segregation, where's the line?

I wouldn't feel safe in a unisex dormitory. Sure most males aren't rapists, but most doesn't equal all.

And I would feel very endangered in a unisex toilet in most places. Pissed guys seem to think it perfectly fine to put their hands all over you, assume you are joking when you push them away and tell them to back off, and only come to their senses when you attempt to blind them with your fingers (yeah I did this)...and this is in a crowded social venue. Now translate that to a toilet where there may or may not be people around to regulate things.

I once was grabbed by a girl.
I was on 6th street in Austin. Never saw her before, yet she walked right up and grabbed my butt.

I was furious.

I've heard what you just said from many women. But I've also heard many women admit that since so many women act demure and like aggressive men- that may lead to confusion since women like to act like they don't want what they do want.

However you look at it- I am glad I'm male.
I once was grabbed by a girl.
I was on 6th street in Austin. Never saw her before, yet she walked right up and grabbed my butt.

I was furious.

I've heard what you just said from many women. But I've also heard many women admit that since so many women act demure and like aggressive men- that may lead to confusion since women like to act like they don't want what they do want.

However you look at it- I am glad I'm male.

I once had a lesbian grab my ass in a nightclub. I was so furious, for a few seconds, I started after her and I fully intended to grab her neck and snap it, but thankfully, reason kicked in, or I would be in jail instead of writing this...

Yeah, I can imagine. I like that I look male in loose clothes. It's useful, until they hear me talk in a normal female register, and start up the ass grabbing and all that. :mad: *does some more weightlifting....*
I once was grabbed by a girl. I was on 6th street in Austin. Never saw her before, yet she walked right up and grabbed my butt. I was furious.
I wonder what percentage of men would have felt that way. As long as it wasn't violent or painful, anyway. It's one of those things you don't know until it happens, so please don't everyone start speculating.

If anyone else has had actually had the experience it would be interesting to hear.
I wonder what percentage of men would have felt that way.

Warning:Anecdotal evidence follows--

A lot of the men I know ould have loved it. But then, it's also rare for a woman to act that way so they may not have developed the revulsion at constantly being pawed.

However, a lot of the men I know are family guys and they would have felt violated, considering numerous discussions on similar topics we've shared.

There is such a thing as personal space.

Just because there are man dogs out there that might like getting pawed- (chances are it's because they are not getting laid and are desperate for any attention.) doesn't mean for one moment that MEN like getting pawed.

Fraggle, you seem to have a very biased viewpoint on the differences between men and women.
I know quite a few women that LIKE getting pawed.

A BIG party of why I do not participate in internet Chatrooms now is because the female perverts started giving me a harsh opinion of women!

Men and women have some fundamental differences but in the end, same product/different package.

Now, I admit that I have a package issue: I want the female product in the female package.
But that doesn't prevent me from being reasonable.

I have seen too many men act in the same emotional and silly manner they accuse women of acting in.

I have seen too many women act in the same perverted or logical or vain manner they accuse men of acting in.

Given this, my opinion is that many of the sexual stereotypes prevalent in our society are self imposed.
It's a big part of homophobia as well and a reason why people are unaccepting of transgender or intersex people.
I wonder what percentage of men would have felt that way. As long as it wasn't violent or painful, anyway. It's one of those things you don't know until it happens, so please don't everyone start speculating.

If anyone else has had actually had the experience it would be interesting to hear.

Maybe men tend less to react that way because they're larger and physically stronger?

I don't know. I react the same when it is a weedy 5'2 guy doing it. I still feel a furious need to wrench him apart in my naked hands.
Maybe men tend less to react that way because they're larger and physically stronger?

I don't know. I react the same when it is a weedy 5'2 guy doing it. I still feel a furious need to wrench him apart in my naked hands.

We've found the root of the problem.

Stop being naked and maybe it won't happen anymore:)
We've found the root of the problem.

Stop being naked and maybe it won't happen anymore:)

I should refrain from showing my hands?

Good idea. I should never go anywhere without my metal studded synth-leather gloves. All the better to mash up someone's face with. :D
And you don't think this might just have a little something to do with resentment over two hundred years of discrimination and outright slavery? When our ancestors could not only toss them out of swimming pools and restrooms but could actually LYNCH them and get away with it? As a Moderator I normally try to maintain a polite tone out of respect for my office, but in this case I'll have to agree with James, my Noble Leader. You are maybe just a tiny bit dense and probably even slept through some really important classes.

I'm not going to even bother trying to refute your nonsense regarding the current generation of poor blacks being compelled to rape by stuff that happened to previous generations, as that would open up a new can of worms that would derail the thread.

What I will point out is that the reasons as to why black against white rape exceeds white against black rape is an irrelevancy. The simple fact is that the discrepancy exists, and according to the sexual segregationists, that is enough to justify segregation of toilets in order to protect white males from rape at the hands of black men.
.....The simple fact is that the discrepancy exists, and according to the sexual segregationists, that is enough to justify segregation of toilets in order to protect white males from rape at the hands of black men.

what??? :confused:

People justify sexual segregation with the argument that females are prone to rape at the hands of males.

I'm taking that logic one step further to justify racial segregation. White males are prone to rape at the hands of black males. Hence toilets should be raciallly segregated.
People justify sexual segregation with the argument that females are prone to rape at the hands of males.....

maybe us women want segregation because you guys are horn dogs and can't keep your eyes to yourselves, let alone your hands.
Maybe we think you stink and are messy and we don't want to share every single space with you.
Maybe we talk about you when we are alone together.
maybe us women want segregation because you guys are horn dogs and can't keep your eyes to yourselves, let alone your hands.
Maybe we think you stink and are messy and we don't want to share every single space with you.
Maybe we talk about you when we are alone together.

It's always good when sexist women drop their mask and reveal the seething misandry beneath. Thank you for vindicating my stance.
Maybe I could just give up being female?

Seems unless you are an elite martial arts fighter, being female is all - about - vulnerability. I think I'd like to be rebuilt as a cyborg, neither male nor female :)
I'm taking that logic one step further to justify racial segregation. White males are prone to rape at the hands of black males. Hence toilets should be raciallly segregated.
Why not take it even further: have you noticed that rapist/ rapee are very rarely the same age?
Let's segregate by that, too.

PS any particular reason why "raciallly" has three "l"s?
It's always good when sexist women drop their mask and reveal the seething misandry beneath. Thank you for vindicating my stance.

so unless I want to share a urinal with you, I have seething misanthropist?? LMFAO.
I don't want to share anything with you because you are a ^&*^%$ not because you are male.
so unless I want to share a urinal with you, I have seething misanthropist?? LMFAO.

Misandrist, not misanthropist.

I don't want to share anything with you because you are a ^&*^%$ not because you are male.

It's quite telling when a poster's memory span is that of a few minutes.

Orleander said:
maybe us women want segregation because you guys are horn dogs and can't keep your eyes to yourselves, let alone your hands.
Maybe we think you [guys] stink and are messy and we don't want to share every single space with you.
Maybe we talk about you when we are alone together.
hmmm, maybe you are right. Its not all guys, its just you. I misspoke.

and FYI, I said 'maybe'
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well i was just at an event with 2 other guys and it only had 1 unisex toilet block. between the 2 of them and the guy who walked in when i was in the toilet, the 3 of them were more embaresed than the women who went in while we were there. the funny thing was that they suggested going behind a tree rather than sharing a toilet with women