Science is Garbage (read 1st post then vote)

Science is.... garbage?

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I said a rat and an eagle. Not pets. Under what circumstances would a wild rat feel joy? I bet even giving birth would not produce this emotion.

They sure do, at least what seems like joy. Most of the animals I have had the pleasure of working with rats, sharks, rabbits. They get so excited when they see someone they care about like when perhaps the caretaker or family members of theirs. Humans are different, but I don't think we're special. I think its sort of conceited to think that we are the only ones who feel love, happiness, pain, and grief.
she is the only one who seems to be getting enough sex to funtion normally:p
Why does the artist create? Because he likes to create. Why does he like to create? Perhaps we should just have some faith that he likes to create... because he just likes to, perhaps that is then a piece of God inside? Hmmmm
perhaps its just craving for fame and money..hmmmm ;)

no need for faith at all,silly.