Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Nope, Mohists weren’t atheists.

Within the core chapters, the Mohists consistently portray Heaven as if it possesses personal characteristics and exists separately from human beings, though intervening in their affairs.
That sounds like a theist straining to draw parallels from metaphors - describing impersonal aspects of the world using that kind of metaphorical language (what the water wants to do) is standard among human beings - especially, as in poetry, when attempting to communicate matters lacking adequate standard vocabulary.
And you would still have the great majority in that tradition, time, and place - the Taoists, followers of Confucious, and so forth.
Perceived access to information from spiritual entities is not a theistic concept?
Nope. Only if the entity is a deity - which it commonly isn't.
An owl spirit (I'm inventing) is not a deity, for example - it's the spiritual aspect of owls, or some owl. Owls in this view have a spiritual aspect, more or less in the same sense as they have feathers, or nesting behaviors (higher logical level, maybe). So do trees, weather phenomena, springs and rivers, you get the idea.
The success of hunting and foraging strategies developed by primitive cultures was accomplished in spite of their associations with divine insight, not because of it.
That's simply false. The connection is immediate, direct, and purposeful. The basic approach is found world-wide and through millenia, in nomadic foragers.
I had an empty stamp album once but I threw it out when I stopped not collecting stamps.

But what has not collecting stamps got to do with a non existent god.

An Atheist has not been brain washed to include made up nonsence in their reality it is that simple.

But I suspect not allowing the made up stuff elevation to what as you would like, which I see as that of "intellectual" consideration, must be so annoying to you but you fail to appreciate that before we start a discussion about anything there needs to be established some plausible reason why there is any need at all..there is no god if you can disprove that fact please go right ahead...I know I am not playing the game the way you need it to be played but that is the power of keeping it simple...and it is simple..there is no god unless you show lets keep it simple for us little pony folk and start with you providing some indication as to why anyone need accept made up stuff invented by superstitious folk from thousands of years ago is in any way believable and let us keep it simple and by simple I ask what entitles theists to assume their belief should be taken seriously by anyone given they entirely sidestep establishement of some reasonable basis that there is any god.

And object to repetativeness all you want but I certainly wont abandon being repetative.

I just love reminding folk that its all just made up...over and over and the more tiresome they find it the more effective that approach.

And dont come this little pony crap again just because you find you can not accomodate a simple demand to require some evidence that any of this god stuff is anything more than stuff made up thousands of years ago.

Made up I say and you cant prove or even hint that is not a fair and reasonable observation.

And I ask at what age did your brain washing start such that you were encouraged to believe you were capable of thinking yet only fed what to think.

Now dont be upset I am trying to make you look inward and wonder why you hold your beliefs and question if indeed they were ever your beliefs.

If you want to discuss how your ideas have any validity outside of your subjective world of opinions, you will have to start introducing something more philosophical as opposed to more of the same flavour of self confidence.

Otherwise you will just inevitably run into the same mental loops like Gawdzilla and be able to do nothing but extol ad homs and boasting as some sort of substitute for critical thinking.
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f you want to discuss how your ideas have any validity outside of your subjective world of opinions, you will have to start introducing something more philosophical as opposed to more of the same flavour of self confidence.
May I compliment you on your side step more so as I enjoyed what I took as a compliment in your reference to self confidence..its a good thing right.
So adopting the general tactic of a theist banging the same drum over and over does not appeal to you...then consider how tiresome it is for the Atheist hearing the same old same old from a theist whislt they avoid meaningful discussion.
Yes lets discuss this god start by outlining the basis to suppose any of the ancient made up stories should offer any evidence of god being more than a delussion enjoyed by the theist.
Demonstrate this critical thinking for me and lay out why any of this god delussion could be taken seriously.
Lets face it I must have made so many mistakes in my repetative subjective presentation such as to provide you with ample opportunity to demonstrate specifically where I have got it please go ahead.
And on a serious note I did not mean to employ adhoms and if I have please point them out so I can appologise...I mean that but I know I can be a little over the top...but sincerely I do not want to insult you or anyone and will appologise where appropriate.
So lets discuss why there is no god.
No one disputes havings certain beliefs which are identifiable and explainable..

Atheists just do not believe in a sentient and motivated god because it is not identifiable or explainable.

Among the many beliefs Theists hold, is the belief there is such a god, in spite of the fact that it is not identifiable or explainable.
My Little Pony meets Atheism.

Granted that some people take religion as a fanciful indulgence, but I think you have just clearly illustrated they don't have a monopoly on the tendency.
But you have shown that you are thoroughly indoctrinated in the concept of a monopoly by an unidentifiable and unexplainable sentient and motivated god.

