Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Theists also, cannot kill people in the name of God. The moment the though enters into their mind, they become anti-theistic.
But no one said anything about atheists killing, in the name of God. Just plain brutality, by people who are atheist (godless)

If you don't have an idea, after all these exchanges with theists, for all these years.
There's no point discussing it with you now.
So you can either, explain how it would be possible, from your perspective, how someone would dress up as God, or move on.
It's all the same to me.

Obviously, YOU have no idea. If you cannot say any more about god & why you believe, it is clear you do not actually believe in any god.

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If you don't have an idea, after all these exchanges with theists, for all these years.
There's no point discussing it with you now.
So you can either, explain how it would be possible, from your perspective, how someone would dress up as God, or move on.
It's all the same to me. Jan.
Theists seem to think God is a human dressed in human clothing.
What I think is irrelevant, I'm an atheist.
Theists also, cannot kill people in the name of God. The moment the though enters into their mind, they become anti-theistic.
But no one said anything about atheists killing, in the name of God. Just plain brutality, by people who are atheist (godless) Jan.

Yes, atheists have one less motive to kill other human beings than theists. They don't kill because God tells them it is a good idea.
The quote in question does not suggest one is a clown or jester.

I did not say that it did.

I think the statement made in the quote recognised that the fool was a clever fella certainly if he was an atheist he was a clever fella.

The Fool was not necessarily a clown or jester back then ..things were different in the bronze age when folk did not know where the Sun went at night and made up stories to explain cosmology.

In any event I will interpret the quote to mean the opposite to what you intend as that approach supports my world view☺

A person who convinces the self, there is no God, and proceeds to act in that context, is, IMO, an unwise person.

That for me has so much more power than using words from the bronze age when folk did not know where the Sun went at night and made up stories to explain cosmology.

I respect you that you could express your opinion without reliance on words from the bronze age when they did not know where the Sun went at night and made up stories to explain cosmology.

My view is we have no need to rely on words from the bronze age when they did not know where the Sun went at night and made up stories to explain cosmology.

Heck they did not even know how to make steel...

There is no God as far as you're aware, therefore God could neither have inspired anyone, or manifest the material world. That is as far as we can go, in this discussion.

Although you have not commented upon the explaination as to why I considered the whole thing made up I will take your lack of comment to mean you are happy with my explaination as to why I say its all made up...well probably not entirely happy but no doubt you now accept it is all made up...there is no other conclusion one can arrive at...but I sure would have liked you to have acknowledged that my words although simple told the truth and that my explaination and evidence supported my proposition that its all made up.

Yet here you are.

Yes but I am not being deep.. I am not capable of going I will stick to my simple observation that its all made up and given that observation is the truth backed up with evidence any discussion can only be about made up stories of a mythical character invented by bronze age folk to explain a world they did not understand by employing superstition and make believe.

No need to go deep here...I have demonstrated its all made up and I hope you can fit the well evidenced truth into your world view.

Its all made up Jan.

owever you like.

Well I have said it before Jan.
I like you and respect your ability to start a thread that gets so many folk involved.

We all have flaws and your sidestepping will be seen by some as dishonest and therefore a flaw but I really see that ability somewhat as an art form good on you.

And clearly arguing a case for there being a God will see you using all sorts of arguement skills because you are after all suggesting there is something you call God and do so with no evidence...most folk could not continue after the first couple of demands for you really have a talent to hold a discussion upon stuff that is made up and unevidenced.

You wear down your opponents with old age.

However I do hope you realise that I do speak the truth that its all made up...I know that fact may make it difficult to hold a view that there is a God but that is where faith comes really does not matter if I have presented the truth of the matter if you can muster your faith and say something like "well its made up but I know in my heart there is a God"

Thats what you need to disregard the facts and I believe your faith will take you past my inconvenient evidence that its all made up.

You talk to God whereas I have to talk to myself.

We both get answers that we feel we can trust so there is little difference between us.

I see my existence as eternal within my ability to experience reality and you do similar looking to an after life...the reality is we will die and others will know that but we will not.

You look at the bible from a specifically, modern-Christian POV. I don't.
You seem to know more about me than I know about myself...I had no idea I did that.
Do I get to say how you look at the bible now?
I don't see where it says Adam and Eve were the first two humans. Just for starters.
Perhaps you could expand on that view Jan.

Anyways I best get out of the way so you can help other members grow old.
And in other breaking news, Atheists don't tolerate people in the name of God, because they are Atheists ..... they do, however, exhibit the capacity to kill others (on an industrial, systematic level) on ideological grounds.
And in other breaking news, Atheists don't tolerate people in the name of God, because they are Atheists ..... they do, however, exhibit the capacity to kill others (on an industrial, systematic level) on ideological grounds.
And so do Theists, in addition to committing crimes in the name of their religion. Why do Islamists cry "Allah is great", while blowing up a building and killing 3000 innocents. Is that a joke or is that NO JOKE?
The problem is that they can confess their crime to a priest and be absolved, so they can do it again and again, wheras a theist has to live with his conscience, forever, until he dies.
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. they do, however, exhibit the capacity to kill others (on an industrial, systematic level) on ideological grounds.
Generalising makes you sound stupid and I suspect you are far from being stupid.
I seem to have missed out on this capacity to kill on an industrial scale and could find it offensive if I took it personally.
What specific history do you look to I ask as I would like to understand more about your view.
Generalising makes you sound stupid and I suspect you are far from being stupid.
I seem to have missed out on this capacity to kill on an industrial scale and could find it offensive if I took it personally.
What specific history do you look to I ask as I would like to understand more about your view.
It arose as a response to W4Us claim that "Atheists don't persecute theists because they are theists". There doesn't appear to be a means to hyperlink previous posts, so here is a copy/paste from few pages back addressed to W4U.....

It was a response to your claim that atheists don't persecute theists for being theists. The point in dredging up info on communism (which amongst its various condemnations of creeds and classes, expresses a very explicit, constant and repeatable transnational atheist foundation for the need to remove theists from the ecosystem, simply because they are theists) was to show how that is not the case.

Focusing on this point has been troublesome since Billvon came along to save the day by interpreting the exchange to be a pissing contest to determine who has killed the most people in history : atheists or theists.

Add SiaSL's enthusiasm, who never misses an opportunity to exhibit his bot-like google image search engine skills, and I am now left trying to work out WTF is the need of including the statistics of war dead from the Crusades to better understand the ideological forces that drove the Khmer Rouge, Maoist, Stalinist, et al regimes to commit atrocities on theists ......

The situation is so sciforumastic.
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