Scientific Miracles

Although there were some differences among the religion’s rites, the message of all of them was the same carrying an essential point, the unification that there is no god but Allah.
This is obviously false. Buddhists and Taoists do not believe in any gods. Other religions have many gods.

After more than 1400 years scientists discovered that at the beginning of the earth creation it did not contain iron. Earth was supplied with iron from meteors that were dropped from the out space.
Never heard of that one. To the best of my knowledge it is completely accepted that the Earth formed with an iron core.

That’s pushed some scientist to think that humans actually were brought from the out space because their blood contains iron.
I've never seen a single legitimate scientific article that suggests that humans come from space. Can you provide one?

The greatest part of the whole story of iron’s chapter and verse is that the number of this chapter and the number of the verse are the same as the atomic number and the mass number of iron respectively(57/26).
As Igor already pointed out the actual notation is 57.25. Also the atomic weight of iron is actually 55.845 not 57 so both numbers are wrong.

How strange that some people still think that all these amazing points are a consequence?!
Thus far they either seem to be subjective opinions or simply wrong.

So it’s clear that the locations of stars are of extreme importance.
It seems a rather extravagant extrapolation to get to this point but even so I fail to see how the locations are of extreme importance.

The scientific greatness of this verse is the sentence “on the lowest land”. During the last 14 centuries these words were not understood scientifically. In Resent time some scientists discovered that the land which the battle took place is the lowest land in this word according to sea level.
Can you point out the verse? I searched 3 translations of the Quran and could not find it.

Modern science discovered that the dipped wing is poisened and the other one contains the anti of that poison which can eliminate the poison completely.
Reference please? I've never even heard of a fly that can poison milk with it's wing, much less carries the antidote on the other wing. And can you show that this particular fly always dies with one side down? I've seen many dead flies and they die in all manner of positions.

Modern science discovered that ants bodies are made of silicon, glass in other words.
No, they are not. An ant's exoskeleton is made of chitin, which is made of polysaccharides (carbohydrate) linked with proteins

So, where are the miracles?


P.S. Sorry Igor, I repeated a bunch of your info. I should have read the whole thread first. Hats off to a good job.
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Igor Trip said:
But Iron is not 57/26 but 55.847/26
55.845 approximatly 56
Also the verse/ chapter are 57/25
verse/ chapter are wrriten as 25/57

In all ways of explanation, it shows how great is this verse
Wither you like it or not
All chapters in the holy Koran starts with the verse “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” which is not numbered since it is there in all chapters (except one where one of them contains two!!!) so the real number of the verse is 25+1(the first verse) =26
Also in another verse Koran says that "We have given you the seven pairs and the Great Quran" 15:87
It separates the first numbered chapter in the holy Koran from the Koran itself
So we must subtract 1 from the number 57. so the number of this chapter is actually 56.
So it is as I said verse / chapter are 26/57

Another explanation is
Igor Trip said:
Sorry Yazan but the science in the Quran is nonsense. It’s mountains out of mole hill stuff. Scholars take some vague phrase out of the Quran, twist it’s meaning and then claim Islam predicted Quantum theory. It cannot stand up to any real scrutiny.

Are you saying the NON MUSLIM scientists who commented on the scientific miracles of the Quran are actually paid to do so ? I dont think so !!
Proud_Muslim said:
Are you saying the NON MUSLIM scientists who commented on the scientific miracles of the Quran are actually paid to do so ? I dont think so !!
Not paid but thier whole belief system hangs in the balance they wouldn't find anything contrary because they wouldn't dare search hard enough, in a word they are biased.
James R,
in short iron is formed due to the explosion of the very big stars
our solar system could not contain iron initially, if you need to know or study this fact you have to study what we call in physics "nucleosynthesis" and you should study alot about the solar system. I find it difficult to find you a one page in any web side that would be useful, I have it in one of my books (wrriten by an American astronomist), I promiss that I will find you there something about that as soon as possible

about the iron and the fly read my replies in the previous posts
Raithere said:
Never heard of that one. To the best of my knowledge it is completely accepted that the Earth formed with an iron core.

I did not know you were qualified scientist !! :rolleyes:

It seems a rather extravagant extrapolation to get to this point but even so I fail to see how the locations are of extreme importance.

Perhaps you can tell us how sailors used to sail through the oceans in the old times ????

Can you point out the verse? I searched 3 translations of the Quran and could not find it.


''Alif-Laam-Meem. The Romans have been defeated. In the lowest of the land nearby, and they, after their defeat, will be victorious. Within three to nine yearsand on that day, the Muslims will rejoice (celebrate) with the help of Allah."
(Surah ar-Ruum 30:1-5)

Reference please? I've never even heard of a fly that can poison milk with it's wing, much less carries the antidote on the other wing. And can you show that this particular fly always dies with one side down? I've seen many dead flies and they die in all manner of positions.

Sure, here is your reference:

in short iron is formed due to the explosion of the very big stars
our solar system could not contain iron initially, if you need to know or study this fact you have to study what we call in physics "nucleosynthesis" and you should study alot about the solar system.

Been there. Done that.

Yes, iron is formed in supernova explosions. But our Sun is a second generation star, and there was a lot of iron around in our solar system when it formed. The Earth's core is iron, and has been since its formation.

about the iron and the fly read my replies in the previous posts

You still haven't provided any support for your claim that flies are poisonous on one side, but not the other.
James R said:
Yes, iron is formed in supernova explosions. But our Sun is a second generation star, and there was a lot of iron around in our solar system when it formed. The Earth's core is iron, and has been since its formation.
Dont let them drag you into their senseless reinterpretations. Check out the original verse...