My Little Pony meets Theism and prefers its oats.
May I compliment you on your side step more so as I enjoyed what I took as a compliment in your reference to self confidence..its a good thing right.
So adopting the general tactic of a theist banging the same drum over and over does not appeal to you...then consider how tiresome it is for the Atheist hearing the same old same old from a theist whislt they avoid meaningful discussion.
Yes lets discuss this god start by outlining the basis to suppose any of the ancient made up stories should offer any evidence of god being more than a delussion enjoyed by the theist.
Demonstrate this critical thinking for me and lay out why any of this god delussion could be taken seriously.
Lets face it I must have made so many mistakes in my repetative subjective presentation such as to provide you with ample opportunity to demonstrate specifically where I have got it please go ahead.
And on a serious note I did not mean to employ adhoms and if I have please point them out so I can appologise...I mean that but I know I can be a little over the top...but sincerely I do not want to insult you or anyone and will appologise where appropriate.
So lets

Given the framework of the OP, it's probably more appropriate to explore the relationship between logic and the sense of self ... as in whether we bring logic to determine our sense of self or whether our sense of self determines the logic through which we see the world. Generally people subscribe to the latter ... especially after soldiering through the many identity crises to land in old age.

For instance, you are probably highly unlikely to take an interest in rap music sometime between now and the grave because you don't see the sense in it. You no doubt view the topic of God in the same manner.

Of course whether one likes this type of music or that type is purely subjective and doesn't bear an obvious ontological position. Disregarding one genre of music in favour of another doesn't necessarily reveal a particular "take" on this world. So regarding tastes in music, we might ultimately arrive at that often violated truce of modern secularism, "anything is ok as long as no one gets hurt", and go about our merry ways with our individual playlists.

However a/theism does demand a certain ontological divide, and, much like music, tastes are defined according to the individual. Arriving at the secular truce is certainly a useful (and valuable) tool for civil governance, but conflating the highest civil authority with the highest ontological reality obviously doesn't mesh .... so we are left with discussions of who is actually right and who is really wrong.

To take a particular position is to default one to belittling the position of the other. Of course that can take a very Gawdzillaesque form of sloppy tirades of animosity or a more thought out form of philosophical debate ... but regardless of approach, it seems inevitable that one employs values and beliefs to fortify an ontological position.

In short, no one approaches the subject of ontology without values and beliefs, and those values and beliefs are the logical consequence of how one perceives their self.

Of course atheism popularly attempts to circumvent this necessity by introducing science as a gateway to objectivity. But in the absence of a clear explanation why science would hold any authority to either disregard or assert God's existence, it just becomes a red herring in the guise of a value and belief.
And you haven't shown that?
No, I was never indoctrinated in Theism. I have studied mythology, current religions (4 bibles, none of them the same) and the Skeptics Annotated Bible. As a result I have come to the considered conclusion that a biblical god does not exist and never did exist.

You may need to have look at that. It's really informative.
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No, I was never indoctrinated in Theism. I have studied it (4 bibles, none of them the same) and the Skeptics Annotated Bible.

You may need to have look at that. It's really informative.
Like my little pony, the notion of employing a dialectic method where only one party brings concepts (regardless of which side of the cracker you come out on at the end) suggests substantial quantities of fantasy are required to keep the storyline going.
That sounds like a theist straining to draw parallels from metaphors - describing impersonal aspects of the world using that kind of metaphorical language (what the water wants to do) is standard among human beings - especially, as in poetry, when attempting to communicate matters lacking adequate standard vocabulary.
And you would still have the great majority in that tradition, time, and place - the Taoists, followers of Confucious, and so forth.
You have not encountered discussions highlighting the similarity between taoism and say, nirguna brahman or dharmakaya?
Given the framework of the OP, it's probably more appropriate to explore the relationship between logic and the sense of self ... as in whether we bring logic to determine our sense of self or whether our sense of self determines the logic through which we see the world. Generally people subscribe to the latter ... especially after soldiering through the many identity crises to land in old age.

For instance, you are probably highly unlikely to take an interest in rap music sometime between now and the grave because you don't see the sense in it. You no doubt view the topic of God in the same manner.

Of course whether one likes this type of music or that type is purely subjective and doesn't bear an obvious ontological position. Disregarding one genre of music in favour of another doesn't necessarily reveal a particular "take" on this world. So regarding tastes in music, we might ultimately arrive at that often violated truce of modern secularism, "anything is ok as long as no one gets hurt", and go about our merry ways with our individual playlists.

However a/theism does demand a certain ontological divide, and, much like music, tastes are defined according to the individual. Arriving at the secular truce is certainly a useful (and valuable) tool for civil governance, but conflating the highest civil authority with the highest ontological reality obviously doesn't mesh .... so we are left with discussions of who is actually right and who is really wrong.

To take a particular position is to default one to belittling the position of the other. Of course that can take a very Gawdzillaesque form of sloppy tirades of animosity or a more thought out form of philosophical debate ... but regardless of approach, it seems inevitable that one employs values and beliefs to fortify an ontological position.

In short, no one approaches the subject of ontology without values and beliefs, and those values and beliefs are the logical consequence of how one perceives their self.

