Well, it's just that I want to participate with you guys so this is pretty much a second character.
Out of Game: Ahh...so what about your main character then?
Well, it's just that I want to participate with you guys so this is pretty much a second character.
8 g's is the limit, there are physical limits programmer into the fly by wire systm to prevent 10+ g's
in game
"is it night time already?" I thought to myself
Positive, or "upward" g, drives blood downward to the feet of a seated or standing person (more naturally, the feet and body may be seen as being driven by the upward force of the floor and seat, upward around the blood). Resistance to positive g varies. A typical person can handle about 5 g (49m/s²) before G-LOC, but through the combination of special g-suits and efforts to strain muscles—both of which act to force blood back into the brain—modern pilots can typically handle 9 g (88 m/s²) sustained (for a period of time)
OOC: that plane is the SU-47 Berkut, heres a good youtube of a flight simulation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxSXLzlsg78
It has several advantages over the F-22. Namely it has a longer range, a shorter takeoff and landing distance, far superior wing loading (wing loading is a ratio between the weight in ordnance it can carry vs. the surface area of the wing). It is also faster, but the massive advantage is it has a truly insane turning speed. Forget about the Berkut turning into an F-22, it could probably out turn a sidewinder missile.
Ehhh, the thing is the shape of the wings gives a lot of advantages, anyways, stealth is useless in dogfights...