Science is Garbage (read 1st post then vote)

Science is.... garbage?

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I've decided that science cannot explain everything, and as such, science is merely a way for us humans to attempt to control our environment around us.

Scientists think they can explain joy. No scientist out there can actually prove any theory that tries to explain joy. In fact, I would go as far to say that self awareness is in-fact "magic" which cannot be explained away by any godless scientist. They will try to tell you that its all just brain chemicals, and that you're pretty much just a complex "bio-robot." That is the most dull outlook on life to have ever hit humanity in the face!!! Those scientists lead gray and boring lives. They have no "magic" in their lives because they refuse to see it, in order to promote their careers towards higher pay, greater laziness and intensified close-mindedness... LOL

Perhaps there is a computer out there which is programmed to make "pleasurable music" but I tell you this, no computer will ever be able to enjoy music. Artificial Intelligence is a physical impossibility. Knowledge cannot be mixed with feeling by human hands, and any knowledge that cannot feel, such as your computer, is therefore a "Dead Zoo."
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No science can not explain everything, it is merely an attempt that humans have made to help them better understand the world around them. Humans are curious and inquistive by nature. I can't say that religion is much better though. It is the exact same thing as science in my book, an attempt to understand the world around us. Science can only test the observable, so where science stops faith begins. Its sad when scientist become so engrossed in science that it becomes like a religion to them. They have forgotten what science is really all about, which is discovery not trying to prove everybody else wrong.
science doesnt claim to be able to explaine everything, quite the oposite. Science is a method to protect us from being "conned" by the cleaver missdirect of natures issiunists
I get the implied idea, from the way science is presented, that one day "humans will be able to explain everything with all of these unbreakable scientific laws we've established." And I propose that joy is one of those things that can never be explained with science and the same goes for consciousness/selfawareness itself.

I recall that sometime in the seventeenth or eighteenth century, the British made a volume of books which proposed that all of humanities inventions had already been invented, that all scientific knowledge that could be discovered, had been discovered already and put inside that funny little set of books.

I'm sure God had a good laugh when that happened.
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I get the implied idea, from the way science is presented, that one day "humans will be able to explain everything with all of these unbreakable scientific laws we've established." And I propose that joy is one of those things that can never be explained with science and the same goes for consciousness/selfawareness itself.

I recall that sometime in the seventeenth or eighteenth century, the British made a volume of books which proposed that all of humanities inventions had already been invented, that all scientific knowledge that could be discovered, had been discovered already and put inside that funny little set of books.

That's terrible and I think an insult to science. The day that science has explained everything would be a very very sad day indeed, not that that day will ever come. Wonder and discovery is what makes science so great. At least that is why I love it.
If one cannot explain joy/self-awareness with science (which cannot be done) then one cannot truly explain anything and we can only understand the direct affects of life through experiencing it, and never HOW it happens just THAT it happens. Life is good! (I believe life is destined choice, the only contradiction of reality that isn't contradictory, since no mathematical equation can be created to predict what an artist will create, but that something does get created affected by the personality and surroundings + spiritual energy of, into, and out of the artist/soul)
umm it depends on which branch of science you want to relie i guess. if your asking can nero science explaine joy then they would go into the pleasure centers of the brain and say that stimulation of there area's elicits and euforic sensation.

If you ask a psycologist on the other hand you will get an explanation which relates to how cognitive thinking and enviromental factors influance mood.

So i guess its down to how you want to look at it. your right that for the moment we cant fully conect neroscience to psycology though
If you need someone to explain joy or any other emotion then you're missing some larger points in life.
I get the implied idea, from the way science is presented, that one day "humans will be able to explain everything with all of these unbreakable scientific laws we've established." And I propose that joy is one of those things that can never be explained with science and the same goes for consciousness/selfawareness itself.

Pardon my being so direct and blunt - but that's about THE stupidest thing I've ever heard anyone say!!!!

Science does not claim to have all the answers and only the dullest minds alive would expect it to EVER have them all. That's just plain, uneducated infantile thinking!

Without science, we would not be able to feed as many people as we do, most would still die by their mid-20s - disease and pestilence would run rampant across the whole world! And there are far, FAR to many more things to list here - THOUSANDS of them.

Once you get over whatever it was you just smoked or the drug you took, perhaps you might want to come back with some STRONG rethinking about what you just said. (I could easily say more about your obvious lack of mental abilities but it would get me banned permanently.)
I don't think neurologists or psychologists can explain why artists find joy in creating.

Why does the artist create? Because he likes to create. Why does he like to create? Perhaps we should just have some faith that he likes to create... because he just likes to, perhaps that is then a piece of God inside? Hmmmm
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Read-Only: It doesn't take a Sherlock to see that understanding how things work can get you a really fat ego, so fat that the existence of an eternal God becomes an impossibility in that mind.

Read-Only, once you get over your tremendously fat ego, please return to the religion threads and reconsider.
that is the provance of psycology for the moment. The difference being that nerology deals with the brain and nero system as it apears from the outside where as psycology deals with the "Me". Maybe in the future nerology will be able to explaine the "Me" and the two will fuse, maybe not. Who knows what will happen in the future
Science tries to explain things with things like "Quantum Mechanics". But who knows what that is? I don't. And I know a lot about science:

Why does the artist create? Because he likes to create. Why does he like to create?

"Religion answers why, science answers how." Goddidit -- science answers how.

Perhaps we should just have some faith that he likes to create... because he just likes to, perhaps that is then a piece of God inside? Hmmmm

Yeah, but are you sure that God is not just a piece of garbage too?
Science tries to explain things with things like "Quantum Mechanics". But who knows what that is? I don't. And I know a lot about.

"Religion answers why, science answers how." Goddidit -- science answers how.

Yeah, but are you sure that God is not just a piece of garbage too?

Well, I believe each person to be a piece of the God-Force, definitely not garbage, to the contrary, quite recyclable. :rolleyes: :D

***Running out of brain juices***
The explanations of science were never intended to rob us of the joy and wonder of life, just read anything by Carl Sagan, this was a favorite subject of his. Indeed, science reveals more to be captivated by than we could even know without it.

Joy is an evolved trait necessary to the health of a living being, Epicurus described that centuries ago. No creature could survive in a perpetual state of pain and depression. Evolution leads to life that is suited to it's surroundings, pleasure guides it to do the beneficial thing, mostly reproduce.

Self awareness is information, but that fact is not intended to take the joy out of life. If your joy is to be found in ignorance, it is not very well grounded to begin with.