Sciforums religion survey 2014

What do you believe? (Select all that apply.)

  • I don't believe in God now, and I never did.

    Votes: 12 26.1%
  • I don't believe in God now, but I used to.

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • I believe in God now, but in the past I did not.

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • I believe in God now, and always have.

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • I have no opinion on God/do not wish to select one of the above options.

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • I don't believe in God, but I believe there is a higher power, life force or similar.

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • I don't regard myself as religious, but I am a spiritual person.

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • I believe that human beings have a soul or life force which remains after the death of the body.

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • I believe in reincarnation.

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • I describe myself as a follower of a recognised religion.

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

davewhite04 said:
Who do you blame?

The creater of all... God.!!!

Do you hold God blameless.???
Yeah, you pillock... you don't believe in God yet you blame Him!?

You will get a kick out of this;;; i had to look up "pillock" to see what it ment :)

Yes i dont believe in God but you do... so im discussin the issue based on whatever you clame you'r bliefs to be.!!!
Youv'e said that God created evil... ie... but for God evil woud not exist... im jus qurious as to why you bow down to a God who unnecessarly created the circumstances in which millions of children woud suffer unspeakable torture.???
Did you find it to be consistent and not at odds with itself? Did you find the God that you were reading about to be one worth worship?
The Old Testament is much more consistent then the New Testament to me.

Very odd and strange but also completely predictably that most of the Bible reads as if it was the thoughts of one man. To me.

As you can see, I do think everything is relative, now don't go deep... :)
I'm sure the quadrillions could be taxed more and money used by this and maybe the lotto draw worldwide would generate enough money to get solid logistics in place. It could easily be done if the world actually give a fuck...

As far as givin a fug... God coud feed all the starvin children in the blink of an eye...
You will get a kick out of this
Actually I didn't, a smirk maybe, but as soon as I sent it I thought "that's an English word, it's not used in the US", so I guess you are from the US.
im jus qurious as to why you bow down to a God who unnecessarly created the circumstances in which millions of children woud suffer unspeakable torture.???

He did not create the circumstances... look towards humanity for that.
I'm sure the quadrillions could be taxed more and money used by this and maybe the lotto draw worldwide would generate enough money to get solid logistics in place. It could easily be done if the world actually give a fuck... no money in helping African kids... in fact kill them all, as the West plunders it for resources.
Typical western arrogance. What they need is the rule of law, not charity. Right now what's preventing that are wars, mostly religious wars between Muslims and Christians. They can grow their own food.
Typical western arrogance. What they need is the rule of law, not charity. Right now what's preventing that are wars, mostly religious wars between Muslims and Christians. They can grow their own food.
It's all about cash,72 virgins and being born to kill without remorse, beheading a 6 yr old in 2015... the money men run the show.
Who do you think pays for these nutters? Oil apparently, the buyer/buyer/buyer... sells the oil to? Us?
Oh that, yes, well the oil wealth is going dry, and it's the only thing that made it possible for so many people to live in an arid area without much agricultural output. That's why they are getting poor and desperate, and turning to extreme forms of religion.
Oh that, yes, well the oil wealth is going dry, and it's the only thing that made it possible for so many people to live in an arid area without much agricultural output. That's why they are getting poor and desperate, and turning to extreme forms of religion.
Not religion, boil this down to Islam.
I think all religion is the problem, it's just an accident of history that Islam happens to be a problem now, because it is the major religion of the Middle East.
and the trouble is spreading in the west... what did/do you think the west would or will do?
God created all... do you thank hes pleased wit what he created.???

cluelusshusbund said:
Before God created Adam an Eve... did he know they woud eat of the forbiden fruit.???

Yes. This is God's show.

So God set up the circumstances which made it inevitable that Adam an Eve woud "sin" (the garden... forbiden fruit... evel snake)... an then punished Adam an Eve for behavin like ignorant people wit poor character... ie... the way they was designed to behave.!!!

Sinse this is the show God wanted... why do you thank hes not pleased wit it.???
So God set up the circumstances which made it inevitable that Adam an Eve woud "sin" (the garden... forbiden fruit... evel snake)... an then punished Adam an Eve for behavin like ignorant people wit poor character... ie... the way they was designed to behave.!!!

Sinse this is the show God wanted... why do you thank hes not pleased wit it.???

Genesis 6

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

Thank Jesus.