sciforums Nostradamus

James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
This thread is a test of our members' predictive abilities.

It is open to all members of sciforums who believe they can predict future events. So, if you have psychic powers, or premonitions, or you can predict using crystal power, astrology, numerology, tea leaf reading, or whatever, please join in!

All you have to do is to post predictions here. After the appointed dates for the predictions, we will determine whether any of them have come true.

To restrict the length of time that this thread runs for, and to try to make this a test which requires more than mere guesswork, here are the ground rules:

1. All predictions posted in the thread must refer to events which will occur prior to 1 December, 2004.

2. Each prediction will be given a preliminary score based on how specific it is. To calculate the preliminary score, please use the following list:

(a) Each person specifically named - 1 point.
(b) Each location specifically identified - 1 point.
(c) Each detail of the event referred to specifically - 1 point.
(d) The event is specified to the (i) month - 1 point (ii) week - 2 points (iii) day - 3 points.

(e) Points will not be allocated if any of the above is pre-planned and information is freely available on the internet at the time the prediction is made.


"The pope will die on 13 October."
Naming the person, the event (death) and the time to the day - 5 points.

"John Kerry will give a speech on 13 October in city x where he will speak against the re-election of George Bush."
Kerry's schedule is known, so no points for location or date. 1 point for specifying the content of the speech.

"An earthquake will occur somewhere on Earth before 1 December."
1 point for identifying an event.

"A new computer virus will be discovered by tomorrow."
Identifying a company and an event, to the day - 5 points.

"Queen Elizabeth will trip over on a staircase tomorrow at Windsor Castle because it will be slippery due to having just been cleaned, and will bruise her left knee."
Named the Queen - 1. To the day - 3. specifics of the event: tripping - 1, bruising - 1, knee - 1, left knee - 1, slippery floor - 1, cleaning - 1. Total: 10 points.

3. Members may, at any time before the appointed time of the prediction, assign a difficulty rating to the prediction, scored as follows, according to their own judgment:

(a) Prediction is almost certain to come true - 1 point
(b) Prediction is more likely than not to happen - 2 points
(c) Prediction is as likely as not to happen - 3 points
(d) Prediction, on the face of it, is unlikely to occur as specified - 4 points
(e) It would be amazing if the prediction occurred exactly as specified - 10 points.

The large point value for situation (e) is to encourage people to be specific.

4. The judge (me) will consider all member submissions on difficulty level for each prediction and assign an averaged difficulty rating score to each prediction, preferably to be announced prior to the date of the prediction.

5. After the date for the prediction has passed, the prediction will be given a final score as follows:

(a) Unless ALL of the details in the prediction are correct, the prediction will be scored ZERO.

For example, in my example with the Queen, if everything was correct except that the bruise was on the right knee instead of the left, the prediction would score ZERO.

The lesson from this: if you're not sure of the specifics, leave them out. A more specific prediction will get a greater score if you're right, but if you're wrong it will score zero.

(b) If ALL details of the prediction are correct, the final score will be the preliminary score multiplied by the difficulty rating.


John Kerry's speech - Preliminary score 1. Difficulty rating 1. Final score (if it comes true) = 1
Computer virus - Prelim. score 5. Difficulty 1. Final score (if true) = 5.
The Queen - Prelim. score 10. Difficulty 10. Final score (if true) = 100.

6. It must be possible to determine whether a prediction has come true by referring to information available on the internet. People making predictions are encouraged to provide a link verifying that their prediction has come true, after it happens. Of course, heavily-reported events which are common knowledge will be accepted without specific proof.

So, if the Queen bruises her knee and nobody knows about it, tough luck.

7. The judge's decision on scores is final.

8. After 1 December, the title of sciforums Nostradamus will be bestowed on whoever has the highest aggregate score.

Let the games begin!
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All predictions are recorded here for easy reference.

It would be very helpful if anybody proposing a prediction could calculate their own preliminary score and estimate the difficulty rating. Include that with your predictions, please!

