Scientific Miracles


the truth is always hidden.
Registered Senior Member
It's a quite long thread :)
but pretty sure many of you will find it an interesting one
read it to the end please
a part of it might misslead :)

God started the mission of sending his profits long time ago to tell people about him and to show them the correct way to adore him. It is more logic to prepare the nations for the idea of god by sending a prophet for each, Nations very far in the past were not that connected . one prophet would not be able to be sent to every body (because of the transportation difficulties and languages for example), So many profits were sent during a very long period of time. Although there were some differences among the religion’s rites, the message of all of them was the same carrying an essential point, the unification that there is no god but Allah. So many religions were brought to so many nations to lead them to the right way of living, which brings them happiness. The way that can let all the nations live together in pace which sounds impossible to so many people these days. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are some of these religions, where Islam is the last of all. Although Islam does believe with most of religions, it believes that people to fit their desires have changed their religion’s ideologies. It believes that the holy Koran is the only holy book that will always be preserved by god from being changed to the end of this life. Since more than 1400 years till today there is no even one single letter is replaced or changed (ask the un-Muslim orientalists about that if you don’t believe it) Islam is a religion that has been sent to all people in this global, where each one of the others was sent to a specific nation. This is one of the main differences between Islam and them. God supported his profits with some miracles to let them have the credibility of what they are telling people. A second major difference is that Islam’s miracles can be shown until the last day on this earth. While miracles of the others have disappeared and can’t be proven any more.
Islam is supported by many types of evidences prove that it’s god’s religion. And when we say many types of evidences, we mean things that can’t be made by any one except god and that what we call miracles. Most of these miracles are within the holy Koran, which is a book made by god and written in an extremely fluent Arabic. It may seem strange that this is the first miracle and one of the greatest and biggest ones but as soon as someone knows the Arabic language very well he would strongly agree that Koran couldn’t be written by any one except god. For this reason and many others, Islam has so many evidences. Some of them are already known and some others are going to be discovered in some other times. The wisdom of that is that each generation has a character. For this reason there are so many undiscovered miracles within the holy Koran. Each generation would discover the miracles, which they are going to understand so they will have the ability to Know that the holy Koran is a book of God. For example, the holy Koran was brought with it’s fluent Arabic in a time that the world hasn’t seen fluent people in Arabic such as those who were living at that time. When the profit Moh’d challenged those people to say at least one verse as fluent as the verses within the holy Koran, they tried but they couldn’t.
What can we call this generation or maybe the last two or three generations? Perhaps we can call it the scientific revolution. I think this is the right name or any name similar or relates to science. So does the holy Koran have evidences or miracles fit with the character of this generation? The answer is absolutely yes. Today hundreds of scientific miracles are well known. Non-Muslims discovered most of them and these are some of them.
Within the holy Koran there is only on chapter under the name iron. Although this chapter contains 30 verses, only one verse among them mentioned the word iron. This verse mentioned three main points that god dropped the iron, iron is extremely strong and it has a lot of benefits to people. After more than 1400 years scientists discovered that at the beginning of the earth creation it did not contain iron. Earth was supplied with iron from meteors that were dropped from the out space. That’s pushed some scientist to think that humans actually were brought from the out space because their blood contains iron. So many researches have shown that iron is the most beneficial strong mental in the world. All the previous information about iron strongly agrees with the iron’s verse, which was said more than 1400 years ago. The greatest part of the whole story of iron’s chapter and verse is that the number of this chapter and the number of the verse are the same as the atomic number and the mass number of iron respectively(57/26). Another point is that in Arabic language each letter has a weight of numbers. The square root of the addition of all letters weights till the intended verse including the preface verse is 57 and without the preface verse it’s 26. How strange that some people still think that all these amazing points are a consequence?!
