Scotland Assisted Suicide Legalization Bill Narrowed, Still Targets Disabled

ah but your argument is that it doesnt work anywhere (inspite of the evidence that its working quite well in the nethlands i might add) and i showed you quite well that your argument is full of crap. Maybe, just MAYBE you will stop trying to throw up smoke screens and actually admit your reall ajenda. Or i could make it easy on you, why dont you and i debate this in a formal debate? Bells is welcome to join if she wants because i know she has ALSO read the bill when she helped me out with my assessment of it
Oregon Offers Terminal Patients Doctor-Assisted Suicide Instead of Medical Care
Since the spread of his prostate cancer, 53-year-old Randy Stroup of Dexter, Ore., has been in a fight for his life. Uninsured and unable to pay for expensive chemotherapy, he applied to Oregon's state-run health plan for help.

Lane Individual Practice Association (LIPA), which administers the Oregon Health Plan in Lane County, responded to Stroup's request with a letter saying the state would not cover Stroup's pricey treatment, but would pay for the cost of physician-assisted suicide. "It dropped my chin to the floor," Stroup told FOX News. "[How could they] not pay for medication that would help my life, and yet offer to pay to end my life?"

The letter, which has been sent to other terminal patients throughout Oregon, follows guidelines established by the state legislature.

And now the oozing compassssssiooonnnnnn of assisted suicide is revealed to all. And the same agenda is at the root of Futile Care Theory. When life gets tough, it is time for the ill to get going onto whatever comes next.
(inspite of the evidence that its working quite well in the nethlands i might add)
Yeah a little to well I might add:
Herbert Hendin, M.D., "Suicide, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Lessons From the Dutch Experience," U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Oversight Hearing, April 29, 1996.
"Over the past two decades," Hendin continued, "the Netherlands has moved from assisted suicide to euthanasia, from euthanasia for the terminally ill to euthanasia for the chronically ill, from euthanasia for physical illness to euthanasia for psychological distress and from voluntary euthanasia to nonvoluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Once the Dutch accepted assisted suicide it was not possible legally or morally to deny more active medical (assistance to die), i.e. euthanasia, to those who could not effect their own deaths. Nor could they deny assisted suicide or euthanasia to the chronically ill who have longer to suffer than the terminally ill or to those who have psychological pain not associated with physical disease. To do so would be a form of discrimination. Involuntary euthanasia has been justified as necessitated by the need to make decisions for patients not competent to choose for themselves." In other words, for a substantial number of people in the Netherlands, doctors have decided patients should die without consultation with the patients.
come on, if you are SERIOUS about the concept being impossable as a whole. debate me. I will just need a couple of days to dig up my work and then i will be compleatly ready to go:)
come on, if you are SERIOUS about the concept being impossable as a whole. debate me. I will just need a couple of days to dig up my work and then i will be compleatly ready to go:)
Ill debate you on it, oh and I dont mean the SA Bill, I mean the concept as a whole globally.
Brian:Unfortunately your consent to this law, which has never had a vote, is allowing this practice to intrude on me and others fears. There was no vote in 1920 concerning Eugenics just consemnt from the 'medical and scientific' community, within in 20 years whole populations were being gassed at Aushwitz. Enjoy your World.

Eugenics in Nazi Germany isn't a good example. Eugenics by the way is practiced all the time, for example when you choose to mate with a healthy, intelligent specimen of a partner as opposed to one who has some defect, it plays a natural part in evolution, but lets not get too sidetracked. Nazi Germany represented an unstable perverse State where its victims were not offered consent...that's is what made them victims. You may choose to believe that a society which condones euthanasia is also unstable and perverse, fair enough but as has been pointed out you have the right NOT to off yourself if you were very ill. I on the other hand would choose this for myself and would expect my family to abide by my wishes if I were disabled or unconscious. I wouldn't expect anything less, you may not understand this but that's okay, no one is asking you to. At the same time it would be none of my concern if you wanted to spend what remained of your life in a state of suffering, its a little funny that you think others would care enough to want you dead against your wishes.

