sciforums Nostradamus


If you want to be grumpy, please do so somewhere else. Your post is off-topic for this thread.


I have added your predictions... er, guesses... to the list.
BTW, I've decided to restrict the number of predictions for each person to a maximum of 10, since I don't want to have to cope with spam.
I predict that the severe record breaking winter weather in the week of 25 November in large parts of the USA and CAnad will be attributed to global warming.
Your prediction can't be graded unless you name the people.

It's not like I keep a list - besides, that could be considered libel.
I predict that the entertainer Cher will break a bone on a skiing trip during November.
Andre and korey: I have added your predictions to the list, together with suggested scores.

Other news: The first prediction to be tested has come and gone. Pete's football tip was wrong.

See the second post of this thread for a full list of predictions, and running scores for contestants.
James R said:
Other news: The first prediction to be tested has come and gone. Pete's football tip was wrong.

Luckily, I didn't bet any actual cash on this event.

I should have predicted I'd be the first loser :)

BTW - the Melbourne Cup is always run on the first Tuesday in November.

In a blatant political attempt to quell interest in Australian horseracing, the US also chose that day to hold some other event...
Prediction: An uncle of mine (confidential) will die within a year. (this record is mainly for me.)
Please include dates with your predictions.

e.g. "In the next 2 months", "on 15 November", "before 13 October".

I'm not going to spend time searching for the dates of the Australia-India test series, for example.

Also, remember that all predictions must relate to events which will occur before 1 December this year.
remember that all predictions must relate to events which will occur before 1 December this year.
I'm changing my last <s>guess</s> prediction - firstly to change December to November, and secondly to remove the obvious crossover with James's prediction:

10. The Pope will become suffer a serious stroke in November. (Prelim 4, Diff 4)
If you want to be grumpy, please do so somewhere else. Your post is off-topic for this thread.
Grumpy? I think it more properly characterized as Chronically Unimpressed/Unconvinced.

Even so, I'll offer four more playground-vetted predictions:

November 2: Bush will be re-elected by a statistically significant margin of electoral votes.

November 3: The election will be contested on the basis of the popular vote and institutionalized voter fraud (due to Republican activists, again -- but *cough* never by Democrat ones).

January 22: Bush 43 will become Bush 44.

Shortly hereafter: Equally grumpy people will opine, quite off-topic.
Well, here is one.


Here is the website.
Mr. G:

I have added your predictions to the list. Your January one doesn't count, because it will not take place within the required time frame.


Your predictions are unclear, and many are not in the required time frame.
sorry this prediction does not meet your Decmeber 1 deadline, but maybe you can add this into the next deadline window ... I for the life of me cannot figure out y dec 1 was chosen over dec 31 ... heh

The NEXT 'terror' attack on American Soil will occure in the State of New Jersey during the Week of Dec. 19 -26, 2004 ... It will take place in the city of Trenton and will commemorate the day after Christmas 'terror' attack by GW on the British in the same said City ...

Note to FBI, CIA and Homeland Security -

I will have NO hand in this attack, sometimes we just gotta call em' like we see em ' ... This prediction is based on the two notions

1) that Kerry must be CALLED/FORCED into action(war on terror)Come January .
2) the handing over of power from Bush to Kerry can only be hindered by a war decree .

Prediction 2-

bin Laden will surface in the media on October 22, 2004 .. on that date it will be announced that he is DEAD .... A major Democratic law-maker will publically claim(between oct 25 and Nov 2) that bin Laden had been dead since before 9/11 and could not have been responsible for the attacks on TWC ... This revelation will be cited as the # 1 factor in the MASS 'swing' of support from Bush to Kerry ...

yup, blaming a dead man will prove to be the downfall of the totalitarians Bush ...

more to come, stayed tuned to Medicine Hat who correctly foresaw a 'sneak attack' on american soil in the early hours of 9/11/01 ..
And who also correctly predicted that the Lizard would greet his cousin alan colmes with a 'kiss' on the hannity and colmes show aired sept 28.2004 ...
OverTheStars said:
Can we please move up the due date a little? At least by one more month?
I've been having a few dreams about a bomb or something that hits America, maybe somewhere near Maryland, and it emits some type of radiation. In the dream the radiation is colored green for some reason, lol.
So I'm going to go ahead and post this here, so that I wont kick myself if it happens and I never posted. Hopefully this dream is just a result of playing too much Starcraft and my fear of nuclear bombs and radiation. What's weird is that in one of the dreams an old guy tells me to go to "". So I jumped out of bed and went on the computer. Nothing. I did find some neat sites about Hiroshima.

score:2/10, right?

OverTheStars; Don´t fear the unknown.

All; Many poems of Nostradamus are decoded and interpret wrong, trust your instinct.

Do you mean $2.48 in US dollars? And where? Also, is this prediction confirmable on the internet?