Another amazing miracle is that God always swears by his creations and in one of the verses he swears by stars locations, so why he swears by the locations instead of the stars? a group of photons may take minutes or millions of years to rich us according to how far is the star. We know that stars are moving so by the time that any group of photons reaches us the star would be in another location than the one it was before but we are going to see the location of which the photons reaching us at the moment have started traveling from. Then what we see actually is the locations of stars instead of them. A god example can explain the idea is stars termination. If a star is far away a million light years suddenly exploded. All photons that have left the star before the explosion and didn’t reaches us yet are going to give us the star’s image for a million light year even that the star is not there, until the last group of photons that have left the star before the explosion reaches us. On other words we are going to see a non-exist star for a million light years without knowing that it’s not exist. So it’s clear that the locations of stars are of extreme importance.
A third miracle out of hundreds of scientific miracles within the holy Koran is about the big battle that happened between the Persians and the Romans somewhere between Jordan and Iraq. The Persians won the battle and that brought sadness to the profit Mohammed and his people. They wanted the Romans to win because they adore god while Persians adore fire. God has given Muslims some information about the battle as soon as it was ended and other information about what’s going to happen after the battle. God said in Chapter of Al-Room (Rome) that Rome lost the battle on the lowest land in the earth (god never said in holy Koran on the earth, today we know that we are in and not on the earth, there is the atmosphere above us which is apart of the earth, so we are inside the Earth) but they are going to win after few years and god has the full control of the situation before and after. The scientific greatness of this verse is the sentence “on the lowest land”. During the last 14 centuries these words were not understood scientifically. In Resent time some scientists discovered that the land which the battle took place is the lowest land in this word according to sea level.
A funny and amazing miracle at the same time is about flies. Many of us I guess know that when a fly dies and falls on a liquid it falls at one side. One of the fly’s wings will be above the liquid’s surface and the other one will be below it. God told us to do what ever the profit Mohammed asks us to do. He asked Muslims if a fly falls in someone’s liquid, say milk for example, to dip the elevated wing into the milk and then the milk would be drinkable. It sounded stupid and dirty to so many except Muslims because they believe in their profit. Modern science discovered that the dipped wing is poisened and the other one contains the anti of that poison which can eliminate the poison completely.
The last miracle (and not least of course) I would like to mention is, there is a verse in the holy Koran which talks about one of the previous profits (the story is not what I care about in here). This verse talks about ants as if they can be Broken, an oreantilist (I don’t remember his name for the moment) tried to criticize the holy Koran about this thing, Modern science discovered that ants bodies are made of silicon, glass in other words.
Any one can think that these things are not so important. But I think that the important thing is how someone who doesn’t even read or right someone is not educated at all like the profit Moh’d could tell people about 1400 years ago such huge amount of scientific information cost us years of study to discover?
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Too long to address all this right now so I will only take one small thing. As to the perians adoring fire and the romans adoring god this is just silly. I assume you are refering to Zoastrian persians right? They are monotheistic fire represents the ONE GOD sound familiar? Tell me what is the Kabbah? Is it just a rock muslims worship a rock the same as persians worship fire.
One more quickie, where is the scientific evidence that a flys wings contain on one side the disease and on the other the cure please provide a non-muslim source for us.
Yazan said:
That’s pushed some scientist to think that humans actually were brought from the out space because their blood contains iron.

