

SF's Incontestable Pimp
Valued Senior Member
The Scenario :

I Am 16 Years Old and Live in Florida. I Catch Two Felonies For 2 Counts of "Car Burglary". A Week Later I Recieve Another Felony of "Grand Theft" (Not Grand Theft Auto). As They Got Me and my Friend In the Confession Room My Friend Snitches on Me and I Get Convicted For Another Felony of "Grand Theft". I Was on an IDDS Program for a "Concealed Weapon" Charge and Since I Got Arrested My Program Dropped and I Got This Charge Intop of Everything. Worst Case Scenario, Legally, What's the worst they can do?

I Go to Court November 18.
ILikeSalt, You should become allergic to air. Not that it would affect anything - it is clear you lack of a life.

I'm asking what could be the worst case scenario. I'm worried about this.
Worst case scenario: An elephant falls out of the sky and ends your life.

Here's a tip, don't bend down to pick up the soap ;)
Worst case scenario; you don't learn from your mistakes.

If this profile

Fuck Off
Suck my Dick.
Fuck Like a Rabbit.
To be a bum.
is anything to judge by I'd say your screwed but good, but then you apparently want to be.
I'm still a juvenile and i'm not on probation as of now. Is it possible that he(The Judge) may give me probation + alot of community hours or is getting "locked up" inevitable at this point.

& Path give me a fucking break.. I didn't make this topic to hear that.

You don't know the circumstances of my charges or me for that matter.
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420Joey said:
I'm still a juvenile and i'm not on probation as of now. Is it possible that he(The Judge) may give me probation + alot of community hours or is getting locked up inevitable at this point.

It depends on how much of an asshole you make yourself out to be to the Judge. If you come across as an asshole the Judge can make it much harder on you but if you act decently then they might cut you a break. So it is really up to you , how you dress, act and talk will either help or kill you.
I don't have much sympathy for people that steal stuff. I work hard for everything I own. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the law you are not an adult so your punishment will be less severe.
420Joey said:
I'm still a juvenile and i'm not on probation as of now. Is it possible that he(The Judge) may give me probation + alot of community hours or is getting "locked up" inevitable at this point.

& Path give me a fucking break.. I didn't make this topic to hear that.

You don't know the circumstances of my charges or me for that matter.

Do you want the truth or do you want someone to stroke your head and tell you everything will be fine?
Worst case scenario; you don't learn from your mistakes.

If this profile

Fuck Off
Suck my Dick.
Fuck Like a Rabbit.
To be a bum.

is anything to judge by I'd say your screwed but good, but then you apparently want to be.

^ Your judging me by a biography that I obviously wrote random things on. How is this truth? I don't want anybody to stroke my head and say everything'll be fine - I'd just appreciate realistic and valid responses.
Hi m8,

It seems your actions have got you into this trouble so now it's your actions that are gonna get you out of it.
Unfortunately for you you have been caught but its a good lesson to learn nonetheless. The judge is looking for just one thing from you, that thing is contrition. This means that you actually have to feel sorry for the harm you have done. I mean you do know stealing to be bad right? Hey we have all done something we are not proud of but if you overcome them it will help build strength of character. This will only happen though if you actually stop doing the things that get you in trouble and you will only be able to stop if you actually consider the wrong you have done.
I am not saying anything that CosmicTraveller has not already said. But I do concur with him.
Dress smart in court and dont get cocky! Apologise to anyone who is looking for an apology in that court but mean it.
The sentence has not yet been passed and its harshness depends on you. You will get what you deserve. Make sure you deserve less rather than more :)

Good luck. I hope everything works out ok for you and that you learn a valuable lesson from this.


c20 :m:
I Guess the Worst is That You Could be Tried as an Adult, Sentenced to the Maximum Penalty of 30 Years Per Offense, Consecutively, and Sent to Prison Where you Would Probably be Anally Raped on a Daily Basis by Large Men Who Rent You for a Pack of Cigarettes. When You are Released After 20 Years (Maybe), You Wander the Streets as an Unemployable Derelict With No Marketable Job Skills and Desperation Forces You to Resort to Prostitution, But at 46 Years Old, Demand for Your Overstretched Anus is Low, and the Little Money You "Earn" Goes to Support Your Growing Crack Habit. You Finally Die, Found Face Down in a Pool of Your Own Vomit and Urine and You Remain in the Refrigerator at the City Morgue Because Your Family Abandoned Hope for You Years Ago and Your Remains Go Unclaimed. After Several Weeks, You are Shipped Off to Some University to be Used as a Training Cadaver - the Only Good Thing to Spring From Your Otherwise Miserable Little Existence.

Of course, I'm just hazarding a guess.

:m: Peace.
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Joey first thing I noticed 420 in your title which is the code for smokes pot. Knock that off you are in the system now and your gonna get tested---often probably. If you got coke in you too knock that off too. You got some wit to you and you seem pretty comfortable on the computer so I figure I can help you find some tools you need to figure things out.

1) how many priors so you have?
2) have you been on juvi before?
3) anyone ever been physciallly hurt in a crime before that you were involved in?
4) what is your lawyer saying?

