segregation, where's the line?

well i was just at an event with 2 other guys and it only had 1 unisex toilet block. between the 2 of them and the guy who walked in when i was in the toilet, the 3 of them were more embaresed than the women who went in while we were there. the funny thing was that they suggested going behind a tree rather than sharing a toilet with women

This sounds like the kinda guys I know, too.

I mean, don't get me wrong. When Viseral says she's had to beat men away with a stick, I don't doubt that there are men that are like that.
I also don't doubt there are plenty of men that are not like that.

Incidentally, what's up with women thinking it's ok for them to prance right into a mens locker room but freak out if a man does that to a womans locker room?
They claim it's cuz men don't mind. Bullcrap!

I mind and most any man I know of would mind.

There is a clear and very strong bias in Opinion about what Men are like or what Women are like.
Yet, we're all individuals that can be very different from eachother.
It is also a fact that statistically speaking, blacks and whites are different. Indeed, the incidence of black against white rape is much higher than white against black rape.

does that point at a radical difference between the two groups? one similar to the biological difference between males and females? and not a mere conditional state of affairs?
It probably points to the different average socio-economic positions of the two groups, mostly. Which is a direct result of past oppression of one group by the other.
they can't control themselves only in bathrooms and dorms?
Oh, come now. Really?

so why isn't the line drawn elsewhere as well?
discos, bars, heck... OFFICES!

it just doesn't make sense, many men have the potential to rape, and of course rape isn't the whole problem, sexual assault and harassment i think occurs actually more, so...... we separate where they pee and where they sleep?

that just doesn't sound... real.. that, idk it just doesn't make sense, it's what i want to understand from this thread:confused:

i just can't truly see the link from the problem to the "solution"...
i'm not sure if we're even united on what the problem IS..