Science of Water Memory?

Since you are devoid of any evidence as per all your crazy claims, here is an up to date paper........
  • January 2017
The Controversy Over the “Memory of Water”

For a very long time, the idea of the “memory of water” tantalized not only the homeopathic community, but
also serious scientists and researchers like Luc Antoine Montagnier, a recipient of the Nobel Prize.
This misconception originated from an experiment conducted by the famous allergologist, Dr. Jacques Benveniste.
He claimed
to have shown in an in vitro experiment that highly dilute potencies of bee poison (apis mellifi-
ca), even beyond the Avogadro number, are capable of producing structural changes in living organisms in the
same way that the real poison from the bee can bring these changes about, being the actual degranulation of
basophils. His paper was published in Nature under an obligation to prove his findings in front of a scientific
committee in his own laboratory. Benveniste could not reproduce the results that his team was claiming.
When a similar experiment was repeated by a different group of scientists and filmed by the BBC, it also failed.

While it was obvious that the experiment was proved to be false, the scientific community concluded, by an
extension of logic, that since the experiment was false, therefore homeopathy must also be a false system of
Despite the fact that the experiment was repeatedly invalidated, some scientists, especially in the homeopath-
ic community, continued to believe that Benveniste’s findings were true.

In this way, the scientific community remains in confusion as to whether: a) water has memory, or b) homeop-
athy is or is not a valid system of therapy.
Since I have been an eye-witness of these events from their very beginnings, I am giving an account of the real
story for both the homeopathic community and the sceptic

To be Clear people . Memory of water is about the physics , the enviroment , the capturing of the movement in Water . Vibration .
    • To be Clear people . Memory of water is about the physics , the enviroment , the capturing of the movement in Water . Vibration .
    • We are all clear river as per the 2017 paper I just posted. It seems you are the only one that still can't support what you say.


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Investigate Water , google , what ever , just investigate . Take a month , 2wks , 1wk . What did you find ?
I have given you two papers, and yet you still are playing hard to get.
C'mon river, give us some facts re your mythical claim and stop hiding and being obtuse.
I think we can conclude along with the hundreds of thousands of people here, and watching, and hanging on river's every word,:p that he really has SFA to offer or to say supporting this silly mythical crap about water having memory.
I told you to go to , youtube . I'm sure many have , have you not the many ?
U tube?? That's where you got your atomic war between aliens on Mars from river?

I think we can conclude along with the hundreds of thousands of people here, and watching, and hanging on river's every word,:p that he really has SFA to offer or to say supporting this silly mythical crap about water having memory.
Although I am not discussing about efficacy from small dose in topic because it is already well observed by homeooathic community since long back.
But science has shown homeopathic crap is false, it is just an expensive placebo. The homeopathic community is comprised of charlatans and fools.
But science has shown homeopathic crap is false, it is just an expensive placebo. The homeopathic community is comprised of charlatans and fools.
Things can change in science with new understandings. Studies did not shown nil outcome but shown less outcómes than modern medicines. Nil molecular presence was main issue for getting odd preceptions. Moreover there is also a new understsnding about wrong type of dilutions used which mostly should had deviated for getting right outcomes in studies.
Things can change in science with new understandings.
Of course. But the chance of magic becoming science is not likely.
Studies did not shown nil outcome but shown less outcómes than modern medicines.
Wrong, homeopathy has been shown to do nothing.
Nil molecular presence was main issue for getting odd preceptions. Moreover there is also a new understsnding about wrong type of dilutions used which mostly should had deviated for getting right outcomes in studies.
Nope, homeopathy is crap.