Score board

James R - 3 points
Mr G. - 3 points

andre - 0
antisipatience - 0
dinokg - 0
geodesic - 0
korey - 0
MedicineHat - 0
OverTheStars - 0
Pete - 0
Singularity - 0

Predictions whose time has come

Pete (26 Sept) - The Brisbane Lions will win the Australian Football League Grand Final tomorrow by a margin of 20 to 29 points.
WRONG - Port Adelaide won by 40 points.
Prelim 2, Diff 8, Final: 0

James R (29 Sept) - Between 23 September and 28 September, a car bomb will explode in Baghdad, killing more than 10 people.
WRONG - It appears this didn't happen.
Prelim: 7, Diff: 3, Final: 0

Pete (4 Oct) - During the Australian National Rugby League Grand Final on Sunday, a player will have an altercation with an official in the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half.
WRONG - no evidence that this occurred.
Prelim 2, Diff 3, Final: 0

James R (10 Oct) - On 9 October, Australian Prime Minister John Howard will be reelected.
Prelim: 1, Diff: 3, Final: 3

MedicineHat (23 Oct) - bin Laden will surface in the media on October 22, 2004 .. on that date it will be announced that he is DEAD ....
WRONG - bin Laden is still very much alive, it seems.
Prelim: 5: Diff: 10, Final: 0

SKULLZ (1 Nov) - A bomb will go off at an airport towards the end of october,in the panic security gets caught offguard,as it was a decoy while terrorists rig a plane,instead of hijacking it the plane crashes due to purpose altered mechanics,the plane choice is aimed to crash in is real,it succeeds
Prelim: 8, Diff: 5, Final: 0

James R (3 Nov) - On 2 November, John Kerry will be elected President.
WRONG - Sadly, this did not come to pass.
Prelim: 1, Diff: 3, Final: 0

MedicineHat (3 Nov) - A major Democratic law-maker will publically claim (between oct 25 and Nov 2) that bin Laden had been dead since before 9/11 and could not have been responsible for the attacks on TWC ...
WRONG - bin Laden has admitted responsibility for the attacks.
Prelim: 7, Diff: 10, Final: 0

Mr. G (3 Nov) - Bush will be re-elected by a statistically significant margin of electoral votes.
Prelim: 1, Diff: 3, Final 3.

Pete (3 Nov) - John Kerry will win in a clear majority - no chad checking this time!
Prelim 2, Diff 3, Final 0

Pete (2 Nov) - Confectioner will win the Melbourne Cup. The number 7 will feature in some way.
WRONG - Makybe Diva won the cup.
Prelim 2, Diff 10, Final: 0

Pete (12 Nov) - John Howard will lose the Oz federal election, making his concession statement on 11 November. He will be wearing a dark suit, glasses, and very little hair (except on his eyebrows).
Prelim 5, Diff 4, Final: 0

Pete (12 Nov) - John Howard will announce his retirement on 11 November. His tie will have some yellow.
Prelim 6, Diff 4, Final: 0

Pete (14 Nov) - GWB will be assassinated by an Islamic suicide bomber on November 13
WRONG - GWB is still alive and kicking.
Prelim 7, Diff 10, Final: 0

Singularity (14 Nov) - -Hurricane Otto, a catagory 3 hurricane, will make landfall in the state of Florida for a record 5th time in a year during the week of Nov 6 - 13.
WRONG - There were no Florida hurricanes in that week.
Prelim: 5, Diff: 10, Final: 0

Predictions awaiting confirmation or refutation. Need evidence.

