
Beat the shit out of your friend.

In Halloween, I Was Told He Was At a Party.. Me And My Friends Drove To It And I Wore A Mask Saw Him In a Garage (There Was Strobe Lights, and Black Lights And It Was Hard To See) And I Ran Up On Him and Left Him Bloody Sticking Him So Hard and I Threw Him Into All the DJ Equiptment Which Broke. As The Girl That was Throwing The Parties Mother Came Out I Ran To Avoid Paying For The Broken Equiptment.
My first thing I noticed 420 in your title which is the code for smokes pot. Knock that off you are in the system now and your gonna get tested---often probably. If you got coke in you too knock that off too. You got some wit to you and you seem pretty comfortable on the computer so I figure I can help you find some tools you need to figure things out.

I Don't or Ever Have Messed With Coke. Yes, I Do Smoke Weed Occasionally or Rather Alot But It's Not a Factor Of Why I'm Getting Arrested.
1) how many priors so you have?
2) have you been on juvi before?
3) anyone ever been physciallly hurt in a crime before that you were involved in?
4) what is your lawyer saying?

1) I've Had 2 Misdeameanors (Distubing the Peace and a Concealed Weapon Charge) But Those Were Being Taken Care of With an Idds Program. Unfortunately I've Gotten Arrested and Now My Idds Program Dropped and I'm Facing These Two Charges Also.

2) I've Never Been To Juvi Before.

3) No Ones Ever Been Physically Hurt Before Besides My Disturbing The Peace Charge But It was Only a Misdeameanor.

4) As of This Point I Haven't Spoken to a Lawyer.

You have a big decision ahead of you right now. If you get tried as a minor your record will be sealed by the court when you turn 18. That means you won't have a record. Your adult crimminal record should you attain one is public property. What that means is that employers, or anyone else can go down to the county or district office (depending on offense) and pull your file and read all about your crime and know exaclty what your punishment for it is.

I Know This.
Are you popping cars to get money for drugs? If so do your self a favor and meet some 30 year old drug addicts this month. See how they live. See what they look like. I am not gonna say a thing about what I have seen..see for yourself.....decide if that is what you want for you.

Honestly, The 2 Car Burglary Felonies - I Didn't Even Do. I Wanted to Fight It but Now Doubt the Possibilities Being I Got 3 Other Felonies In the Same Category. I Also Ran Since i Had an Ounce Of Weed In my Pocket. I Got Away. They Pulled the Gun On Me and Told Me To stop and I Kept Running and This Was Around 2 A.M. I Hid In a Swamp Till 7 A.M got My Mom To Pick Me Up and She Drove Me To THe Police Department Because They Had a Warrant For My Arrest. I'm Not Addicted To Any Drug. I Live Near a Bad Neighborhood, And Near The Hoods There Are 'Budget Stores'. Literally So Bad I've Been Offered Weed By the Cash Registeree. Outside These Budget Stores Often Behold Crackheads. Literal Crackheads. People That Are 20-50 years old and Dress In Barely No Clothes, Can Barely Speak, Or The Oposite And They Scream At You And You Can Barely Understand Anything They Say.
420joey, I was a law enforcement officer for 7 years let me tell you what too expect, for one you had two prior charges thats being picked up on you since you commited another crime, as far as probation is concerned don't even expect that one to happen in your case because your program you was in will be concidered as a form of probation that you broke.

At this point your best bet is to get a public defender if you don't know how goto court and you can request one there is a form you will have to fill out yes it is free meaning honest tax payers will be saving your ass even the people you stole from which is kinda ironic.

Also it doesn't matter if it was a Misdeameanor or felony when someone gets hurt its still there and will be looked at by the judge. Also if you had a ounce of weed on you, you do have a drug problem and the neighborhood has nothing to do with it are they holding you down putting the joint in your mouth?

also what evidense do they have on you besides your friend ratting you out, I know how interogations go, did you admit to anything after they said your friend ratted you out, if so you hung your own ass and chances are your friend didn't say shit but you never know people do the funniest things when scared and cornered by the law.

as far as what to expect look for some lockup time for sure, large fines, restitution, and another program after lockup as far as time in lockup is concern could be a month could be 6 or it could be til your 18 who knows depends on the judges mood that day and thats no shit. But on a good day look for at least 3 months.

here is a little warning you will soon be concidered a adult and if this keeps up you will be faced with numerous problems in the future, your next offence could get you charged as a adult no matter if you are a juv or not.
one more thing the Judge could also look at the case on you now and refer you to adult court as it stands it doesn't matter that you are a Juv, if the Judge see's a problem in you he will correct it and not in a very nice way.
I'm turning 17 in four months and I can see how this can pose a problem. They interegatted me and I admitted everything + My friend did snitch on me and infront of my face.

