Scotland Assisted Suicide Legalization Bill Narrowed, Still Targets Disabled

I know you fear how this is going to end up but instead of focusing on having a properly enforced law you are seem to think having the law in place itself is enough to lead to your worse fears and that seem a tad bit paranoid.
Could you provide me of a ‘properly enforced law’ that would see a functioning program that could not be expanded?
Dont be a patronizing you infant by telling me I can't see the forest from the trees, it is you who have skewed history by linking eugenics and the nazi regime as if it is a natural extension and outcome of eugenics and its not. Nazi germany my obtuse friend was an extreme, twisted fascist State that hardly mirrors what is possible in most democracies.
Actually Nazi Germany was a Freemarket capitalist state with a free privately owned media no different from todays America. Eugenics was introduced by the German medical institute before Nazism and Nazism gave the medical institute free rein and that is where the T4 program developed. And judging by your ‘Facist’ answer I can deduct you cant see the forest for the trees.
All your book shows is that the author is against assisted suicide and euthanasia. He isn't unbiased on the issue, he like yourself would make it criminal.
I thought he gave a well balanced assessment.
You told me to 'have a good read' perhaps you should learn to think through the information you recieve, and read between the lines of what you read.
I thought it would be lost on you.
Dutch ponder 'mercy killing' rules
(CNN) -- Dutch health officials are considering guidelines doctors could follow for euthanizing terminally ill people "with no free will," including children, the severely mentally retarded and patients in irreversible comas.
Enjoy your future, I wont be, thanks for forcing yourself on the rest of us.
You don't need a clause to remove the possibility of expansion, laws become more liberal or more conservative depending on the needs of the time or the populace. Nazi germany was a democracy lead by a madman and it was a fascist state the fact that it was a 'Freemarket capitalist state with a free privately owned media' did not make it any less a facist state. The U.S has already disposed of its madman Brian so I think we'll be fine for the next four years:rolleyes:

Hitler long before the Third Reich came into power wrote exactly what his intentions were. Due to the stresses of a lost war & poverty Germany allowed a madman to set in place an EXTERMINATING SYSTEM FOR THE PURPOSES OF GENOCIDE! In other words he was concerned in his twisted little mine with creating a new perfect aryan being and a society free of anyone who didn't meet that criteria. Hitler's germany was not interested in death with dignity and its a far cry from what can happen now. Is it impossible? I guess not. Who knows maybe the Chinese will decide to take over the U.S and turn us all into slaves! If you want to go into the realm of possibilities you will see ghosts in every corner of the future but this doesn't mean it has any place in the present context of what is PROBABLE!

You thought that he gave a well balanced assessment because he is preaching to the converted namely you. You agree with him so you don't see the imbalance.

Brian: And judging by your ‘Facist’ answer I can deduct you cant see the forest for the trees.

What facist answer? An answer cannot be facist you twit. Facism is defined as a totalitarian nationalist and corporatist ideology. A facist is an adherent of fascism or other right-wing authoritarian views. More you post the more I see a lack of clarity for details. Nevermind the forest you don't even see the trees!

Brian: Enjoy your future, I wont be, thanks for forcing yourself on the rest of us.

In case you haven't noticed you are in the minority here sunshine! So perhaps it is you attempting to force your quackery on everyone else.
ABC News then.............

Is that an acceptable news agency?

But under the insurance plan, she can the only receive "palliative" or comfort care, because the drug does not meet the "five-year, 5 percent rule" -- that is, a 5 percent survival rate after five years.

Really straight forward.

The health plan, for those whose incomes fall under the poverty level, prioritizes coverage -- from prevention first, to chronic disease management, treatment of mental health, heart and cancer treatment.

"It's challenging because health care is very expensive, but that's not the real essence of our priority list," said Dr. Jeanene Smith, administrator for the Office of for Oregon's Health Policy and Research staff.

"We need evidence to say it is a good use of taxpayer's dollars," she said. "It may be expensive, but if it does wonders, we cover it."

People whine about healthcare for the poor costing them tax dollars and then they whine when it doesn't cover extreme, and very expensive, measures.

The health plan takes "no position" on the physician-assisted suicide law, according to spokesman Jim Sellers.

The terminally ill who qualify can receive pain medication, comfort and hospice care, "no matter what the cost," he said.

If 5% of the people fail to live 5 years, Oregon says it isn't an effective treatment and they won't pay for it.

They will give palliative care and that includes assisted suicide.

Do you know what you get in my state? Nada, zip, nothing. No treatment. No pallitive care. You are on your own buddy and both the example people would already be dead.

You are just whining and distorting the facts.

Are you willing to pay "anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000 a month" so that person can live 6 more months? How many other lives are you willing to cut short for him because if you buy his medicine, you aren't buying theirs?