Name one peer-reviewed scientist who was "pushed ... to think" such silliness.
In days of yore, God was good and generous, and the harvests were bounteous, for it is written:

"[He] started the mission of sending his profits..."

Of course, it is the Word, for only the Word itself appears in oversized font.
Pucker up? Butt kisser?

Quite hardly intelligent discussion. I hope the 25 in your name does not represent your IQ.
Q25 said:

pucker up you butt kisser
this is how your religion looks like from atheists pov
LOL that is good Q25 it has got religion nailed :D

Another thing Yazan you say god has provided a prophet for each nation since it was more logical. Do you have a list of the nations and the prophets they received? I mean there must be a list in that miracle book right. Nothing personal Yazan just trying to get my bearings here. ;)

As salamo Alikum brother:

Excellent article ! May Allah Almighty bless you, here is what famous western scientists said about the scientific miracles of the Noble Quran:

We present Professor Emeritus Keith Moore, one of the worlds prominent scientists of anatomy and embryology. We asked Professor Moore to give us his scientific analysis of some specific Qur'aanic verses and prophetic traditions [Ahadeeth] pertaining to his field of specialization.

Professor Moore is the author of the book entitled The Developing Human. He is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Toronto, Canada, where he was Associate Dean of Basic Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and for 8 years was the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy. Dr. Moore had also previously served at the University of Winnipeg, Canada for eleven years. He has headed many international associations of anatomists and the Council of the Union of Biological Sciences. Professor Moore was also elected to the membership of the Royal Medical Association of Canada, the International Academy of Cytology, the Union of American Anatomists and the Union of North and South American Anatomists. and in 1984 he received the most distinguished award presented in the field of anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B. Grant Award from the Canadian Association of Anatomists.

He has published many books on clinical anatomy and embryology, eight of them are used as reference works in medical schools and have been translated into six languages.

When we asked Professor Moore to give us his analysis of the Qur'aanic verses and prophetic statements, he was amazed. He wondered how the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam), fourteen centuries ago, could describe the embryo and its development phase in such detail and accuracy, which scientists have come to know only in the last thirty years. Very quickly, however, Professor Moores amazement grew into admiration for this revelation and guidance. He introduced these views to intellectual and scientific circles. He even gave a lecture on the compatibility of modern embryology with the Qur'aan and Sunnah where he stated:

It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Qur'aan about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from Allah, or God, because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a Messenger of Allah."

Consider what this well-known and respected scientist of embryology declared upon studying the Qur'aanic verse related to his discipline, and his conclusion that Muhammad (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam), must have been a Messenger from Allah.

Professor Alfred Kroner: …and that many of the statements made at the time could be proven, but that modern scientific methods are now in a position to prove what Muhammad said 1400 years ago.

We present to you Professor Alfred Kroner who is one of the world’s most famous geologists. He is a Professor of Geology and the Chairman of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenburg University, Mainz, Germany. We met him and presented several Qur'aanic verses and Ahadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). He studied and commented on them. Then we had a discussion with him.

Professor Kroner said: "Thinking about many of these questions and thinking where Muhammad came from, he was after all a Bedouin. I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very complicated and advanced technological methods that this is the case."

Professor Kroner chose an example from the Qur'aan which proved to him why the Qur'aan could not have come from Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) himself. The example which Professor Kroner chose is a description in the Qur'aan of the fact that this universe had its beginnings in one single entity. Allah, may He be Exalted and Glorified said: Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together [ratqan], before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing… [Qur'aan 21:30]

The meaning of ratqan in this verse, as Ibn Abbas, Mujaahid, and others (Raziallaahu-t'aala-anha) said, may Allah be pleased with all of them, is that the heavens and the earth were stuck together or blended together, and that they were later separated from each other. Professor Kroner used this as an example to prove that no human being during the time of Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), could have known this.

Professor Kroner: "Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind for instance that the earth and the heavens had the same origin, or many others of the questions that we have discussed here."

Professor Kroner, so it seemed to us, has a special talent of being evasive. For example, we asked him to describe the geological conditions of Arabia. ‘Was Arabia full of orchards and rivers?’ He said: "During the Snow Age." And it is further known that the North Polar icebergs are slowly moving southwards. When those polar icebergs become relatively close to the Arabian Peninsula, the weather will change and Arabia will become one of the greenest and wettest parts of the world. We asked him: ‘Will Arabia become the land of orchards and rivers?’ He said: "Yes, it is a scientific fact."

This astonished us, and we wondered how he could state this as a scientific fact while it was related to the future and we asked: ‘Why?’ He said: "Because the new Snow Age has actually started. And we can see the snow crawling once again from the North Pole southwards. In fact, the polar snow is now on the way to get closer to the Arabian Peninsula. We can see the signs of this in the snow blizzards striking the northern parts of Europe and America every winter. Scientists have other signs and information proving the actual beginning of another Snow Age. It is a scientific fact."

So we said to him: ‘What you have just mentioned has only been known to scientists after a long series of discoveries and with the help of specialized instruments. But we have already found this mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) 1400 years ago. He said in a hadeeth transmitted in Saheeh Muslim:

The Last Hour will not come upon us until the lands of the Arabs are once again pasture lands and filled with rivers.