In All Honesty I Don't Smoke Weed Anymore and Don't Plan To. I'm Not Blaming Shit On My Neigborhood I'm Simply Stating That I Know What Drugs Can Do To You Because Of What I Saw In My Neigborhood.

I also May Have More Charges, I May Be Looking at 3-4 More Burglary Felonies. It Will Be Determined Monday.

This Is all Bullshit... I Never Stole Anything.. I Have Nothing to Prove For the Time I'm Facing. I Just Wish I Can Start Over..

I Was a Really Intellegent Kid, Went To a Pure Magnet School With Only 70 Kids Admitted. I Envied The Bad Kids Since They Picked On Me. I Worked Out For 1-2 Years And I Started Doing More Bad Stuff, Beat The Living Shit Out of Alot People and I Got a Bad Reputation.. Starting Hanging Around Bad People.. Got Alot More Of The Girls, Alot More, and Now That I'm a Little Bad Fuck And I Got Fine Hoes, I Was in a Gang, Smoked All Kinds of Shit, I Want To Go Back to Being Myself. Sometimes You Can Get So Caught Up in the Moment - You Forget Who you Are.
people do get caught up in the moment I agree but its how you live and get past those moments that counts, if you got 3-4 more charges pending don't look for anything much to happen on your first court appearence, above all request a public defender to save part of your ass. if you never stole anything why did you admit to everything. request a voice stress test on the facts and see if that can get you by the charges you say your not guilty of.

1. Give up the life of crime your just no good at it.

2. Get ready to do time in a juvenile detention facility.

Dee Cee
Perhaps if you were intelligent, none of this would have happened.
You should go rob the police station.
With any luck, you'll get caught, and rot in jail forever.
Get a lawyer - a REAL lawyer, not a public defender.
You are almost certainly facing time.

Most judges see probation as a way to scare people straight.
Multiple offenses and blowing a freebie second chance with the Idds.

Worst case scenario, they charge you as an adult and you have to face for the prior counts that you squeaked by with Idds.
18 months - 3 years in pen.

Likely scenario - 364 days in County.

Best case scenario - a year and four montsh in Juvie.

Get a lawyer.
Oh, I didn't realize the date on that.

Has he posted since then? :^)
I Guess the Worst is That You Could be Tried as an Adult, Sentenced to the Maximum Penalty of 30 Years Per Offense, Consecutively, and Sent to Prison Where you Would Probably be Anally Raped on a Daily Basis by Large Men Who Rent You for a Pack of Cigarettes. When You are Released After 20 Years (Maybe), You Wander the Streets as an Unemployable Derelict With No Marketable Job Skills and Desperation Forces You to Resort to Prostitution, But at 46 Years Old, Demand for Your Overstretched Anus is Low, and the Little Money You "Earn" Goes to Support Your Growing Crack Habit. You Finally Die, Found Face Down in a Pool of Your Own Vomit and Urine and You Remain in the Refrigerator at the City Morgue Because Your Family Abandoned Hope for You Years Ago and Your Remains Go Unclaimed. After Several Weeks, You are Shipped Off to Some University to be Used as a Training Cadaver - the Only Good Thing to Spring From Your Otherwise Miserable Little Existence.

Of course, I'm just hazarding a guess.

:m: Peace.
OMG THAT was really funny. LOL :D


What do you think about what you did? I mean, what's your take on your own actions?


Lets make up our own endings.

420Joey was sent to prison where he became known as toey260 due to ... (next person)
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The Scenario :

I Am 16 Years Old and Live in Florida. I Catch Two Felonies For 2 Counts of "Car Burglary". A Week Later I Recieve Another Felony of "Grand Theft" (Not Grand Theft Auto). As They Got Me and my Friend In the Confession Room My Friend Snitches on Me and I Get Convicted For Another Felony of "Grand Theft". I Was on an IDDS Program for a "Concealed Weapon" Charge and Since I Got Arrested My Program Dropped and I Got This Charge Intop of Everything. Worst Case Scenario, Legally, What's the worst they can do?

I Go to Court November 18.

Well, why were you stealing cars in the first place?