science vs religion...

Does it matter? I've used pages from all the holy books as toilet paper. Just to give some credibility to them you know.
It's a shame that science and religion are separate enemies in the west. In the east science and religion are the same. They're both the search for the truth.

Eastern philosophy and concepts easily fit into or compliment modern science. According to the prophetic scriptures, in this age men's intelligence will be diverted to atheism, and almost everyone will be gross materialists.

There's only one true religion, the religion of the truth.
VitalOne said:
It's a shame that science and religion are separate enemies in the west.
why do you think science and religion are enermies, religion may thing science is it's enemy, after all it's tried to curtail the advances of science for millennia, but science does'nt think religion is it's enemy, it does'nt consider religion a threat, anyway science does'nt have enemies, it only ever had oppressor's.
VitalOne said:
In the east science and religion are the same. They're both the search for the truth.
sorry I dont think so, one is the search for the objective truth, the other for the truth in fantasy.
"There are those in the know, and there are those who believe they know."M*W
VitalOne said:
Eastern philosophy and concepts easily fit into or compliment modern science.
how so, you got to be kidding.
VitalOne said:
According to the prophetic scriptures, in this age men's intelligence will be diverted to atheism, and almost everyone will be gross materialists.
where in the bible does it literally say that.
your making it up as you go along.
VitalOne said:
There's only one true religion, the religion of the truth.
and when you find a truthfull religion, I will have been dead for billions and billions of years, dont waste your life searching for something that does'nt exist.
audible said:
why do you think science and religion are enermies, religion may thing science is it's enemy, after all it's tried to curtail the advances of science for millennia, but science does'nt think religion is it's enemy, it does'nt consider religion a threat, anyway science does'nt have enemies, it
only ever had oppressor's.
religion and science were originally the samething, the search for the truth.

sorry I dont think so, one is the search for the objective truth, the other for the truth in fantasy.
"There are those in the know, and there are those who believe they know."M*W
No, they're both the search for the objective truth. In the East, God is the Absolute Truth. The causeless cause, unphysical, unmanifest, source of existence.

how so, you got to be kidding.where in the bible does it literally say that.
your making it up as you go along.
I never said in the Bible. I can point out an Eastern Scripture that says exactly that.

"O King, in the age of Kali people's intelligence will be diverted by atheism, and they will almost never offer sacrifice to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme spiritual master of the universe. Although the great personalities who control the three worlds all bow down to the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, the petty and miserable human beings of this age will not do so." - Srimad Bhagavatam (12.3.43)

All these atheists rising is only fulfilling the scripture.

and when you find a truthfull religion, I will have been dead for billions and billions of years, dont waste your life searching for something that does'nt exist.
I never meant a truthful "religion". Whatsoever the truth is, it is the true religion. Whatever the absolute truth, that is the true religion.
VitalOne said:
religion and science were originally the samething, the search for the truth.
but the arn't now, science has seen the light and has been able to follow it's own path, no longer shackled by religion.
VitalOne said:
No, they're both the search for the objective truth. In the East, God is the Absolute Truth. The causeless cause, unphysical, unmanifest, source of existence.
there are no absolutes, and god is a fantasy, I dont give a monkeys f**k , what thay believe, god is subjective imagination.
VitalOne said:
I never said in the Bible. I can point out an Eastern Scripture that says exactly that.
"O King, in the age of Kali people's intelligence will be diverted by atheism, and they will almost never offer sacrifice to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme spiritual master of the universe. Although the great personalities who control the three worlds all bow down to the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, the petty and miserable human beings of this age will not do so." - Srimad Bhagavatam (12.3.43)
how ancient is the aledged scripture, it look like a recent statement made, by some egoistic self rightious
guru, and in arguement to that statement, mans intellignce is not diverted, but enlightened. they will certainly never pay homage to a fantasy, thus they will never be converted, unless they recieve a blow on the head, that is.
VitalOne said:
I never meant a truthful "religion". Whatsoever the truth is, it is the true religion. Whatever the absolute truth, that is the true religion.
if you never meant a truthful religion, why are you still saying "it is the true religion, that is the true religion." no religion is true/truthful., it is an oxymoron, religions are based on fantasy/faith.
it does,
but it is not so simple.

knowing implies having knowledge of something, this only works in the arena of mind.

also to know what something is implies that that something has a specific defintition, to define god as some one thing or collection of things is to place limitations on god.
Of course assuming all the while that god is not merely a construct of the human mind in response to the complexity and unpredictability of nature and the fear of the unknown.
ellion said:
this is what you imagine god to be.
I dont imagine a god to be anything, it does not exist, it would be infantile.
ellion said:
what you imagine is not the truth.
correct what I imagine is just that my imagination, my imagination could not possibly be the truth, as it only fantasy, as is yours.
you imagine that god does not exist. your imagination is not true.

my imagination could not possibly be the truth, as it only fantasy, as is yours.
imagination is a creative function of the mind. imagination cannot be "the truth" but truth and imagination can confirm each other.

I dont imagine a god to be anything, it does not exist,
either you imagine god does not exist, or you have a some concrete confiramtion that god does not exists. which is it do you imagine or do you have that elusive peice of evidence of the non existence of god. what is it? or are you really just imagining this after all?

i dont know why i am wasting my time with this pathetic argument. it bores me shitless!

I dont imagine a god to be anything, it does not exist, it would be infantile.
would it be infantile to think that what you imagine is the truth? but this is exactly what you have done, is it not? or do you have that piece of information that confirms "god does not exist"

ellion said:
you imagine that god does not exist.
no, imagination is subjective, I can be objectively sure god does not exist, unless of course it wants to show it's self in the real world.
ellion said:
your imagination is not true.
I've already agreed to this I quote "my imagination could not possibly be the truth, as it only fantasy, as is yours."
ellion said:
imagination is a creative function of the mind. imagination cannot be "the truth" but truth and imagination can confirm each other.
not possible they can live a long side of each other, but truth can confirm that your imagination, is your imagination. but your imagination cant confirm that the truth is the truth, it cannot confirm anything.
ellion said:
either you imagine god does not exist, or you have a some concrete confiramtion that god does not exists. which is it do you imagine or do you have that elusive peice of evidence of the non existence of god.
no, imagination is subjective, I can be objectively sure god does not exist, the evidence is there for all to see it's blatently obvious, unless of course you've imagined it's not obvious.
ellion said:
i dont know why i am wasting my time with this pathetic argument. it bores me shitless!
Mt 5:29 if thy eye offends, then pluck it out.
ellion said:
are you tired, or are you tired of talking crap, if so go to sleep.
audible said:
no, imagination is subjective, I can be objectively sure god does not exist, unless of course it wants to show it's self in the real world.
He already showed in the first century.
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