At this point we asked Professor Kroner: ‘Who told the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), that the lands of the Arabs were once filled with orchards and rivers?’ He immediately replied: "The Romans." This reminded me of Professor Kroner’s evasive ability. We asked him another question, we said to him: ‘But who informed the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), that the lands of the Arabs would once again become pasturelands and be filled with rivers?’. Professor Kroner becomes evasive if embarrassed. But whenever he was faced with the truth, he is courageous enough to state his opinion frankly and thus he replied: "This could have been known to him only through revelation from above."

Finally, after our discussions with him, he made the following comments: "If you combine all these and you combine all those statements that are being made in the Qur'aan in terms that relate to the earth and the formation of the earth and science in general, you can basically say that statements made there in many ways are true. They can now be confirmed by scientific methods, and in a way you can say that the Qur'aan is a simple science text book for the simple man, and that many of the statements made in there at that time could not be proven but that modern scientific methods are now in a position to prove what Muhammad said 1400 years ago."

Allah confirms in His Book that:

This is no less than reminder to (all), the worlds. And you shall certainly know the truth of it all after a while. (Quran 38:87-88).

If you want to read what famous scientists said about the Scientific miracles of the Noble Quran, please visit this site:
Sorry for being late to reply, I was out of boarder

path said:
Tell me what is the Kabbah? Is it just a rock muslims worship a rock the same as persians worship fire.

When we adore God, this neither increases or decreases his power
God doesn’t need all that
He asked us to adore him, so the loyal ones would be awarded. Since he is God he knows in previous who would and who would not. But because he is the most rightful he judges after we practice.
We don’t adore the Kabbah, we direct our prayers to there.
I asked an American guy once, what made you become a Muslim?
He replied:-
I only imagined the power created by directing all those billions of people their prayers toward one place, so I asked more and more about Islam, and who ever does so, for sure will be a Muslim.

where is the scientific evidence that a flys wings contain on one side the disease and on the other the cure please provide a non-muslim source for us.

For this part, I don’t have for the moment a non-Muslim source, but from my own knowledge I know that a fly contains terrible kind of bacteria that can causes so many serious diseases. Also it contains a kind of inseams called bacteriophage (means germs gobbler) that scientist before the 30s used to take out of flies to make medicines that elements germs. You will find plenty info about the bacteriophage in the web.
What do you say about the hundreds other miracles?

Do you have a list of the nations and the prophets they received?
God mentioned only 25 prophet in the Holy Book, although the prophet said they were 124000.
God mentioned only 25 because the importance is with what they were sent for, not their personal stories, God mentioned the ones that we do concern about in today’s life like Jesus, Abraham, Moses and Mohammed.

ConsequentAtheist said:
Name one peer-reviewed scientist who was "pushed ... to think" such silliness.

I heared Dr. Zaglool Al Najjar once saying that some scientists believe so!!!!!!
Dr. Al Najjar is a well-known great geologist
But if you believe that Adam was created in Haven and then brought down to the Earth, you might ask yourself, why not?

Someone asked the prophet Mohammed about God.
Then the prophet said: -
Have you ever been in a sinking ship?
Yes, I have “said the man”
Did you think that no one in this Earth is there or even close to help you? “the prophet asked”
Then the man said yes, I did.
Then the prophet said: -
But did you ask in your heart for help, help from someone you think that he lessens to you.
Yes, “said the man”
Then the prophet said this is God.
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Sorry Yazan but the science in the Quran is nonsense. It’s mountains out of mole hill stuff. Scholars take some vague phrase out of the Quran, twist it’s meaning and then claim Islam predicted Quantum theory. It cannot stand up to any real scrutiny.

After more than 1400 years scientists discovered that at the beginning of the earth creation it did not contain iron. Earth was supplied with iron from meteors that were dropped from the out space.