Now when I asked where you found evidence 18 year olds suffering from diabetes committing euthanasia you linked this:

An Act to provide for the administration of medical procedures to assist the death of a limited number of patients who are in the terminal phase of a terminal illness, who are suffering unbearable pain and who have expressed a desire for the procedures subject to appropriate safeguards; and for other purposes.

This bill refers to the terminally ill, diabetes is not a terminal illness so this bill doesn't apply and no where does it mention anything about 18 year olds.

Brian: If that is the case then why cannot it not go to democratic vote in whatever nation these bills appear in?

I think you would lose in a referendum on this issue.
no brian. the AUSTRALIAN health system. im not going to be forced into debating the merits of a system i think sucks. if you think the concept sucks you can use australian acts, laws and bills to prove it. after all its the system which effects us both isnt it
Yeah a little to well I might add:

Herbert Hendin, M.D., "Suicide, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Lessons From the Dutch Experience," U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Oversight Hearing, April 29, 1996.
"Over the past two decades," Hendin continued, "the Netherlands has moved from assisted suicide to euthanasia, from euthanasia for the terminally ill to euthanasia for the chronically ill, from euthanasia for physical illness to euthanasia for psychological distress and from voluntary euthanasia to nonvoluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Once the Dutch accepted assisted suicide it was not possible legally or morally to deny more active medical (assistance to die), i.e. euthanasia, to those who could not effect their own deaths. Nor could they deny assisted suicide or euthanasia to the chronically ill who have longer to suffer than the terminally ill or to those who have psychological pain not associated with physical disease. To do so would be a form of discrimination. Involuntary euthanasia has been justified as necessitated by the need to make decisions for patients not competent to choose for themselves." In other words, for a substantial number of people in the Netherlands, doctors have decided patients should die without consultation with the patients.

I think it definitely gets complicated when we're talking about nonvoluntary and involuntary suicide, but I believe that even in the U.S., say, you can pull the plug on someone who is only alive because they've been hooked up to a machine that keeps them that way but even so they are comatose.

As to assisted suicide, I definitely think it has its merits. As the population keeps on increasing, we may find that it is truly a mercy to let some people die instead of letting them just starve to death or die from various preventable ailments (if only money were available to treat them).
Eugenics in Nazi Germany isn't a good example.
Eugenics started in Europe and America in 1910 way before Nazi Germany existed. The point I am making is what road Eugenics laid to which ultimately led to Auschwitz.
Now when I asked where you found evidence 18 year olds suffering from diabetes committing euthanasia you linked this:
You are not comprehending the nature of the Bill, read who is eligible for this option, thats what I call abuse. And if this Bill is passed then an 18 year old with diabetes can apply.
Brian: If that is the case then why cannot it not go to democratic vote in whatever nation these bills appear in?
If society wants a democratic vote on Euthanasia by all means I want that, I would like a vote on this issue.
I think you would lose in a referendum on this issue.
I dont believe so, as abortion has never been put to the referendum in any nation.. If America had a vote on abortion it would be illegal and Euthanasia likewise will never see a referendum. Your world is a world I care not to live in, but as it stands several nations now have Euthanasia programs none have been put to the vote, so it is YOU who are infringing on my democratic right to have a say.
no brian. the AUSTRALIAN health system. im not going to be forced into debating the merits of a system i think sucks. if you think the concept sucks you can use australian acts, laws and bills to prove it. after all its the system which effects us both isnt it
Of course, the cop out, there is no Euthanasia system in operation in Australia and your Bill has been in transit for nearly a decade. However if you wish to debate Euthasia programs already in operation globally I will happily grind you into the dirt.
As the population keeps on increasing, we may find that it is truly a mercy to let some people die instead of letting them just starve to death or die from various preventable ailments (if only money were available to treat them).
That is the road Eugenics led to with its inception in 1910, by 1940 whole segments of the population were being culled to a human hygiene programme.
They are coming to get you Brian....
Or maybe you........
Oregon Offers Terminal Patients Doctor-Assisted Suicide Instead of Medical Care
PORTLAND, Ore. — Some terminally ill patients in Oregon who turned to their state for health care were denied treatment and offered doctor-assisted suicide instead, a proposal some experts have called a "chilling" corruption of medical ethics.

