not take the conventional expression ... kind of like a mother doesn't really need a 3 week old baby, but that doesn't mean it doesn't occupy her thoughts”””

-Like where in the Bible does it say God doesn’t really need us but we occupy his thoughts like a mother and her 3 year old baby??? And where in reality is there evidence of this? There is nothing to back up this point, which means you are just making it up.-

“””””””””””””””””””half the time in the Bible He is killing humans.
Judging god by moral imperatives relevant to living entities kind of presupposes that the potency of god is relegated to human limits. I mean, one of the reasons that we tend to frown on issues of killing is that we are not ultimately responsible for a living entity appearing in this world, not for directing the destination of a living entity after they leave. God however is not like that. Why talk of half the time he is killing humans. Every human who has ever stood on this planet dies.”””””””””””””””””””””””””

Where do you get the evidence to support your idea that the reasons that we tend to frown on issues of killing is that we are not ultimately responsible for a living entity appearing in this world? You don’t get it in the Bible, you don’t get it in any psychological research done in reality. It’s simply something you are making up to make a point. And sure every human dies, but not every human is killed by some conscious being. Like saying the water killed him when someone drowns. Or the earth killed him when someone falls. Or the heart killed him, when someone has a heart attack. It’s not the same’s just a stupid point.

“Yes God cares about His creation. God does not do things for nothing.”

Where in the Bible does it say God has never ever done anything just for the sake of it? But what your really saying is that God does not do thing that don’t have anything to do with us. Which pretty much shows how self centred your belief system is. Because God has made planets humans will never see, who are they for? Are they simply for God’s own amusement, or just for the sake of it? Whatever the case is they were made without us in mind. And if God does some things without us in mind, who is to say that he doesn’t do a majority of things without us in mind. Who’s to say that he cares about us at all? He gave us what he gave many creatures life. Who’s to say that the world wasn’t made for the dolphins, and that we were simply a side project? Your theory and ideas really only work if you say that humans are the most important thing ever created, more important than even God Himself as God was required to die in order that humans may live. Don’t you see how arrogant and self centred these ideas are???

Ah whatever...
Why is it that the majority of replies defending the Christian idea of God, aren't based on.......
Yet those defences aren't based on reality, or the Bible, it's just shit people make up to smooth out the transition.

I can't figure out why anyone would want to argue, one way or the other, about beliefs. One either believes or they don't. But in either case, why is anyone arguing about it? No one is forced to believe, no one is forced to not believe.

I just don't get this big argument about religion or religious beliefs ...what difference does it make what people believe or if they can defend it?

Baron Max
Yes well I have to agree with the first post.

The whole main idea of Christianity is there being the existance of hell.
Christianity assumes that Jesus can save us from hell and take us to heavan.
And that is why the vast majority of christian prayers were made to praise Jesus in order to get to heavan.
So really to me it seems that Christianity is just trying to sell people a free ticket to the afterlife.

Take Judaism, the religion it was based off of, there was no hell, so we aren't praying to anyone to save us from it, we pray to G-d and only G-d.
So really to me it seems that Christianity is just trying to sell people a free ticket to the afterlife.

So then, if you feel that way, don't believe in Christianity. But why try to argue someone else out of believing if it's what they want to do? You can't prove your dis-belief any more than they can prove their beliefs .....and yet you argue about it. Why?

Baron Max
So then, if you feel that way, don't believe in Christianity. But why try to argue someone else out of believing if it's what they want to do? You can't prove your dis-belief any more than they can prove their beliefs .....and yet you argue about it. Why?

Baron Max

OMFG, This is honestly the first time ive been this confuzed reading a message, it'/s like watching someone use 10 negatives in a sentance, Don't not do ever never etc...

I have no idea that's, why, i can't honestly seem to grasp why in the world Christianity is so popular, not to be racist. But seriously. Isn't worshipping Christ in some way idolitry for not worshipping G-d? And for calling itself a monotheistic religion isn't worshipping the holy ghost too polygomy? And if G-d loves us so much than why on earth did he create hell and if Jesus was supposed to save the Jews than why on earth is it that his followers killed hundreds of millions of them? When your not Christian and you consider these points it begs the question "why is it so popular?"
Yes well I have to agree with the first post.
Me too.

The whole main idea of Christianity is there being the existance of hell.
Christianity assumes that Jesus can save us from hell and take us to heavan.

Answers and you are missing the head of the nail, but you said it right here. Christians today have become very self-centered. They worry about making it to heaven, and that is the driving force in why they do what they do.

They fall into the trap of doing things in the name of Christ, for their own glory, or for their own salvation.

So really to me it seems that Christianity is just trying to sell people a free ticket to the afterlife.

That's more like it!

