Scientific and Techno progress not what it seems

scorpius said:
you need an ENEMA cause your so FULL OF IT bud,
ATHEIST is the one who cares about LIVING because WE KNOW this life is all we have,(and you religious morrons too btw},so we would be stupid to throw it away in some stupid apocalypse.but then you fucks have the LOGICAL REASONING gene deleted by some freak of nature so its useless to talk to you idiots like to a normal inteligent folk..
Away with your low talk. Go grunt among the beasts if thats what you think of yourself.
in other words, why you would not press the button?
You can't read very well can you?

ATHEIST is the one who cares about LIVING because WE KNOW this life is all we have,(and you religious morrons too btw},so we would be stupid to throw it away in some stupid apocalypse.
The atheist suffers no such delusions and to him life is extremely precious and valuable.
Atheist's know this is their one shot at life, they are not so careless to end it.
To the atheists who claim not to be nihilistic, please explain the principles of your morality, in other words, why would you NOT press the button?
(sorry if i'm not perfect...I only type with one that better?)
Lawdog said:
To the atheists who claim not to be nihilistic, please explain the principles of your morality, in other words, why you would not press the button?
It's more comfortable and less stressful to live in peace.
Lawdog said:
To the atheists who claim not to be nihilistic, please explain the principles of your morality, in other words, why you would not press the button?
no atheist is a nihilist.
quite simply, as Cris has already stated, "The atheist suffers no such delusions and to him life is extremely precious and valuable. " life and the sanctity of it, is the supreme morality.

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion”. richard dawkins.
Meaning the question was answered at least three times before you asked it. But you apparently either hadn't bothered to read or had read, and not understood, the posts: if you done either it would have precluded the necessity of the question.
Humans, mostly evil by habit, can do good works only through love. -Lawdog
Oli said:
Meaning the question was answered at least three times before you asked it. But you apparently either hadn't bothered to read or had read, and not understood, the posts: if you done either it would have precluded the necessity of the question.
whatever.........have too much coffee this morning?
Oh great. You can make pithy (incorrect) aphorisms and then quote yourself.
MOSTLY evil? According to whom? Do you have any figures? Define evil.
whatever.........have too much coffee this morning?
No such thing as too much coffee. In your case however it appears you've had too little. Or did you just IGNORE the posts because you didn't like what they said?
And still you haven't answered the question. Keep it up.
Perhaps you could show me the right way to be by just
repeating the question yourself so that I know exactly
what you want from me. perhaps then you will get some
time off in purgatory from having to put up with us sinners
down here in this mess.
You asked : in other words, why you would not press the button?
And I pointed out that it had already been answered three times before you asked. So I want to know if your reading/ comprehension skills are at fault or you'd just chosen to ignore those answers so that you could continue to ask fatuous questions to which you already had the answer. Simple enough.
i read the answers before, OK? One of them said that he is an atheist because its peaceful (ie pleasant, no strife). So then I asked if he thought the pleasure was the highest good. I am also waiting for Cris' response.
So you do have reading problems:
posted here again, and note not one of them mentions "pleasure"

ATHEIST is the one who cares about LIVING because WE KNOW this life is all we have,(and you religious morrons too btw},so we would be stupid to throw it away in some stupid apocalypse.

The atheist suffers no such delusions and to him life is extremely precious and valuable.

Atheist's know this is their one shot at life, they are not so careless to end it.

Reasons wht an atheist wouldn't "push the button" - as opposed to a theist looking for the apocalypse....
ok, perhaps i made some mistake. So now what else do you want?

To Scorpius' answer: Atheism makes life meaningless because it has no final end, which should be God, no final union with the divine. Those who "know this life is all they have" cannot value the lives of others because they are trying to get all their satisfaction in this life. Other people just get in the way.

To Cris' answer: The atheist suffers the greatest delusion of all: it would be like a farmer not knowing that the sun gives plants light to grow.

to kenny's answer: Indeed you are right, they know that its their one shot at life, and many atheists would rather end someone elses life to preserve their own, as we see in the case of abortion and many other godless practices.
Now we're getting somewhere.
To Scorpius' answer: Atheism makes life meaningless because it has no final end, which should be God, no final union with the divine. Those who "know this life is all they have" cannot value the lives of others because they are trying to get all their satisfaction in this life. Other people just get in the way.
There is no god/ divine to provide a final end. Others do not get in the way, they ease they way, it's called society. And they realise that they'll have more chance at satisfaction through co-operation than outright self-interest.

To Cris' answer: The atheist suffers the greatest delusion of all: it would be like a farmer not knowing that the sun gives plants light to grow.
Only from your perspective. Which is that of a farmer postulating a larger, "loving" invisible unprovable sun when the real one is provably there.

to kenny's answer: Indeed you are right, they know that its their one shot at life, and many atheists would rather end someone elses life to preserve their own, as we see in the case of abortion and many other godless practices.
Godless practices - by definition yes. Since we do not believe in a god. And many atheists would give up their lives to preserve another's. So what?

Which still doesn't address the question on pressing the button to end all life. Because an atheist knows that he'd go as well and there's nothing else to come.