sciforums Nostradamus

Breaking news - James R's prediction comes true!

The first prediction of the competition has come true - see the second post on the first page for details.

I am so far the only person to successfully make a prediction.

I therefore lead the competition with a grand total of 3 points!

PS Pete - how did your NRL Grand Final Prediction go?
PS Pete - how did your NRL Grand Final Prediction go?
I have no idea! I didn't watch it, and couldn't be bothered trying to track it down. Mark it as a miss.

I've just noticed that I put the wrong month for the prediction about little Johnny losing - it's obviously another miss.
Will they reverse before 1 December 2004? Because that's the time frame we're dealing with in this thread.
These may not be the most unique predictions but it's all I can come up with on a Sunday night:

-Hurricane Otto, a catagory 3 hurricane, will make landfall in the state of Florida for a record 5th time in a year during the week of Nov 6 - 13
Prelim: 5, Diff: 10
-The NY Yankees will win the World Series by defeating the St-Louis Cardinals in game 6 by a score of 3-1
Prelim: 6, Diff: 10
-At least 1.5 million copies of Halo 2 will be sold within its first 24 hours of release
Prelim: 5, Diff: 4
-The first major snow storm of the year hits the northeast US and Canada during the last week of November ... dumping a total of 60 ± 10 cm of snow
Prelim: 4, Diff: 4
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1.5 million copies of Halo 2
Do you mean exactly 1.5 million copies? or close to that number (within what margin)? Or at least that number?

Ditto for the 2 feet of snow.
Do you mean exactly 1.5 million copies? or close to that number (within what margin)? Or at least that number?

Ya ... I should have been a little more specific about that ... I meant at least 1.5 million copies will be sold within its first 24 hours after it's release date.

I've made the necessary corrections to both the snow storm and Halo 2 predictions in my original post to keep everything in one place.
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The Singularity:

I've added your predictions, but I need due dates for 2 of them.

When will Halo 2 be released?
When is the last game of the World Series?
the candidate in the upcoming american elections to get the 3rd most votes will be a dedicated christian
The Singularity:

I've added your predictions, but I need due dates for 2 of them.

When will Halo 2 be released?
When is the last game of the World Series?

Right, I should have mentioned that ... Halo 2 is released on Nov. 9 while Game 6will be played on Oct 30 (that is if there is no delays in the schedual)
The Halo prediction still works. We just don't include pre-sold copies. That is, 1.5 million copies need to be sold in the first 24 hours after the release date.
Within a year a supreme court justice will die

Shortly after he will have a new justice appointed who his place
Results on the first page have been updated.

Currently, only two people are on the scoreboard: myself and Mr. G.

Most recent correct prediction: Bush will win the US Presidential election.
Is this going to be an annual thing? And if so, can we post longer term predictions now? And shouldn't points also be awarded on basis of how far in advance of the due date the prediction is made?
Prediction 1: At least 12 members of the Black Watch will be killed in Iraq before the end of November (not counting those already dead) Prelim: 3 Diff: 2

JamesR said:
The Halo prediction still works
Couldn't Singularity affect the outcome of that? :D
In February 2005, the Supreme Court will decide that the Presidentials of 2004 must be repeated in several States, because of unintended vote tampering by software bugs in the new touchscreen voting systems.

So G.W.Bush maybe the first president in the USA elected 3 times, if he is reelected in February 2005, again.
Okay.. I think I can predict the following before Dec 1, 2004:

1. There will be a major Earthquake in Japan.
2. There will be a major Volcanic Eruption in South America
3. There will be an assassination attempt on A.Sharon in Israel

and finally...

4. Osama Bin Laden will still be sitting on a rock someplace in Pakistan thumbing his nose at the U.S.


Number 4 is unverifiable, I think, but I'll add the other 3.


Sorry, but your predicitions are out of the time frame.