You don't have to answer them on here but answer them for you. They first three are going to factor your present case. Priors always affect the penalty range. Pentalty range is the lowest and highest penatly that can happen to you for each crime you are convicted of. Your attorney (depending on his skill level in negociation, circumstances of your crimes, and time frame) can negociate what you are going to be officially tried for. What you get charged with and what you get tried for are two different things. Sounds like you are pretty deep in the system. I don't think you can get tried as an adult for non violent crimes but you can for violent crimes. I say think because the laws vary from state to state.

You have a big decision ahead of you right now. If you get tried as a minor your record will be sealed by the court when you turn 18. That means you won't have a record. Your adult crimminal record should you attain one is public property. What that means is that employers, or anyone else can go down to the county or district office (depending on offense) and pull your file and read all about your crime and know exaclty what your punishment for it is.

Joey once you get into the system as an adult it is hard to get out. I know I worked for the state for a long time and met a lot of 18-20 kids like you pulling small b/e's getting high & chillin with their homeboys. You get an adult record and you will find it next to impossible to get a white collar job (blue still attainable for the most part), companies will turn you down for loans when you get older, many apartment complexes run crimminal background checks. You don't want this. Nobody does. Once you are in the system you are in bro.....for life.....irregardless if you are in the outside or inside of a cell. I met a woman in the early 2000's who lost her job of 10 years because her employer found out she was convicted of grand larceny in the 1970's. No joke.

Are you popping cars to get money for drugs? If so do your self a favor and meet some 30 year old drug addicts this month. See how they live. See what they look like. I am not gonna say a thing about what I have seen..see for yourself.....decide if that is what you want for you.

Whatever romantic notion your hommies sold you on how cool it is to live outside the law it..isn't. It isn't cool to have to take UA's see your parole officer or PO. It isn't cool to have to worry about how you are going to find money to pay your lawyers and worry about court dates and the lies you have to make up to your employers who failed to check into your crimminal background. Joey once you are in as an adult you are in. Period. For life. I am not kidding about this.

As to your orignial question go back answer the 4 questions ask your juvi po if you got one because most of those guys have probably seen some other kid in your positon before. See what your lawyer says as far as pleas (if he plans to do one) and penalty ranges.....either get him to show you (on computer) or give you website..most counties publish their penalty ranges. Lastly, look at the lawyer bill your parents got for this set of offenses. It will give you a good feel of what it costs to live beyond the law.

good luck to you
Thor said:
Worst case scenario: An elephant falls out of the sky and ends your life.
That would probably be the best case scenario.

Hopefully you would just hang yourself, and make everybody happy.
The Absolute Worst Case Scenario is that You Hook up With a Girl as Brilliant as You Are With Functional Ovaries so That Two Idiots Can Gather for the Timeles Rituals of Breeding More of Them to Grow Up and Clean My Underwear.

I love you all.
420Joey said:
I Go to Court November 18.

Just be glad you don't live in Arizona. If you pulled that shit here, you'd be charged as an adult and Sheriff Joe would put you in pink underwear and send you out to clean highways on a chain gang full of other young delinquents.
420Joey said:
I'm still a juvenile and i'm not on probation as of now. Is it possible that he(The Judge) may give me probation + alot of community hours or is getting "locked up" inevitable at this point.

& Path give me a fucking break.. I didn't make this topic to hear that.

You don't know the circumstances of my charges or me for that matter.

Well... I would venture, from your post, you need to find another source of income (or fun depending on your intent when you decided to take something that wasnt yours). Doesnt sound like you have the skills to be good at being a criminal or free for very long. Comes a point where a judge decides to teach someone a lesson. If I was a judge in this case, I would lock ya up for a while, especially for getting popped again so soon after the last time I warned you.

Oh, and find a better class of friends.
How many times have they told you "this is your last chance"?.
When that number reaches about 6 or 7, start worrying.
(although I suppose it might be different in the states)
You should stop being a little shitbag, not because you "don't want to get busted" but due to the fact your only testing these boundaries because we adults aren't allowed to murder you. Your behaviour is shamefull rather than something to be proud of so you shouldn't want to exhibit it.
Technically you should have been beaten severely a few times by now, possibly to death, but if your lucky to within an inch of your life, and learnt the valuable lessons that come from that.
You've shown you don't have a natural talent for evading retribution, so this would have translated to terrible beatings and probably murder in the natural world.

I have nothing against the right kinds of crime, but I have no tolerance for little shits seeing how bad they can be. The law tends to though. In australia at least. I've known many many teens to be in similar and worse positions than you (I used to skate and hang around skateboarders) and it would always seem like they would certainly be fucked this time but they would never get locked away.
Some did, but they would have lists 30 times longer than yours and with worse crimes in them.

Once you get older it's alot easier to get locked up.
I have 3 friends in prison right now, one is in there simply because when he gets drunk he's a bad driver. As someone who's experienced being very drunk many times that doesn't seem fair.
ILikeSalt said:
I don't have much sympathy for people that steal stuff. I work hard for everything I own.

Didn't you start a thread listing all the programs you downloaded for free?