The earths core is Iron. Anybody who knows anything about science knows this. To state otherwise shows immense ignorance of even the basics. This is why Quran science is so poor, the people making these claims know no real science.
Iron does fall to earth in the form of meteors and these where a useful source at the start of the iron age.

The greatest part of the whole story of iron’s chapter and verse is that the number of this chapter and the number of the verse are the same as the atomic number and the mass number of iron respectively(57/26).

[57.25] Certainly We sent Our apostles with clear arguments, and sent down with them the Book and the balance that men may conduct themselves with equity; and We have made the iron, wherein is great violence and advantages to men, and that Allah may know who helps Him and His apostles in the secret; surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.

Never trust a numerologist. (You should have checked).

Sorry but the bit about stars is meaningless. Stars exist. Where ever they were we would still see them.

The lowest place on earth is the Dead sea. No battle was fought there.

Modern science discovered that the dipped wing is poisened and the other one contains the anti of that poison which can eliminate the poison completely.

Both wings contain germs. All creatures contain defenses against diseases. Flies are notorious for spreading disease.

This verse talks about ants as if they can be Broken,

Step on ants and you can hear they external skeleton break like that of a shrimp.

Hundreds of science facts where know to the people of that time. It’s no miracle that some found there way into the Quran. It would be amazing if they did not.

Very quickly, however, Professor Moores amazement grew into admiration for this revelation and guidance. He introduced these views to intellectual and scientific circles. He even gave a lecture on the compatibility of modern embryology with the Qur'aan and Sunnah where he stated:

It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Qur'aan about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from Allah, or God, because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a Messenger of Allah."

This guy had obviously never read Aristotle.

(Quran 23:13-14)We placed him as sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed; Then We made the sperm into a clot of blood; then of that blood clot We made a lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be God, the best to create!

Everybody had made the connection between sperm and babies. At no time is the foetus a clot of blood. Flesh comes before bones. This is bad science. I can only presume that Mr Moore believed all Arabs to be immensely ignorant.

Professor Kroner chose an example from the Qur'aan which proved to him why the Qur'aan could not have come from Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) himself. The example which Professor Kroner chose is a description in the Qur'aan of the fact that this universe had its beginnings in one single entity. Allah, may He be Exalted and Glorified said: Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together [ratqan], before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing… [Qur'aan 21:30]

This is very poor.
The Big bang theory says that in the beginning there was nothing. Then there was pure energy, which later became atomic particles and formed the gases hydrogen and some helium. The rest of the element formed much later in the early stars which then exploded in super novas.
Yet the Quran say that both the earth and the heavens existed at the start. This is not the latest scientific theory.
Anyway all creation theories start with nothing.

We are made of carbon and other elements. We are full of water but not made from it.

As for the bit about the deserts becoming green again, it’s every desert dwellers dream. So this can be put down to wishfull thinking. Also deserts can be seen to ebb and flow.
Igor Trip said:
(Quran 23:13-14)
first it is (Quran, 23:12-14) not like what your provided web says
first who said that Islam doesn't believe in Christianity
second the explanation of the verses in this web are not as it should be
when I have a right information I can explain it in a way in which it seems wrong, this is not that dificult
but it is not difficult to show that it is not wrong as well

Igor Trip
I need only one thing from you
comment on what I mentioned previously" -
""" Within the holy Koran there is only on chapter under the name iron. Although this chapter contains 30 verses, only one verse among them mentioned the word iron. This verse mentioned three main points that god dropped the iron, iron is extremely strong and it has a lot of benefits to people. After more than 1400 years scientists discovered that at the beginning of the earth creation it did not contain iron. Earth was supplied with iron from meteors that were dropped from the out space. That’s pushed some scientist to think that humans actually were brought from the out space because their blood contains iron. So many researches have shown that iron is the most beneficial strong mental in the world. All the previous information about iron strongly agrees with the iron’s verse, which was said more than 1400 years ago. The greatest part of the whole story of iron’s chapter and verse is that the number of this chapter and the number of the verse are the same as the atomic number and the mass number of iron respectively(57/26). Another point is that in Arabic language each letter has a weight of numbers. The square root of the addition of all letters weights till the intended verse including the preface verse is 57 and without the preface verse it’s 26. How strange that some people still think that all these amazing points are a consequence?!"""

thanks in advance

Yazan. You quoted this.
The greatest part of the whole story of iron’s chapter and verse is that the number of this chapter and the number of the verse are the same as the atomic number and the mass number of iron respectively(57/26).