Singularity (?) - The NY Yankees will win the World Series by defeating the St-Louis Cardinals in game 6 by a score of 3-1
Prelim: 6, Diff: 10

Singularity (?) - -At least 1.5 million copies of Halo 2 will be sold within its first 24 hours of release
Prelim: 5, Diff: 4

Pete (27 Oct) - A Mars rover will suffer a major system failure in the week of October 20-27). It will continue to communicate, but will be severely crippled in some way. (Prelim 5, Diff 5)

Pete (14 Nov) - A political figure will be killed in a terrorist event on November 13
Prelim 6, Diff 4

Upcoming predictions, ordered by due date:

geodesic (1 Dec) - At least 12 members of the Black Watch will be killed in Iraq before the end of November (not counting those already dead at 22 November)
Prelim: 3 Diff: 2

korey (1 Dec) - I predict that the entertainer Cher will break a bone on a skiing trip during November.
Prelim: 4, Diff: 10

mark01970 (1 Dec) - There will be a major Earthquake in Japan.
Prelim: 3, Diff: 4

mark01970 (1 Dec) - There will be a major Volcanic Eruption in South America
Prelim: 3, Diff: 5

mark01970 (1 Dec) - There will be an assassination attempt on A.Sharon in Israel
Prelim: 3, Diff: 4

Pete (1 Dec) - The Pope will become suffer a serious stroke in November. (Prelim 4, Diff 4)

Singularity (1 Dec) - The first major snow storm of the year hits the northeast US and Canada during the last week of November ... dumping a total of 60 ± 10 cm of snow
Prelim: 4, Diff: 4

SKULLZ (1 Dec) - Towards the end of november isreal begins to step up its war machine against the axis of evil of which it eventually lauches a preemptive nuclear strike towards a least one of those countrys on americas axis of evil list.
Prelim: 5, Diff: 10, Final TBA

Andre (2 Dec) - I predict that the severe record breaking winter weather in the week of 25 November in large parts of the USA and CAnad will be attributed to global warming.
Prelim: 7, Diff: 4

antisipatience (2 Dec) - sciforums will be shut down
Prelim: 1, Diff: 4, Final: TBA

dinokg - (2 Dec) - Gas prices in Toledo, Ohio will get up to $2.48 per gallon before December 1st.
Prelim: 2, Diff: 4

James R (2 Dec) - Pope John Paul II will die before 1 December.
Prelim: 2, Diff: 5, Final: TBA

Mr. G (2 Dec) - Voting fraud on the part of Republicans (but not Democrats) will be discovered in the Presidential election before 1 December.

OverTheStars (2 Dec) - a bomb will hit America, maybe somewhere near Maryland, and it emits some type of green radiation.
Prelim: 4, Diff: 10, Final: TBA
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To start the ball rolling, here are a few predictions from me. They are guesses only. I do not claim any psychic powers.

1. On 2 November, John Kerry will be elected President.
Prelim. score - 1
Note: Only 1 point because it mentions who will win. No points for the date, as this is already well known.

2. Pope John Paul II will die before 1 December.
Prelim - 2

3. On 9 October, Australian Prime Minister John Howard will be reelected.
Prelim - 1

4. Between 23 September and 28 September, a car bomb will explode in Baghdad, killing more than 10 people.
Prelim score: date - 2, events - 4 (bomb + people killed + car bomb + more than 10 people), location - 1. Total: 7 points

I am open to suggestions for difficulty ratings for these predictions.
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on the 15th of November a trafic signal box will burst into flames. The resultant chaos will cause no more that 3 and no less that three car accidents on the sydney harbour bridge, A policeman will arrest a suspected terrorist as the perpetrator of the fire. But the terrorist will escape in a brown Ford utility rego war666 and be caught 2 days (17th) later in Melbourne walking across Swans Street at 10 am by an offduty policeman whose wife will give birth to triplets the next day. And further more I predict that none absolutely none of these events will take place.

20 points I think if none occur..... :D

Positive predictions only, please. There are many more things which will not happen than things which will happen. If I wanted to give your prediction a difficulty rating, I would rate it as around 0.001, since it is almost certain that none of the events will happen.


1. I've already made the Kerry prediction. Specifying America doesn't get you an extra point, since it is well known the election will take place in America.

