Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Not one you personally relate to like a personal physician, but one you have knowledge of based on reasonable evidence. I’ve never seen a blue whale, but I have seen pictures of them. And If I were so inclined I feel very confident that I could find reliable eye witnesses and loads of well documented physical evidence that would substantiate claims for their existence. Do you have anything comparable in regards to the existence of gods?

I will be happy to talk with you, but first, can you answer my question?

Why would you think I would personally have a god?

I do this because I get bored of long drawn out arguments . I get to the point .

Theists are about one god , in ancient times , back to Sumer there were many

There has always been many gods.
But even gods have a creator.

Sure. Zeus, Hera, Athena, Artemis, Ares and Hermes would be examples from the ancient Greek religions, or Ganesha and Surya in the Ganapatya sect of Hinduism.

You said... You have a belief in your god that some others share, some others don't.

Can you demonstrate this claim?

You said... You have a belief in your god that some others share, some others don't.
Correct. The "you" was "you," Jan Ardena. You have stated in the past that there's no such thing as hard polytheism - that all polytheists really believe in one central God. That is not factually true, although I am certain that you (and some other people) share it.
Correct. The "you" was "you," Jan Ardena. You have stated in the past that there's no such thing as hard polytheism - that all polytheists really believe in one central God. That is not factually true, although I am certain that you (and some other people) share it.

I'm afraid you're going to have to quote me, because it would make no sense for me to dismiss ''hard polytheism''.

Wiki.. "Hard" polytheism is the belief that gods are distinct, separate, real divine beings, rather than psychological archetypes or personifications of natural forces.

Gods, are, by definition, separate beings, with some divine attributes, and personification of natural forces.
But again, that is something you have to look into, as it is not as simple as I am putting it. These subject matters, are in their own right, very deep.

I'm afraid you're going to have to quote me, because it would make no sense for me to dismiss ''hard polytheism''.
JA: "You said hundreds of Gods (upper-case G). From the information, there are innumerable gods, but one God. SO how do you get the idea there are hundreds of Gods (upper-case G)?"

You then listed all the reasons that hard polytheism doesn't exist, and there's really only one God.
I must protest again.
It is really cruel letting Jan make a fool of himself and to let him think he is being clever by discussing trivialities in a manner that he could think anyone really cared.
Lets all agree that atheists do not exist and free Jan to think up and present other interesting God stuff.
Slight digress. Are you and Baldeee an item?
I'm fairly sure that asking such a question, no matter how laughable, breaches numerous rules of this site.
Asking it is also evidence that you truly are no better than pond scum, and at least they are honest.

Fortunately there is the technical ability to ignore the vomit that you spew forth.
It's personal in the sense that it's your personal conception of a god. Whether you have a personal relationship to it or not, what reasonable evidence can you exhibit to justify a belief in it?

It's not my personal conception of God.
They are descriptions of God, that still remain whether or not they are believed.

Why is the onus on me to produce evidence?
Why don't you produce reasonable evidence to justify, your lack of belief, and possibly your disbelief?

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I must protest again.
It is really cruel letting Jan make a fool of himself and to let him think he is being clever by discussing trivialities in a manner that he could think anyone really cared.

I like the way you couch your insults into some kind of compassionate statement.
I think you do care about what I say. And I don't think it makes you comfortable.

Lets all agree that atheists do not exist and free Jan to think up and present other interesting God stuff.

Like I said, I think the article could have been handled better. I think the title is more of a tactic to entice people, rather than a meaningful statement.

People who identify themselves as atheists, obviously exist. Does atheism itself, actually exist?
The basic tenet of atheism is, a lack of, and a disbelief in God, or the existence of God.
But what is this God that atheists lack, and, or, disbelieve in?
They don't seem to know.
To me that is a problem, and beginnings of a good reason to doubt atheism.

I'm fairly sure that asking such a question, no matter how laughable, breaches numerous rules of this site.

Sorry man! No harm meant.

Asking it is also evidence that you truly are no better than pond scum, and at least they are honest.

That's a bit much Baldeee.
I was curious, that's all.

Fortunately there is the technical ability to ignore the vomit that you spew forth.

Good talk. :rolleyes:

But what is this God that atheists lack, and, or, disbelieve in?
They don't seem to know.
Yours, among others. Present it, and an atheist may take the trouble to explain to you how it fits in that particular category of things they do not believe in or regard as existing. Or maybe not: as you are not actually willing to attend to explanations, and are not asking in good faith, they may all just blow you off.
To me that is a problem, and beginnings of a good reason to doubt atheism.
You posted a falsehood as the OP of this thread, and refuse to correct it. That is a good reason to doubt your related claims.
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