Of course atheism popularly attempts to circumvent this necessity by introducing science as a gateway to objectivity. But in the absence of a clear explanation why science would hold any authority to either disregard or assert God's existence, it just becomes a red herring in the guise of a value and belief.

I find your post most pleasant so I will get off my little pony.

You mention my self confidence and unfortunately or perhaps fortunately I have always been somewhat top dog in the pecking order even as an employee which I was for part of my professional life.

And I can understand how that confidence perhaps left little room for or any need for a god.

You are correct that I see no point in rap music for I dismiss it as mere poetry whilst someone plays part of a scale...but then a musian friend once said most lyrics are poetry sung rather than spoken.

The depth of your post causes me to reflect and to admit I have been somewhat loud and perhaps agressive.

But you know your little pony comment I did not like for I pride myself in an expression that most would call simple and spent the past twenty years developing that style.

You see I was blessed with a daughter when fifty years old and adjusted to talk simply but clearly in an effort to be easily understood by her...also the major adjustment in style was perhaps somewhat a revolt againt the various careers I experienced.

One turned on clear written expression, law, and the other on verbal expression, domestic real estate sales and management.

Moreover so many folk really endevour to rank themselves as superior by injecting a word that send some to a dictionary.

I dislike that type... even folk I suspect may be that type.

The peculiar aspect in my case is I came to this site because I have some interest in science mainly related to my hobby of astro photography and astronomy in general.

Ironically I found that I became involved in the religious forums and for whatever reason found I could be annoyed by theists.

That in part or fully perhaps may have been reading Jan's posts which at that time seemed to show no regard for views other than his own and perhaps I detected a hint of intellectual arrogance which layed foundation for my declining respect for theists in general.

Still I always liked Jan and his ability to ...well whatever it is that he does☺
And really that is not typical of me as I see myself as tolerant of all folk and all views.

You have caused me to think what it is that fires me up with religion where say politics or cats or all manner of things do not cause a ripple in the attitude.

I suppose like many things I generlise my view of the group we here call theists and attribute the bad aspects to all in the group rather than to be specific and target only those who deserve criticism. .well thats judgemental but that is a close as I can come at present to making sence of my thoughts.

I can rationalise that my bad behaviour of being aggressively intolerant is dealing with theists in the manner I perceive they deal with others.

My view of there being a god is coloured more by the attempts humans make in claiming they know what god is and what he expects when clearly there is no reason to think a god would be involved such that his motives thoughts or actions would be privy to humans.

That arrogance is offensive to me.

But add to that that these ideas were invented in times when humans were highly superstitious and yet now placed in such high regard for no other reason they are ancient or form part of our history just has me ranting against the stupidy I perceive of such an approach.

I dont use science in support of my views in the way some do ... we have science tberefore we need no for me I think it comes down to rejecting the stupidity of thinking a human could interprete what god is hopelessly arrogant...but dont take that as any recognition on my part that there may be a god.

I suppose if I ran the planet I would be encouraging folk to be religious as it makes them easy to control and in my view errodes their ability to think for themselves.
Having said that my motivation would be more to keep them happy than to control them.

I think you know my view as to the non existence of a god but hopefully you now understand why I have been aggressive and cut off discussion.

Again a nice post..thank you.
Like my little pony, the notion of employing a dialectic method where only one party brings concepts (regardless of which side of the cracker you come out on at the end) suggests substantial quantities of fantasy are required to keep the storyline going.
I agree, unfortunately it is the Theists who are employing fantasy to keep the storyline going.
Yes, yes.
You are the ones employing the concepts that are actually correct. We know this because you just told us.
The storylines (theories) that scientists are employing are based on demonstrable and repeatable proofs, not because they just tell you. Then it is just a "proposition" or "hypothesis", subject to critical scientific analysis and falsification.

The hypothetical existence of a biblical god is neither subject to critical scientific analysis nor to falsification. Where's the proof?
Theists are the ones who claim that a god exists by just telling us he does.

Oh, we do have an illustration of Moses coming down the mountain with a 300 lbs stone slab, on which god wrote the Ten Commandments. That must be true, because he told us so.

Ever looked at the story of "loafs and fishes"? AFAIK, there are three true accounts, except each has a different number of loafs and fishes to start with. If you're going to tell a story, at least be consistent in the fundamentals. It helps the credibility of the story.....:?
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Problem is, believers can't pull themselves up out of that septic tank, so they have to try and pull us down. Never works.

Interesting you used that metaphor. It is actually a very old Native American story of an adventurous frog trying to climb out of a hole and all the other frogs dragging him back down, as told to me by a tribal elder......:biggrin:
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Interesting you used that metaphor. It is actually a very old Native American story of an adventurous frog trying to climb out of a hole and all the other frogs dragging him back down, as told to me by a tribal elder......:biggrin:
It would only actually be that if I had ever heard of that story.
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