But Iron is not 57/26 but 55.847/26. Also the verse/ chapter are 57/25

[57.25] Certainly We sent Our apostles with clear arguments, and sent down with them the Book and the balance that men may conduct themselves with equity; and We have made the iron, wherein is great violence and advantages to men, and that Allah may know who helps Him and His apostles in the secret; surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.

So your numerologist is wrong on both accounts. Never trust them. They always twist and distort numbers to suit their ends.
A miracle is nothing more than an indication of psychic power. The ancient Buddhas are said to have accomplished miracles too, but the Buddhists take this in stride, knowing that such powers are available to everyone. Miracles are created by belief. Even Jesus, upon entering a town where he was not believed, was not able to do miracles there.

There were ancient african metallurgists who were creating sophisticated iron alloys way before Mohammed was born. And believe me, dipping the other side of a fly into your milk is not going to make it any cleaner.
Pakman said:
Pucker up? Butt kisser?

Quite hardly intelligent discussion...

Did you check out his link? It's a very funny story, indeed.


spidergoat said:
A miracle is nothing more than an indication of psychic power. The ancient Buddhas are said to have accomplished miracles too...

Psychic powers? I'm not sure I agree. What do you mean?

Miracles are created by belief.

I can agree with that.

There were ancient african metallurgists who were creating sophisticated iron alloys way before Mohammed was born.

This is a fairly vague statement.

How "advanced" do you mean?

Who exactly were these "metallurgists"? Egyptians? Phoenicians? Carthaginians? Nubians?
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"Psychic powers? I'm not sure I agree. What do you mean?"
Intelligence, intuition, these are psychic powers.

"Assistant professor of Anthropology Peter Schmidt and Professor of Engineering Donald R. Avery of Brown University, Have found that as long as 2,000 years ago Africans living on the western shores of Lake Victoria had produced carbon steel in preheated furnaces, a method that was technologically ahead of any development in Europe until the mid nineteenth century."

As Godfrey C Burns, M.D. points out in "Early African Science," Journal of African Civilizations, Vol. I No. 1 April, 1979:

After more than 1400 years scientists discovered that at the beginning of the earth creation it did not contain iron. Earth was supplied with iron from meteors that were dropped from the out space.

Do you have a scientific source which supports this statement?

The greatest part of the whole story of iron’s chapter and verse is that the number of this chapter and the
number of the verse are the same as the atomic number and the mass number of iron respectively(57/26). Another point is that in Arabic language each letter has a weight of numbers. The square root of the addition of all letters weights till the intended verse including the preface verse is 57 and without the preface verse it’s 26. How strange that some people still think that all these amazing points are a consequence?!

Perhaps you mean "coincidence", which is what this is.

A funny and amazing miracle at the same time is about flies. Many of us I guess know that when a fly dies and falls on a liquid it falls at one side. One of the fly’s wings will be above the liquid’s surface and the other one will be below it. God told us to do what ever the
profit Mohammed asks us to do. He asked Muslims if a fly falls in someone’s liquid, say milk for example, to dip the elevated wing into the milk and then the milk would be drinkable. It sounded stupid and dirty to so many except Muslims because they believe in their profit. Modern science discovered that the dipped wing is poisened and the other one contains the anti of that poison which can eliminate the poison completely.

You don't actually believe this, do you?

Are you seriously claiming that one side of a fly is poisonous, and the other side is beneficial?

Do you have ANYTHING which backs this up, apart from your little story above?

Modern science discovered that ants bodies are made of silicon, glass in other words.

This is false.
Pakman said:
Pucker up? Butt kisser?

Quite hardly intelligent discussion. I hope the 25 in your name does not represent your IQ.
no its the size of my dick, ;)
you see,Im a porn star.