Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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So you can at least establish what your position is regarding the value of creation mythology.
The value of "creation mythology"?
Well, I guess it's a convenient label for supporting atheist beliefs?
The value it has , outside of such beliefs, is questionable.
Oh, I should add:

"...most internet atheists seem totally obsessed with Biblical Christianity and its Hebrew roots"

This is not particularly surprising, since most internet atheists still live in countries whose religious traditions are primarily Christian. Atheists are actively persecuted in many countries, but the proportion of non-believers in western nations is now above 20%, on average, and atheists are free to speak their minds there without fear of being prosecuted by religious authorities.

Having been brought up in cultures where Christianity is the dominant religion (mostly), internet atheists tend to be most familiar with that religion. It is also the belief system they most often encounter in their own cultures.

Some use this apparent "obsession" with Christianity to imply that atheist arguments don't apply to "eastern" religions, or to other religious traditions. When it comes to specific points of doctrine, that can be true. However, the major thrust of atheistic argument, against supernaturalism in all its manifestations, makes no distinction between particular religious traditions. No religion is exempt from atheist criticism - barring those elements of religions that involve philosophical ideas rather than notions of the supernatural and paranormal.
The value of "creation mythology"?
Well, I guess it's a convenient label for supporting atheist beliefs?
The value it has , outside of such beliefs, is questionable.
It has obvious anthropological value in any case, probably especially to atheists. So what value does it hold for you and others inside the belief?
It has obvious anthropological value in any case, probably especially to atheists.
Contrary to popular (atheistic) belief, anthropology is not a sub branch of atheism.
It's simply another hijackef label from the discipline of science that atheists utilize to bolster their position with false airs of superiority.

So what value does it hold for you and others inside the belief?
As already mentioned, such ideas have no value outside of the beliefs of atheism.
However, the major thrust of atheistic argument, against supernaturalism in all its manifestations, makes no distinction between particular religious traditions. No religion is exempt from atheist criticism - barring those elements of religions that involve philosophical ideas rather than notions of the supernatural and paranormal.
The confusion of theism and religion provides cover for theists claiming the benefits of religion for theistic belief.
Well, if you want to launch a relevant criticism and step outside of preaching to the choir by labelling everything and anyone you disagree with as "abrahamic", then yes.
Not everyone. Just you guys, posting on these science forums.

These forums are not under continual assault by bad faith posters of stealth reincarnation, Karma, manifestation of atheistic souls in despised animals, and so forth.
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Not everyone. Just you guys, posting on these science forums.

These forums are not under continual assault by bad faith posters of stealth reincarnation, Karma, manifestation of atheistic souls in despised animals, and so forth.
Yeah ... so says the wiki-taoist on a website that gets so much traffic related to religious discourse, that it is the only forum to be archived.
Contrary to popular (atheistic) belief, anthropology is not a sub branch of atheism.
But it is the gift that keeps on giving in regards to justifying a position of atheism.
It's simply another hijackef label from the discipline of science that atheists utilize to bolster their position with false airs of superiority.
Nothing worse than having an opinion bolstered with all that fake sciency stuff.
As already mentioned, such ideas have no value outside of the beliefs of atheism.
So if you consider primitive concepts of cosmological creation to be worthless, that can’t bode well for the rest of their notions of cosmology and metaphysics.
One of Jan's beliefs seems to be that all "scriptures" ultimately say the same thing about what's important, they all reference the same God and they all present more or less obscured versions of the message that's supposedly presented most clearly and perfectly in the Bhagavad Gita. Since the scriptures of the various religions contradict each other at various points, one can only harmonize them by 'picking and choosing' particular passages that sound similar in each one and best conform with the BG.