2. Your second prediction is a scheduled event publicised on the internet. No points for that, either. Sorry.


Come on, where are all the psychics and the people whose dreams come true? Don't you even want to try this for fun?
A bomb will go off at an airport towards the end of october,in the panic security gets caught offguard,as it was a decoy while terrorists rig a plane,instead of hijacking it the plane crashes due to purpose altered mechanics,the plane choice is aimed to crash in isreal,it succeeds,towards the end of november isreal begins to step up its war machine against the axis of evil of which it eventually lauches a preemptive nuclear strike towards a least one of those countrys on americas axis of evil list.

Theres some more but when i go into the future of next year,using my quantum entrapment cystal i cant see anything.

Disclaimer:my quantum entrapment crystal is not always accurate as its frequency runs through quantum foam capturing worm hole leaks in a stephen hawking vector shield,so some of it is many universe signals,but its calibrated to this section of space however.
Come on, where are all the psychics and the people whose dreams come true? Don't you even want to try this for fun?

I predict that most self-proclaimed "seers" here at Sciforums will not participate.
I predict Banshee is tellingly unable to moderate this post in the next five minutes, and that anyone claiming to be her, while doing so, is not proveably her.

Your two predictions have been added, along with suggested difficulty ratings. A nuclear strike is VERY unlikely, so I rated that one a 10. You other prediction is reasonably unlikely, so I gave that one a 5. These will be high-scoring predictions, if they occur.


Your prediction can't be graded unless you name the people.


Your prediction cannot be verified, since we don't know whether Banshee was unable to moderate your post, or if she simply chose not to do so, or she wasn't around in the set time frame.
I predict that by December most of the posters that will have filled this thread will be making poposterous claims on the basis of biscuit taking over those that claim they have such talents, so much so that this thread is moved to "Cesspool" (in mid December)

[I expect no points, because I know I could make that happen lol]
Can we please move up the due date a little? At least by one more month?
I've been having a few dreams about a bomb or something that hits America, maybe somewhere near Maryland, and it emits some type of radiation. In the dream the radiation is colored green for some reason, lol.
So I'm going to go ahead and post this here, so that I wont kick myself if it happens and I never posted. Hopefully this dream is just a result of playing too much Starcraft and my fear of nuclear bombs and radiation. What's weird is that in one of the dreams an old guy tells me to go to "". So I jumped out of bed and went on the computer. Nothing. I did find some neat sites about Hiroshima.

score:2/10, right?
Quantum Quack said:
scullz gets a high score, thats for a couple of million points....

Oh yes im sure ill be celebrating my million points "the worlds probably all gonna come to an end,but look on the bright side,i got a million points on,how shall i celebrate?,hmmn.... i know ill crack open a bottle of cyanide"

1. John Howard will lose the Oz federal election, making his concession statement on 11 November. He will be wearing a dark suit, glasses, and very little hair (except on his eyebrows). (Prelim 5, Diff 3)
2. John Howard will announce his retirement on 11 November. His tie will have some yellow. (Prelim 6, Diff 4)
3. A political figure will be killed in a terrorist event on November 13 (Prelim 6, Diff 10)
4. John Kerry will win in a clear majority - no chad checking this time! (Prelim 1, Diff 2)
5. GWB will be assassinated by an Islamic suicide bomber on November 13 (Prelim 7, Diff 10)
6. A Mars rover will suffer a major system failure in late October (week from 20th). It will continue to communicate, but will be severely crippled in some way. (Prelim 5, Diff 4)
7. Confectioner will win the Melbourne Cup. The number 7 will feature in some way. (Prelim 2, Diff 4)
8. The Brisbane Lions will win the AFL grand final tomorrow with a margin of 20 to 29 points. (Prelim 2, Diff 4)
9. During the NRL grand final on Sunday, a player will have an altercation with an official in the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half. (Prelim 2, Diff 3)
10. The Pope will become permanently incapacitated or die in December as a result of a stroke. (Prelim 4, Diff 4)
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Sciforums members will imagine they have the actual take on reality.

Wait. I'm a member.

So what?

I'm as immune to criticism as any other member here.

That's the beauty of pointing out the obvious to the overly invested. ;)