Science Proves Creation

The universe is an ocean of energy where there are vortexes called galaxies and bubbles called planets.
Ok. A colorful description.
Beliefs become reality. Your belief is that God does not exist, that's why God does not exist in your reality.
So you don't believe that reality can exist without humans around to perceive it, then?
Of course, because he is nothing where everything comes from.
Good thing you haven't assumed anything prior to investigating the question at hand. that might cause you to believe silly things.
The world is circular, that's why we have to use circular logic sometimes.
I agree because you think that I agree. You think I agree because I agree. Still not evidence, though.

please learn yourself:
It would be illogical if they didn't.
No it wouldn't.
Gravity can't keep anything in motion, all planets would fall into the sun sooner or later, like the suns would fall into the center of the galaxy, and galaxies would fall into another singularity which explodes like a Big Bang.
So the last 100 years of physics is wrong, then? you should tell NASA that satellites can't possibly work before they waste all that money.
Then how do you explain earthquakes (earth = "non-living") which change the direction of everything?
....... :bugeye: By the application of geological forces. Are you new to earth?
(forces are also "non-living")
Hey!! I agree! :)
Matter does not expand, it moves through space.
Again, I agree! I should have said that all the matter is spreading out.
Stars could have created that radiation, there is no need for a bang.
You clearly haven't studied that radiation then, because the chances of the stars having created it in such a uniform manner is magnitudes less than a big bang happening.
It doesn't matter how many questions you answer, the answers always keep creating new questions, until you realize that both questions and answers are just words.
And? I'm not creating anything more that understanding. words are useful in that arena.
Maybe more useful, but not necessarily more true.
I get it. Truth is useless!
Time has nothing to do with space. Time is a thought and space is distance.
Meet me on the fourth floor of the Chrysler building. When? well, it shouldn't matter, should it?
God is the only possibility. Just try to name one of those other innumerable possibilities and I'll show you that all of those are part of the universe, and therefore they didn't exist "before the universe".
My answer is "the set of things that exist but are apart from our universe and are not God". God's puppy. Or God's shoes. Or his universe-makin' wand. Or an angel. Or a demon. Or heaven. Or hell.
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God is the only possibility. Just try to name one of those other innumerable possibilities and I'll show you that all of those are part of the universe, and therefore they didn't exist "before the universe".

You argue that because there was nothing in this existence before the big bang, it had to have been created by god, something that is infinite and beyond the 'laws of nature' of this existence?

Why can't god be replaced with some other entity like another existence that is subject to different laws (incomprehensible for us just like you like to think your god is) in which something happened to create our existence, or the Big Bang or whatever?
The proof that light can be created from sound when applied upon water that has been made to bubble is evident in Sonoluminescence. Solomuniescense can be made to be stable in that a single bubble will expand and collapse over and over again in a periodic fashion, emitting a burst of light each time it collapses. This can occur when a standing acoustic wave is applied within a liquid, and the bubble, that can be pre-existing or caused by a process known as cavitation, sits at a pressure anti-node of the standing wave. The frequencies of resonance all depend on the size and shape of the container that the bubble is in.

The wave length of the light that is emitted is very shot; the spectrum can reach into ultraviolet. Shorter wavelenghts of light has higher energy. The Measuered spectrum of emitted light seems to indicate a tempurature of at least 20,000 kelvins and up to the possible temperature of one megakelvin.

Now the link to Genesis is: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness (which is represented to be water in verse 6 of my Bible) . And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface”; the Spirit of God caused there to be bubbles in the water. “Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” God spoke into the bubbling water causing the waters to expand and collapse over and over again emitting light.
Nope, that's not proof of anything. Your God in this case could be aliens. Plus the universe is apparently not a body of water.
And the sun is not powered by god whispering into a glass of water.

There is a Hodenoshonee creation legend that involves a female creator figure living in another world, whole falls through a whole into this world. Clearly, then, that legend and all those attached to it are factually correct, because the description sounds like a wormhole.

Being one of many who lambasted Dunn for the OP, I'm now wondering whether he was just sarcastic. If so, I apologize. It actually was not I who filed the report and issued the infraction, so obviously others were as confused as I was by what I hope was merely extremely dry humor that doesn't come across so well in print within an international community.

I'm glad it turned into a surprisingly reasonable discussion.
Nope, that's not proof of anything. Your God in this case could be aliens. Plus the universe is apparently not a body of water.

I'm just showing you the possibility of creation. I choose to believe God was the creator. What ever you believe is what you believe.

An explosion that supposedly happened from nothing invoking its will upon it (what ever it is); the material that exploded just happened to be there in the beginning when there was nothing. Seems a little off that something came from nothing yet this is what is taught to our children.

The universe isn't apparently a giant explosion either, but some scientist who believe in the Big Bang say it came from one. I'm showing the possibility of where the universe came from.
Well, no, your not. At least not in a scientific fashion. Perhaps a religious one, but that is an area I know little about.
I choose to believe God was the creator.
Fair enough. Just don't try and teach other people your belief as fact, please, and I'll refrain from teaching other my beliefs as fact. Evidence-based theories, however...
An explosion that supposedly happened from nothing invoking its will upon it (what ever it is); the material that exploded just happened to be there in the beginning when there was nothing.
there was something in the beginning - the stuff!
The universe isn't apparently a giant explosion either,
Based on what? *Why* isn't there a giant explosion.