The ISKCON theology with regards to the subject of this tread is discussed on page 8 here (highlighting by me):

"In common with many followers of Vedantic tradition, devotees of Krsna distinguish between Krsna consciousness, or pure love of God (sanatana-dharma), and what is commonly understood as religion (dharma). In his introduction to Bhagavad-gita, Srila Prabhupada explains: Sanatana-dharma does not refer to any sectarian process of religion. It is the eternal function of the eternal living entities in relationship with the eternal Supreme Lord... The English word religion is a little different from sanatana-dharma. Religion conveys the idea of faith, and faith may change... but sanatana-dharma refers to that activity which cannot be changed."

Hence Jan's interest in Nuri Vittachi's remarks in the O.P. The idea seems to me to be that we are all eternal transmigrating souls. All souls are in an eternal relationship with God/Krishna. But during some lifetimes some of the souls struggle and deny that relationship, convincing themselves that they are atheists. The ideal is to replace struggle and denial with ceaseless never-ending bhakti.

The Krishna devotees emphasize divine creation.

Since all "scriptures" supposedly teach the same thing and reveal Krishna when rightly understood, and since most internet atheists seem totally obsessed with Biblical Christianity and its Hebrew roots, it makes sense to discuss creation as described in the scriptures that are recognized by the people one is talking to.
Since the scriptures of the various religions contradict each other at very many points, one can pretend to harmonize them only by 'picking and choosing' particular passages that sound similar in each one. Superman, Captain Marvel, Batman, Spider-Man, Green Lantern & Wonder Woman are clearly not the same beings tho they have much in common. There are 3 Captain Marvels who are clearly not the same. The gods of different scriptures are just as clearly not the same. Claiming they are the same is like someone on LSD claiming they can see god.

It is not that souls deny anything. It is that they have forgotten.

When rightly understood. Like christians claiming you cannot understand the bible without guidance of the holy spirit.
From the intro to The Bhagavad Gita As It Is : Well, I thought to copy&paste a paragraph. Anyway, it essentially says 1 must believe it in order to understand it.

It is not that internet or other atheists are unfamiliar & therefore not able to discuss other religions. There is no telling what various people are familiar with until it comes up. Nearly always, it is a theist who brings it up. If a theist wants to discuss something nonchristian or nonabrahamic, they can say so & clearly define it. If it is explained well, nearly any atheist I have seen on this site can discuss it even if they are not well educated on it. The main factor is the person who supposedly knows explaining what he wants to discuss & clearly answering questions about it. Currently, at least, our theists give the overwhelming impression that they know barely anything about their claims as if it simply popped into the head & out the "mouth".

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But it is the gift that keeps on giving in regards to justifying a position of atheism.
On the contrary, it gives nothing to atheism, outside of the beliefs of atheism.

Nothing worse than having an opinion bolstered with all that fake sciency stuff.
Having an opinion that is falsely connected to science also poses sumilar scientific problems.

So if you consider primitive concepts of cosmological creation to be worthless, that can’t bode well for the rest of their notions of cosmology and metaphysics.
Your considerations are just simply that : your considerations.
On the contrary, it gives nothing to atheism, outside of the beliefs of atheism.

Having an opinion that is falsely connected to science also poses sumilar scientific problems

Your considerations are just simply that : your considerations.
There are no beliefs of atheism. Accept reality.

Your dreamworld is only your dreamworld.

On the contrary, it gives nothing to atheism, outside of the beliefs of atheism.
The more that is known about the cultural evolution of religions, the less divine significance they have to everyone.
Having an opinion that is falsely connected to science also poses sumilar scientific problems.
What opinions would those be?
Your considerations are just simply that : your considerations.
My consideration? Such a short memory. You're the one that finds no value in these primitive religious conceptions.
As already mentioned, such ideas have no value outside of the beliefs of atheism.
The more that is known about the cultural evolution of religions, the less divine significance they have to everyone.
So you believe.

What opinions would those be?
Yours, if you believe science is no different from atheism.

My consideration? Such a short memory. You're the one that finds no value in these primitive religious conceptions.
You're the one talking about "creation myths".

You might want to consider leaving the ad hominems out of your posts. They don't help your argument.
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