It wasn't always like this, but the religion has raped God's word and so focused on saving the lost that they would coax anyone out of grief saying, "Look at what Jesus can do for you!" A true Christian should not have this attitude.
ok well the people you say God killed in the bible were killed because they needed to be. like if you've heard the phrase kill 1 save 1000 its the same general idea. except they killed mor than one. the people he killed were just people that opposed Him. and it wouldnt make sense for Him to not care about us because put yourself in is shoes for a sec. we are his creation, like his kids. you are obvioulsy going to care aobut your kids right? and specifically his son Jesus, i mean like itd have to take love for him to let him die such an embarrasing and painful death. if you do your research on it, they created the word "excrutiating" to describe what you go through, and He went through stuff even before the cross. but the cross is death by suffication, and that just adds to the suffering because hes been pierced in the wrists and feet, with thorns in His head, and hes already carried the cross like 3 miles, and He managed to talke 7 times, but the only way to talk was to breath and the only way to breath was to push up off of the nails that were pierced in His feet.
ok well the people you say God killed in the bible were killed because they needed to be.
BiblicalMythology said:
And they warred against the Midianites, as the LORD commanded Moses; and they slew all the males.

the people he killed were just people that opposed Him.
BiblicalMythology said:
Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

and it wouldnt make sense for Him to not care about us because put yourself in is shoes for a sec. we are his creation, like his kids
BiblicalMythology said:
And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city.

One would think that if your fucked-up god was actually omniscient and omnipotent, he would have got his "creation" right the first time or at least knew ahead of time that he was too incompetent to try.

It seems clear that the kind of atrocity and "evil" mentioned in the biblical mythology is the product of people not a god. People have shown themselves to be willing to kill "every man, woman and child" and occasionally save the young, virgin girls for their personal pleasure like Moses and his band admit to.

Anyone who follows this crap is deluded and demented. Especially anyone who tries to justify murder, genocide and child rape.
I can't figure out why anyone would want to argue, one way or the other, about beliefs. One either believes or they don't. But in either case, why is anyone arguing about it? No one is forced to believe, no one is forced to not believe.

I just don't get this big argument about religion or religious beliefs ...what difference does it make what people believe or if they can defend it?

Baron Max

Some are forced to believe & some are coerced.

I just don't get this big argument about arguing about religion or religious beliefs. What difference does it make whether people argue about it???

So then, if you feel that way, don't believe in Christianity. But why try to argue someone else out of believing if it's what they want to do? You can't prove your dis-belief any more than they can prove their beliefs .....and yet you argue about it. Why?

Baron Max

WHY try to argue someone else out of arguing if it's what they want to do??
ok well the people you say God killed in the bible were killed because they needed to be.

It is a lesson learned and a lesson taught by theists who would eliminate anyone not on board with their particular brand of religious ethics and morality.

like if you've heard the phrase kill 1 save 1000 its the same general idea. except they killed mor than one. the people he killed were just people that opposed Him.

So, if we oppose your god, you're god will kill us? And, will you be the trigger-happy means to this end?

and it wouldnt make sense for Him to not care about us because put yourself in is shoes for a sec. we are his creation, like his kids. you are obvioulsy going to care aobut your kids right?

Yes, and so much that we would never kill our kids if they opposed us, yet that is what you're promoting with your religion.
I can't figure out why anyone would want to argue, one way or the other, about beliefs. One either believes or they don't. But in either case, why is anyone arguing about it? No one is forced to believe, no one is forced to not believe.

I just don't get this big argument about religion or religious beliefs ...what difference does it make what people believe or if they can defend it?

Baron Max

I think its essential to argue for the sake of finding solutions to take the entire religions down. To me personally i am the guy who wish to see rehabilitation centers for religion addicts. I wish to see religious people treated like drug addicts. Its not because I am cruel in nature. I simply don't enjoy watching the entire nature getting fckd up because majority of brainless humans are religious or patriotic and realizing that nothing can be achieved unless religion and such belief systems without a natural base is taken down and scientific inventions are toned down.
I think its essential to argue for the sake of finding solutions to take the entire religions down. To me personally i am the guy who wish to see rehabilitation centers for religion addicts. I wish to see religious people treated like drug addicts. Its not because I am cruel in nature. I simply don't enjoy watching the entire nature getting fckd up because majority of brainless humans are religious or patriotic and realizing that nothing can be achieved unless religion and such belief systems without a natural base is taken down and scientific inventions are toned down.

Because you do not believe in anything without evidence and have evidence that without religion, we would still be the same?

I for one have yet to find a society that has even come into being under atheism [with the exception of the Piraha]. To my mind atheism would diminish abstract thought and reduce us to the level of animals without imagination. Its a serious mistake to encourage atheism in any society unless you want to destroy it as an entity.
I think its essential to argue for the sake of finding solutions to take the entire religions down. To me personally i am the guy who wish to see rehabilitation centers for religion addicts. ....

Nice thought, I suppose, but I have to agree with SAM.

And since you advocate such great faith in science and none in religion, I would ask you to point out any where in the world where such a non-religious society has ever existed and thrived.

I mean, you act so certain, so positive, about your suggestions, surely as an advocate of the greatness of science, you have some good examples of such societies, right?

If no examples, Observer, then as an advocate of the scientific methods, what is your evidence that you used to come to your conclusions? Surely you, as such an advocate of science, didn't just pull them out of your ass, did you??

Baron Max
Because you do not believe in anything without evidence and have evidence that without religion, we would still be the same?

I for one have yet to find a society that has even come into being under atheism [with the exception of the Piraha]. To my mind atheism would diminish abstract thought and reduce us to the level of animals without imagination. Its a serious mistake to encourage atheism in any society unless you want to destroy it as an entity.

Atheism is another belief system. A belief that there is no God. :p And I guess i did mentioned that all belief systems.