Fraggle Rocker - if this is dry humor, it's going way over my head.
Why can't god be replaced with some other entity like another existence that is subject to different laws (incomprehensible for us just like you like to think your god is) in which something happened to create our existence, or the Big Bang or whatever?

Because all entities and existences need to be created because they are part of the universe/creation, even if they are in another "dimension". The reason God doesn't need to be created is that he is not an entity, he is just the source of everything.

So you don't believe that reality can exist without humans around to perceive it, then?

If I perceive something and you don't, it exists for me but not for you. Humans are not the creators of reality because they are our creations. Like we said in the Bible: "Let us create man in our image."

No it wouldn't.

In reality there are no laws, so there is not even laws against creating laws. That's why laws exist.

So the last 100 years of physics is wrong, then? you should tell NASA that satellites can't possibly work before they waste all that money.

In reality it's magnetism that holds planets on their orbits, and gravity is a form of magnetism. But it's not important to know it. Physicists can still do useful things like satellites.

Understanding reality is not important because it's all just magnetism, God, nothing, anyway. God makes a computer work, but that information doesn't help you to build a computer. You have to understand more specific how God makes it work.

....... :bugeye: By the application of geological forces. Are you new to earth?

You earth-beings don't understand that forces have to be alive, otherwise they would have no reason to want to make earthquakes.
I'm just showing you the possibility of creation. I choose to believe God was the creator. What ever you believe is what you believe.

An explosion that supposedly happened from nothing invoking its will upon it (what ever it is); the material that exploded just happened to be there in the beginning when there was nothing. Seems a little off that something came from nothing yet this is what is taught to our children.

The universe isn't apparently a giant explosion either, but some scientist who believe in the Big Bang say it came from one. I'm showing the possibility of where the universe came from.
Hmmm... And why would you need to do this when the current state of the universe is very nicely explained by the Big Bang (horrible name - thanks Fred...) theory including highly accurate predictions of the CMB, observed abundances of light elements (fusion nucleosynthesis in the first ~3 minutes), cosmic redshift...

There's no need whatsoever to invoke magic. Plus, no scientist claims anything about where the material of the universe ultimately "came from" and certainly not that it "came from nothing".
Being one of many who lambasted Dunn for the OP, I'm now wondering whether he was just sarcastic. If so, I apologize. It actually was not I who filed the report and issued the infraction, so obviously others were as confused as I was by what I hope was merely extremely dry humor that doesn't come across so well in print within an international community.

I'm glad it turned into a surprisingly reasonable discussion.

The poster seems to have packed his bags and gone to the religion section,
where he is again talking about sonoluminescence. Possibly dry humour again, but I don't see many people laughing.

You may need to apologise for your apology
and reFraggle him.

Reheated overcooked spam is not a pretty sight.
Fraggle Rocker - if this is dry humor, it's going way over my head.
I didn't mean I thought that the tract on pseudoscience that he linked to was written as a humorous piece. I was only referring to his post. He asked us what we thought of it, which could have been a way of saying, "Look at the clever way the Religious Redneck Retards are packaging their crackpottery these days." As I said, I lack the gene to digest sarcasm and it has gotten me in a lot of trouble out in the carbon world, and even a little bit here in the silicon world. I once infracted another guy for doing something very similar to this, but in that case members who were more familiar with him jumped up and said in essence, "Hey stupid, where's your sense of humor? Don't they have Joke Night any more over at Fraggle Rock?"
The poster seems to have packed his bags and gone to the religion section, where he is again talking about sonoluminescence. Possibly dry humour again, but I don't see many people laughing.
I have a much more serious enzyme imbalance when it comes to religion so I tend to stay away from that board. It gives me wretching fits and I start having delusions of Revenge For The Inquisition. I'll take your word for it on that one. The rules about anti-scientific trolling are suspended over there. About the only way you can get busted on Religion is for personal insults and racism, and I have no idea whether even those rules are enforced.
You may need to apologise for your apology and reFraggle him.
Actually it was not I who issued the Infraction, not I who filed the Report, and not I who called for locking the thread, so I had no impact on his membership status. My apology was conditional, based upon the possibility that he was being sarcastic. So far he has not stepped forward to resolve the issue. All I know is that I have read some of his other posts on SciForums and he did not come across as a Religious Redneck Retard.
with all due respect, this is not for you alone to say.
No, but I've been saying it for months and you are the first member to question it as a reasonable interpretation of our rules and policies.

Religious people are as welcome as anyone so long as they follow the rules. There are still quite a few people out there who don't perceive a clash between science and faith, including such luminaries as the Pope.

Religious trolls are as unwelcome as any other trolls who flout science. I simply keep them on a much shorter leash because of the war they launched on science in America about 25 years ago.