Savage Beating at McDonalds


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
A video of two women beating another women to the point that she's bleeding from the head and goes into a seizure at a McDonalds as a crowd watches and does nothing to help has gone viral. Worse yet, the Person recording the video (a McDonalds employee) is heard repeatedly telling the attackers to flee before the police arrive as the victim lies on the floor bleeding and having a seizure.

Here's the video:

A McDonald’s worker has taken credit for filming and uploading to YouTube the latest viral video to capture a brutal assault at a fast food restaurant.

The employee
, identified as Vernon Hackett on social network accounts, posted the video clip to his YouTube page earlier this week. According to his Facebook page, the 22-year-old Hackett, pictured at rig
ht, has worked for McDonald's since September 2009.

The April 18 assault, seen below, took place at a McDonald’s location on Kenwood Avenue in Rosedale, Maryland, a Baltimore suburb. According to the Baltimore County Police Department, a 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile in connection with the assault, while charges are pending against an 18-year-old woman. “The incident remains under investigation and the State’s Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case,” added investigators.

Police have identified the assault victim as a 22-year-old woman "who appeared to be having a seizure" when officers arrived at the McDonald's at around 8 PM.

A manager at the Rosedale McDonald’s said she was “not allowed to speak to a reporter." In a corporate statement this afternoon, McDonald’s said it was “shocked by the video from a Baltimore franchise,” and called the incident “unacceptable, disturbing and troubling.” The firm added, “We are working with the franchisee and the local authorities to investigate this matter.”

Apparently, the victim was a transsexual and the crowd can actually be heard chanting "Beat that Trans woman!".

Should McDonalds (and/or the police) take action against the employees who not only didn't help the victim, but actually cheered on the attackers and aided in their escape?
A video of two women beating another women to the point that she's bleeding from the head and goes into a seizure at a McDonalds as a crowd watches and does nothing to help has gone viral. Worse yet, the Person recording the video (a McDonalds employee) is heard repeatedly telling the attackers to flee before the police arrive as the victim lies on the floor bleeding and having a seizure.

Here's the video:

Apparently, the victim was a transsexual and the crowd can actually be heard chanting "Beat that Trans woman!".

Should McDonalds (and/or the police) take action against the employees who not only didn't help the victim, but actually cheered on the attackers and aided in their escape?

Already started a thread on this:


[edit: different rampage]
Should McDonalds (and/or the police) take action against the employees who not only didn't help the victim, but actually cheered on the attackers and aided in their escape?

thats a complicated moral and ethical dilemma, eh mad?
i recommend the scotus take this up
i can't watch the video. shit like that makes me sick. i'd like to inject a poll here and ask how many of us would have stepped in to try to help her? i would have. and before anyone says it, yes, i would have rather ended up bleeding and in a seizure on the floor with her, than to have to live with myself knowing i did nothing.
Should McDonalds (and/or the police) take action against the employees who not only didn't help the victim, but actually cheered on the attackers and aided in their escape?

i also hope this is a rhetorical question. if i had my way every one of those motherfuckers would be hung in a public square right along side the attackers, and perhaps then if people won't stand up and do the right thing because they're brave, then they'll stand up and do the right thing because they're afraid not to.
Dear lack-of-god...

I hope those women fucking die slowly of cancer.

now i know you would have tried to help her right? i mean come on, people like me and you (or maybe just me and you i don't know) are just waiting for an opportunity like this right? shit, if me and VI had been there, instead of a savage beating, there would have been a massacre.

and i apologize now for doing this to you, but you said it. :p after stewing on this i couldn't help but say, "and people think i'm fucking crazy for believing in god, and for testifying to some of the things i have, and for my ideas, and my determination".

WELL FUCK YOU. (not you VI)

i think it's fucking crazy that i have to live in a world where shit like this and much worse goes on EVERY FUCKING DAY!


reality is much more unbelievable than the supernatural.
I agree.

You watch a beating and don't so much as call the police, you are fucking subhuman and you really need to die.

and apparently there are a hell of a lot of people that would fall into that category.

let the extermination begin.
reality is much more unbelievable than the supernatural.
I hear you, but man's capacity for (insert desired word, e.g. stupidity, terrorism, cruelty, etc.) knows no bounds. As is demonstrated daily.

The real question is, what in the hell makes people behave in this fashion? Do they have no empathy? Are we all socio / psycho-paths under the right conditions? I mean, WTF?
I hear you, but man's capacity for (insert desired word, e.g. stupidity, terrorism, cruelty, etc.) knows no bounds. As is demonstrated daily.

The real question is, what in the hell makes people behave in this fashion? Do they have no empathy? Are we all socio / psycho-paths under the right conditions? I mean, WTF?

i think VI said it best, all i know is that there are enough people in this world to take a stand, and the rest need to go. the sooner the better.
The real question is, what in the hell makes people behave in this fashion?
Is "McTrash" already a word, or did it just pop into my mind?

Do you know which McD employee is in the biggest trouble? Vernon Hackett for shooting and uploading the video. He's all done because he aired McD's dirty laundry. Everyone else can claim that it was too dangerous or they were outnumbered for them to intervene.

As for guys stepping in, don't you watch Hollywood movies. Guys need a woman around (a sidekick or bystander) to step in when it comes to beating up the bad women.
Apparently, the victim might have brought this on his/herself by refusing to leave the women's rest room. She also has a police record. I would have definitely prevented the women from beating her, but she's not so innocent. I would expect most women to freak out when there's a man in their bathroom.
You may be right, Spidergoat, there's always two sides of a story. But two wrongs as they say...

I don't fault anyone who might have not jumped in, because you never know how something like this can escalate. But cheering it on, they're just as bad as the fighters. And from an employee perspective, they're liable if they didn't do all they could short of breaking up the fight, ie 9-1-1, get other customers out for safety and crowd control, etc.

The video taker, well, he's gone. Sorry...that's basic PR for a major company, you don't take things outside to the media...and if he was also cheering it on or helping the attackers....yeah.

And no, I didn't watch it. I don't have the stomach for stupidity like that either.
Apparently, the victim might have brought this on his/herself by refusing to leave the woman's rest room.
Please? How, under any circumstances, would this deserve a beating? If you find a chickie in the men's restroom at McDonalds tonight, are you going to "beat the shit out of her"? I think not.

Perhaps you might reconsider that assertion...

She also has a police record.
This makes her guilty and deserving of a beating. leading to a seizure? I don't think so.

I would have definitely prevented the women from beating her...
Well, that's a point in your favor. It is good that you retain the ability to be compassionate.

...but she's not so innocent. I would expect most women to freak out when there's a man in their bathroom.
Agreed, but not to the point of assault and battery. Right?
I don't know, you can't talk shit to black women in Baltimore, you will get your ass beat.
this is very tame. i've seen far worse in school yards. i'm talking about all out stomping and punching. also, people abuse behind closed doors. people also spank and hit their kids so this is not surprising. it's just that adults are expected to not do this in public to eachother.