Since the spread of his prostate cancer, 53-year-old Randy Stroup of Dexter, Ore., has been in a fight for his life. Uninsured and unable to pay for expensive chemotherapy, he applied to Oregon's state-run health plan for help.

Lane Individual Practice Association (LIPA), which administers the Oregon Health Plan in Lane County, responded to Stroup's request with a letter saying the state would not cover Stroup's pricey treatment, but would pay for the cost of physician-assisted suicide.

"It dropped my chin to the floor," Stroup told FOX News. "[How could they] not pay for medication that would help my life, and yet offer to pay to end my life?"
So what? How much is society willing to pay to delay the inevitable? What if medical technology could keep you alive into your 200's, but it costs a million dollars a month? You have to draw the line somewhere.
The man is 53 years old and he does not want to die just yet, this contradicts all your bullshit about people wishing to die, he wants to live, let him.
How much is society willing to pay to delay the inevitable?
Lets have society put it to a vote.
What if medical technology could keep you alive into your 200's, but it costs a million dollars a month?
By the time such technology is available 1 million dollars would be nothing.
You have to draw the line somewhere.
We do already with persons attached to life support machines the family turns them off.
Brian: You are not comprehending the nature of the Bill, read who is eligible for this option, thats what I call abuse. And if this Bill is passed then an 18 year old with diabetes can apply.

How? Please outline how an 18 year old diabetic could apply when diabetes is not a terminal illness?

Brian: I dont believe so, as abortion has never been put to the referendum in any nation.. If America had a vote on abortion it would be illegal and Euthanasia likewise will never see a referendum. Your world is a world I care not to live in, but as it stands several nations now have Euthanasia programs none have been put to the vote, so it is YOU who are infringing on my democratic right to have a say.

I don't want to live in your world either, especially if you would outlaw abortion as this would infringe on a woman's right to exercise control over her body. I disagree that if you held a referendum on abortion that it would be made illegal, I think you would see just as large a turnout as when they were voting for obama. How is it that your rights are being infringed upon? You don't have a right to choose an abortion but you do have a right to not choose euthanasia. But seriously, what is is about euthanasia (especially abortion) that bothers you so much you would actively work against it (using the law)? I ask this because I know people who dislike the idea of both but wouldn't try to make it illegal for others. Where does this conviction come from? Is it religious? I can tell you are really in earnest over this issue and I am curious why its so important for you. Vague fears about a future nazi-like State don't apply, in other words I don't buy that. How can you outlaw both laws and not infringe on the rights of others?
HMO query reignites assisted-suicide controversy
The e-mail, sent out Aug. 6 by Kaiser Permanente NW's regional ethics service, asks doctors who are willing to act as attending physicians if a person requests assisted suicide to notify Kaiser Administrator Robert Richardson, MD. According to the e-mail, Kaiser needs the information because a patient had asked about assisted suicide and no physician could be found to process the request.
An example of Health Insurance Companies efforts to facilitate assisted suicide, saving on paying out for prescriptions.
How? Please outline how an 18 year old diabetic could apply when diabetes is not a terminal illness?
Under the Act which target Terminal illnesses it also make an exception for excessive non Terminal pain.
Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2006
(b) the illness is causing the person to suffer pain which the person finds unbearable and which cannot be alleviated to a degree the person finds acceptable by pain relief methods offered to the person.
Maybe diabetes was an ill advised choice, but it is evident the Act does make provisions for non Terminal maladies.
I don't want to live in your world either, especially if you would outlaw abortion as this would infringe on a woman's right to exercise control over her body.
Im just against abortion on demand, Im for a responsible program.
Where does this conviction come from? Is it religious? I can tell you are really in earnest over this issue and I am curious why its so important for you.
I stopped going to Church as a 7 year old in 1971 when my parents divorced, yes I do believe in God, but my concern is a RESPECT for life and Death of an individual.
Vague fears about a future nazi-like State don't apply, in other words I don't buy that. How can you outlaw both laws and not infringe on the rights of others?
Its not vague, it actually happened it went from 'good intentions' to an outright extermination program. I just cannot accept your almost gullible belief that this will not lead to an expansion and inclusion on non voluntary euthanasia.
Brian: Under the Act which target Terminal illnesses it also make an exception for excessive non Terminal pain.

