Scientific VS. Religious

You skipped me both science and the BIBLE are correct this I have proven in my third model creationism and evolution.Yes the BIBLE teaches evolution only there its not a theroy its gospel truth.Bet you did'nt see that one coming

Uh, why are you resurrecting all these old threads?

M*W: Can you please say something intelligent? You are totally lacking of intelligence!
What do you mean as far as we know? How can I possibly gather evidence that after death there is nothingness or that there is heaven or hell? What evidence do you have that afterdeath there's nothingess? I know you've got nothing, nothing at all, like nothing, I mean nothing....

A lot of people consider a dead rotting body evidence of a death.
where would these demons come from?
and what kind of 'powers' would they possess to people?
VitalOne said:
The Scientific believe only in what science says currently, so in the 1500s the scientific would be saying that the Sun revolves around the Earth until new evidence was gathered, or in the 1950s they would be saying an electron is the smallest particle, etc...their beliefs are ever-changing as the evidence changes.....

The religious believe only in what religious scripture says, so in the 1500s they would believe whatever religious scripture says, and in modern times still they would believe in what religous scripture says, and 1000 years from now they would also still believe in what the scripture says......

scientific views are changing quickly because they are still far from accurate. the more science develops the slower it changes, until one day, it completely stops, because it has become an absolute truth... like religions, which are the distorted remains of a 100,000 year old science.
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