Scientific Reasons for God

People, is it just me or -- Ghost's arguments are textbook examples of logical fallacies. What if he does what he does deliberately, as an experiment, a project, to see how his arguments will be refuted -- but isn't a believer at all?!
It is like I said in my post about my experiment:
Caution: Devils really exist and they have telepathic contact to the minds of men. How much control Satan and his devils have over your thinking right now will affect the experiment to some extent. If you manage to become a really saved Christian, God's Holy Spirit will be sent to you, to break you free from the devil's deceptions.

Judging by some of the reactions to my post, Satan and his devils seem to have some control over the thinking in those reactions.
I expected reactions like that because of what it says in the bible:

1 Corinthians 1:26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
1 Corinthians 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
1 Corinthians 1:28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
1 Corinthians 1:29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.
1 Corinthians 1:30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

The genius and founder of physics, Isaac Newton, was a Christian believer and a bible scholar. He rightly believed that God created the scientific laws he was discovering.
Since Newton was probably a FAR better scientist than any of you ever will be, DON'T TRY TO HIDE BEHIND SCIENCE TO JUSTIFY YOUR ATHEISM.
Your atheism is really your personal preference, and that is all it is.
It also has something to do with the hyprocrisy of loving your sins too much, so you don't want to repent of them. So you choose a belief system that says you don't need to.

"About the time of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist on their literal interpretation in the midst of much clamor and opposition."
--Sir Isaac Newton
Manuel, Frank. The Religion of Isaac Newton.
Manuel, Frank E. The Religion of Isaac Newton . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. ISBN 0-19-826640-5.

I tried to tell you; don't blame me, if you spend eternity in a place you really don't want to be at.
Newton was a good scientist.
Newton believed in God.
Therefore science can't justify atheism?
What about the other good scientists who didn't believe in God?
Newton was good for his time, but he didn't know everything.

....Caution: Devils really exist and they have telepathic contact to the minds of men....

Is that what you choose to call your own doubts and insecurities? How schizophrenic.
ghost7584 said:
Caution: Devils really exist and they have telepathic contact to the minds of men.
And your evidence is?

Judging by some of the reactions to my post, Satan and his devils seem to have some control over the thinking in those reactions.
Do you have any concept of how insulting this is? Or how infantile an argument?


Your atheism is really your personal preference, and that is all it is. It also has something to do with the hyprocrisy of loving your sins too much, so you don't want to repent of them. So you choose a belief system that says you don't need to.
Actually, hypocrisy belongs to you theists who proclaim one set of beliefs but act contrary to those beliefs. We who act in accordance with our beliefs are not hypocrites.

Ad hominem attacks are not convincing either.

Keep trying. Eventually you’ll run out of arguments.


I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. Albert Einstein 24 March 1954.

Possibly the greatest scientist in the history of mankind, and an atheist.

The problem of quoting Newton is that he lived several hundred years ago when religion had a terrible stranglehold on the world. He of course did not have access to the immense knowledge we now have concerning the universe. I wonder if he lived today whether he would still hold those religious ideas.
ghost7584 said:
If you manage to become a really saved Christian, God's Holy Spirit will be sent to you, to break you free from the devil's deceptions.
Ghost, you are spreading your own gospel using religious language, and probably doing more damage than good at the moment. The ability to quote the Bible doesn't make you a Christian, and you can't strengthen its message by simply invoking the devil or science or God. How do you know people even understand what you are talking about? How can they know that you even understand it?

People won't be judged by their reactions to your posts, that's mere arrogance.

I believe Newton is in heaven and Einstein is in hell. An eternity of difference between the two.

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
People won't be judged by their reactions to your posts, that's mere arrogance.

People will be judged by the words of the King James version New Testament.

John 12:48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
ghost7584 said:

I believe Newton is in heaven and Einstein is in hell. An eternity of difference between the two.

So do you expect that others should share in your belief?
ghost7584: I believe Newton is in heaven and Einstein is in hell. An eternity of difference between the two.
M*W: Newton was a member of the Knights Templar. He was familiar with the esoteric beliefs of Christ such as Jesus's marriage to Mary Magdalen. He was a member of the elite society. He really knew who Jesus was and what his mission was.
I think Ghost must be approached more biblically. With sword and fire.

Or drown him in Water!! no pun inteded; :D

Excusemua! Water I've got a bit of a hung over; couldn't resist that remark ;)

Prester John said:
Ok so what created god ?
Think of it this way, That is like asking "what created time?". Time is beginningless, endless, and needs no creator. In fact, the act of creating time would take time itself. If God like time is a causeless cause, then it would be impossible for it to be created or destroyed.

Unless you're like me, and believe that time itself doesn't really exist at all, and is only a man made illusion.
Unless you're like me, and believe that time itself doesn't really exist at all, and is only a man made illusion.

So the next "time" you are at a red light just run it; when the freaking cop pulls you over, tell him time is nothing but an illusion, thus when you crossed that street, the light could have been green as well as red, who cares? you had "no time" to standing still. No here's one for you, hold your breath for as long as you can, since time is nothing more than an illusion to you, you should be able to hold your breath for as long as that illusion lasts!. LOL... :D :rolleyes:

Never mind me I just don't have "time" to read topcrapintellectuality or in other words non-sequirtus!.

Godless said:
So the next "time" you are at a red light just run it; when the freaking cop pulls you over, tell him time is nothing but an illusion, thus when you crossed that street, the light could have been green as well as red, who cares? you had "no time" to standing still. No here's one for you, hold your breath for as long as you can, since time is nothing more than an illusion to you, you should be able to hold your breath for as long as that illusion lasts!. LOL... :D :rolleyes:

Never mind me I just don't have "time" to read topcrapintellectuality or in other words non-sequirtus!.

No no no, I do not mean it like that. Just as hot and cold are perceptions, time is a perception. If we had no memory of the past then there would be no illusion of time flowing, but we do have memories of the past (whether it be 1 sec ago or years ago). It is our memory of the past that creates the illusion of change, when in actuality everything is happening at once.
ghost7584 said:
People will be judged by the words of the King James version New Testament.
What about people who can't understand English? Who grow up with a different native language?

I believe Newton is in heaven and Einstein is in hell. An eternity of difference between the two.

And I assume you would be appropriately ashamed if such a condition were true. The injustice would be obvious but this would also reveal Christianity as a serious perversion.
No no no, I do not mean it like that. Just as hot and cold are perceptions, time is a perception. If we had no memory of the past then there would be no illusion of time flowing, but we do have memories of the past (whether it be 1 sec ago or years ago).

Ah!! A bit different, however I still fail to see the "logic". We perceive time, correct, but also correct, (existence exists wether we are aware of it or not". Thus existence exists, wether I exist or not. However how would such a perception explain physical growth, of say, my own body?. Thus time exists, wether we are aware of it or not. Physical time exists wether a perception such as human consciousness were an existence or not. Thus before I was an existence with a consciousness to perceive time, time existed between that time I was unaware of it, till I became aware of it. Also time will continue to exists, when I perish, because even though I will no longer "exist" time will continue to exists. Wether the human race commits genocide or not, time will exis.

Early morning I hope that made sense ;)