Diabetes is not that kind of disease. Its an insulin problem but it doesn't inflict excessive pain, you can go into a coma, it can affect the vascular system, you can even go blind but its still a manageable disease. Its not a nice disease at it affects every organ in the body but people suffering from diabetes are not incapacitated with pain. What non-teminal maladies are subject to euthanasia?

Brian: Im just against abortion on demand, Im for a responsible program.

what kind of abortion is 'on demand' and what would you, as a male, consider a responsible program? What would the criteria be?

Brian:I stopped going to Church as a 7 year old in 1971 when my parents divorced, yes I do believe in God, but my concern is a RESPECT for life and Death of an individual.

I didn't ask if you went to church I asked if you were religious. But thanks you answered the question. I understand you are concerned with respect for life an death, so am I, so is Asguard. We respect that someone who is in severe pain suffering a terminal illness has a right to meet their death with dignity and choose their own time. I respect the life of a woman enough to allow her the right to an abortion.

Brian:Its not vague, it actually happened it went from 'good intentions' to an outright extermination program. I just cannot accept your almost gullible belief that this will not lead to an expansion and inclusion on non voluntary euthanasia.

I hardly believe that Hitler began with good intentions. He outlined what he wanted to do way before he came into power. I am not gullible, I am also not paranoid and fearful.

Again how can you make sure you are not infringing on the rights of others?
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What non-teminal maladies are subject to euthanasia?
Chronic non-terminal chronic cardiac and renal failure
what kind of abortion is 'on demand' and what would you, as a male, consider a responsible program? What would the criteria be?
Automatically for cases of rape, incest or fetal impairment, on request provided the mother has a compulsory assessment by a Psychiatrist and examination by a Medical Doctor who both certify that the mother's physical and mental health will not be endangered by an abortion. And the Mother is given full choice options of either State adoption or State assistance in welfare payments and housing to help her raise the child if she chooses not to abort her baby. Then I believe the Mother has been given a full proper choice over terminating her pregnancy.
I hardly believe that Hitler began with good intentions. He outlined what he wanted to do way before he came into power. I am not gullible, I am also not paranoid and fearful.
You simply have not met anyone who was an inmate of an Extermination camp, I have, 3 in fact, all had respect for life. I knew as a young teen a neighbour of ours a certain Dr Reginald Clay who operated a private retreat for depressed persons, I used to do work for him and his wife. During WWII he was in charge of a Psychatric unit within the British Military that treated soldiers for various psychaiatric illnesses such as combat fatigue. Toward the end of WWII and after he spent many months in the Extermination and Concentration camps, he told me lots of things I have never forgotten. I read up on this Holocaust and what led to it, and that is where is started with good intentions.
Again how can you make sure you are not infringing on the rights of others?
Im not infringing on anyones rights I am concerned for future generations safety and health, that makes me responsible.
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i was waiting to see how you disorted the facts again

(2) Despite any other Act or law, a person is only terminally ill for the purposes of this Act if—

(a) the person is in the terminal phase of a terminal illness; and

(b) the illness is causing the person to suffer pain which the person finds unbearable and which cannot be alleviated to a degree the person finds acceptable by pain relief methods offered to the person

notice the AND!!!!!!!!!!! idiot