  • 057.025
    YUSUFALI: We sent aforetime our messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance (of Right and Wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for) mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, Unseen, Him and His messengers: For Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (and able to enforce His Will).
The verse started with a metaphor...the sending down of the book of balance. That clearly indicates that the sending down of the iron as well as "many benefits" was just another way of saying that everything came from god. Not from the stars.

These islamists are so full of nonsense.
Also check this out

  • 041.012
    YUSUFALI: So He completed them as seven firmaments in two Days, and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (provided it) with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full of Knowledge.
According to that verse the entire universe belongs to one layer...the lower heaven. That means it would be wrong to say "send down iron" if the iron was just traveling from one star to another withing the same layer of lower heaven.

Islamism is so dumb. :D
God is matter of believe, I’m a Muslim not because of all what I have mentioned, I’m because I feel the presence of God through Islam, I’m a Muslim because I do believe that Islam controls and leads us to right way of living, I’m a Muslim because whomever used to be un-Muslim told me that he felt with a real quietism when he became a Muslim. I don’t try to prove that I’m right and who ever opposes me is wrong, an easiest way (that I don’t like to do and I don’t think that I’ll do) is showing that your believes are wrong. I believe that it’s my job to push you think more about your religion and others ones before it is too late.
I don’t believe that it is enough to be a good guy to gain the haven; haven is an extremely great reward that you never get easily. I believe that through Islam, one can practice in a proper way.
At the end every one has his own mind, every one makes his decisions that he will be responsible about.
Wish you all the best
""Yazan, were you born to Muslim parents? ""
but I am a Muslim not because my parents. I used to not practice Islam. I used to not believe in God. I used to be a Muslim by paper. I studied deeply about so many religions,(have you did?), I concluded that what I am only by name must be by practice, today believe it or not, I really feel an extreme quietism since I chosen this way. I had a friend called Cindy from south Africa, I loved her so much, the only friend I loved that much, she is a Christian but only by name, in somehow she doesn’t believe in god, when ever I remember her I really want to cry,
Yazan said:
God is matter of believe, I’m a Muslim not because of all what I have mentioned, I’m because I feel the presence of God through Islam, I’m a Muslim because I do believe that Islam controls and leads us to right way of living, I’m a Muslim because whomever used to be un-Muslim told me that he felt with a real quietism when he became a Muslim. I don’t try to prove that I’m right and who ever opposes me is wrong, an easiest way (that I don’t like to do and I don’t think that I’ll do) is showing that your believes are wrong. I believe that it’s my job to push you think more about your religion and others ones before it is too late.
I don’t believe that it is enough to be a good guy to gain the haven; haven is an extremely great reward that you never get easily. I believe that through Islam, one can practice in a proper way.
At the end every one has his own mind, every one makes his decisions that he will be responsible about.
Wish you all the best
I don't believe in any religion. I believe they are all making false promises and attempting to control us. Some people find life very difficult and being able to believe there is a god to whom you can just surrender yourself is certainly a comfort for many. It is not surprising that the former non-muslims you've met found peace when they embraced islam, I know people who have had the same experience with christianity. You are taking the weight of life off of your own shoulders and placing it onto the god of your choice, of course you feel relieved. I knew that feeling before too as a christian but now I know exactly where it came from and it wasn't god. Heaven and hell are the tools of the trade to get the faithful to do as they are told nothing more.
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Yazan said:
I had a friend called Cindy from south Africa, I loved her so much, the only friend I loved that much, she is a Christian but only by name, in somehow she doesn’t believe in god, when ever I remember her I really want to cry,
See this is another sad thing that religion does to people it puts walls up between us. Why do you cry for her? Because you believe she is going to hell? Because she is of the wrong faith? Why?
Yazan said:
""Yazan, were you born to Muslim parents? ""
but I am a Muslim not because my parents. I used to not practice Islam. I used to not believe in God. I used to be a Muslim by paper. I studied deeply about so many religions,(have you did?), I concluded that what I am only by name must be by practice, today believe it or not, I really feel an extreme quietism since I chosen this way. I had a friend called Cindy from south Africa, I loved her so much, the only friend I loved that much, she is a Christian but only by name, in somehow she doesn’t believe in god, when ever I remember her I really want to cry,
But being raised a muslim already sets your mind for that religion. Everyone (almost) all of us were raised in a particular religion. A great many of us did came to point that we no longer practiced the religion we were born into. And many of us came to a point we no longer believed in God. And majority of people even admit that they are on "christian", "jew" or "hindu" by name. But a great many of us who went through those experiences also went back to our original religions for that is what we have been brainwashed into. It was not a pure choice. It was an influenced choice. Especially for muslims like you who would lose much if he dared to openly give up islam. Your parents would only disown you if you are lucky.

So did you have a choice? No.
Brother Yazan:

May Allah bless you and reward you for your SABR and IMAN.

Islam is the light, the truth and the best thing that can ever happen to you, you chose the right way, the way of the prophets and the pious, your reward will be earthy happiness and eternal paradise:

This is described by the prophet Muhammad (pbuh )who said:

" Indeed amazing are the affairs of a believer ! They are all for his benefit; If he is granted ease of living he is thankful; and this is best for him. And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres; and this is best or him." [ Muslim ]

And Allah (S) said in the Noble Quran;

" Certainly, We shall test you with fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient - those who, when afflicted with calamity say, "Truly to Allah we belong, and truly to Him shall we return." it is those who will be awarded blessings and mercy from their Lord; and it is those who are the guided ones." [ 2:155-157 ]

Lucky you ! You are a believer, eternal losers are those who disbelieve !